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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Racket macro idiomaticity
#lang racket
(define (call/environment-variables thunk bindings)
;; This is a conventional call-with-whatever function: it calls thunk
;; with an environment augmented by bindings which is a list of pairs of
;; names and values
(let ([e (environment-variables-copy
(for ([b bindings])
(match-let ([(list n v) b])
(environment-variables-set! e n v)))
(parameterize ([current-environment-variables e])
;;; My original overcomplicated version
;(define-syntax (with-environment-variables stx)
; ;; This is the macro. The only significant thing here is that I want everything
; ;; to be evaluated: both names and values of variable (I am not sure why), so
; ;; (w-e-v ([n v] ...) ...) -> (call/ev (λ () ...) (list (list n v) ...))
; (syntax-case stx ()
; [(_ () body ...)
; #'(call/environment-variables (λ () body ...) '())]
; [(_ (binding ...) body ...)
; #`(call/environment-variables
; (λ () body ...)
; (list #,@(for/list ([b (syntax->list #'(binding ...))])
; (syntax-case b ()
; [(n v)
; #'(list n v)]))))]))
;;; bmastenbrook's pretty version
;(define-syntax with-environment-variables
; (syntax-rules ()
; [(_ ([name value] ...) body ...)
; (call/environment-variables
; (λ () body ...) (list (list name value) ...))]))
;;; My less-pretty but, I think, equivalent version
(define-syntax (with-environment-variables stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ ([name value] ...) body ...)
(λ () body ...)
(list (list name value) ...))]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(let ([n #"FOO"] [v #"BAR"] [n2 #"FISH"] [v2 #"BAT"])
(λ () (environment-variables-ref (current-environment-variables) n))
`([,n ,v]))
(with-environment-variables ([n v])
(environment-variables-ref (current-environment-variables) n))
(with-environment-variables ([n v] [n2 v2])
(let ([e (current-environment-variables)])
(map (λ (n) (environment-variables-ref e n)) `(,n ,n2))))
`(,v ,v2)))
(with-environment-variables () (current-environment-variables))
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tfeb commented Jan 10, 2015

I'm a CL person, feeling my way around Racket's macro system. This works, but I'm wondering if

  • there is a more idiomatic way of doing something like this?
  • it actually is safe (hygenic I guess)?

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Hello Tim! Nice to see you on the Racket side of the world.

What you're doing is hygienic; generally speaking, you have to write something involving datum->syntax to actually break hygiene. But it's unnecessarily procedural - what you've written can be expressed very simply just using patterns:

(define-syntax with-environment-variables
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ ([name value] ...) body ...)
      (lambda () body ...)
      (list (list name value) ...)))))

No base case is required either; a ... pattern implicitly means "zero or more". Generally speaking, complex macros are still best written procedurally (and syntax-parse is a very nice tool for doing so), but when it's just a trivial pattern like this, I tend to write it in syntax-rules.

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tfeb commented Jan 12, 2015

Thank you! I had not understood two things I think: that ... is * not +, that it would work on compound expressions, and that the replacements could be hairy (ie it is smart enough to match ([name value] ...) to (list (list name value) ...)). Yes, that's three things: 'amongst our weapons are ...'.

The base case had also leaked in from an earlier macro, where I wanted the no-bindings case to transform into (begin ...) rather than calling a slightly-expensive function: I can't do that here since the environment is mutable so I need to make a new one anyway.

I've pushed a new version of the gist with your version and a (less good) version of mine which does the same matching I think: I presume that these are equivalent.

Anyway, thanks again: I've learned a thing.

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No problem; sometimes an example is worth a thousand documents. Your version is definitely equivalent to mine; the use of quasisyntax (the #` form) is the same as syntax (#') because you don't have any unquote forms, and syntax-rules is always trivially convertible to syntax-case:

(require (for-syntax (rename-in racket [syntax-rules racket:syntax-rules])))

  (define-syntax syntax-rules
    (racket:syntax-rules ()
      [(_ literals (pattern expansion) ...)
       (lambda (s)
         (syntax-case s literals
           (pattern #'expansion) ...))])))

Have you seen Greg Hendershott's "Fear Of Macros"? It might help if you're interested in continuing down the Racket macrology path:

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tfeb commented Jan 13, 2015

Thanks: it was meant to be #': the backquote got in by mistake.

I should look at "Fear Of Macros": I was aware of it but had (probably incorrectly) assumed it was aimed at people who aren't used to the idea of Lisp-family macros at all, rather than people trying to grok Racket's in particular.

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