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Created September 8, 2021 14:35
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Wolf, goat and cabbage puzzle in Coq
From Coq Require Import Lists.List. Import ListNotations.
Inductive Object :=
| Wolf
| Goat
| Cabbage.
Inductive Direction :=
| Right
| Left.
Definition eats (o1 o2 : Object) : bool :=
match (o1, o2) with
| (Wolf, Goat) => true
| (Goat, Wolf) => true
| (Goat, Cabbage) => true
| (Cabbage, Goat) => true
| _ => false
(* forbidden combinations to be left alone *)
Inductive NoEats : list Object -> Prop :=
| NoEatsNil : NoEats []
| NoEatsOne : forall o, NoEats [o]
| NoEatsMore : forall o os,
NoEats os -> forallb (eats o) os = false -> NoEats (o :: os).
(* First attempt; this has problems! *)
Inductive RiverCrossing :
Direction -> list Object -> list Object -> Prop :=
| initial : forall l,
In Wolf l ->
In Goat l ->
In Cabbage l ->
RiverCrossing Right l []
| goRightAlone :
forall l r,
NoEats l -> RiverCrossing Right l r ->
RiverCrossing Left l r
| goLeftAlone :
forall l r,
NoEats r -> RiverCrossing Left l r ->
RiverCrossing Right l r
| goRight :
forall o l r l' r',
In o l -> ~ (In o l') -> In o r' -> NoEats l' ->
RiverCrossing Right l r ->
RiverCrossing Left l' r'
| goLeft :
forall o l r l' r',
In o r -> ~ (In o r') -> In o l' -> NoEats r' ->
RiverCrossing Left l r ->
RiverCrossing Right l' r'.
Theorem solution : forall r,
In Wolf r ->
In Goat r ->
In Cabbage r ->
RiverCrossing Left [] r.
intros r Hw Hg Hc.
(* step 7 : [G] -G> [W; C] => [] || [G; W; C] *)
apply goRight with (o := Goat) (l := [Goat]) (r := [Cabbage; Wolf]).
(* Goat in initial left bank *)
apply in_eq.
(* Goat not in final left bank *)
apply in_nil.
(* Goat in final right bank *)
(* final left bank is empty, so it's safe *)
apply NoEatsNil.
(* step 6 : [G] <- [W; C] => [G] || [W; C] *)
apply goLeftAlone.
(* proof that Wolf doesn't eat Cabbage *)
apply NoEatsMore. apply NoEatsOne. trivial.
(* step 5 : [C; G] -C> [W] => [G] || [W; C] *)
apply goRight with (o := Cabbage) (l := [Cabbage; Goat]) (r := [Wolf]).
(* Cabbage in initial left bank *)
apply in_eq.
(* Cabbage not in final left bank *)
intros contra; inversion contra; inversion H.
(* Cabbage in final right bank *)
apply in_eq.
(* final left bank just has the Goat, so it's safe *)
apply NoEatsOne.
(* step 4 : [C] <G- [W; G] => [C; G] || [W] *)
apply goLeft with (o := Goat) (l := [Cabbage]) (r := [Wolf; Goat]).
(* Goat in initial right bank *)
simpl; right; left; reflexivity.
(* Goat not in final right bank *)
intros contra; inversion contra; inversion H.
(* Goat in final Left bank *)
simpl; right; left; reflexivity.
(* final right bank just has the Wolf, so it's safe *)
apply NoEatsOne.
(* step 3 : [W; C] -W> [G] => [C] || [W; G] *)
apply goRight with (o := Wolf) (l := [Wolf; Cabbage]) (r := [Goat]).
(* Wolf in initial left bank *)
apply in_eq.
(* Wolf not in final left bank *)
intros contra; inversion contra; inversion H.
(* Wolf in final right bank *)
apply in_eq.
(* final left bank just has the Cabbage, so it's safe *)
apply NoEatsOne.
(* step 2 : [W; C] <- [G] => [W; C] || [G] *)
apply goLeftAlone.
(* proof that Goat doesn't eat itself *)
apply NoEatsOne.
(* step 1 : [W; G; C] -G> [] => [W; C] || [G] *)
apply goRight with (o := Goat) (l := [Wolf; Goat; Cabbage]) (r := []).
(* Goat in initial left bank *)
simpl; right; left; reflexivity.
(* Goat not in final left bank *)
intros contra; inversion contra; inversion H; inversion H0.
(* Goat in final right bank *)
apply in_eq.
(* proof that Wolf doesn't eat Cabbage *)
apply NoEatsMore. apply NoEatsOne. trivial.
(* initial state: everyone on the left bank *)
apply initial.
(* Wolf on the initial left bank *)
simpl; left; reflexivity.
(* Goat on the initial left bank *)
simpl; right; left; reflexivity.
(* Cabbage on the initial left bank *)
simpl; right; right; left; reflexivity.
Hint Constructors Object : local.
Hint Constructors Direction : local.
Hint Constructors NoEats : local.
Hint Resolve eats : local.
Hint Unfold eats : local.
Hint Constructors RiverCrossing : local.
Hint Unfold In : local.
Hint Resolve in_nil : local.
Hint Resolve in_eq : local.
Hint Resolve ex_intro : local.
Theorem solution_auto : forall r,
In Wolf r ->
In Goat r ->
In Cabbage r ->
RiverCrossing Left [] r.
info_eauto with local.
Theorem bogus_solution : forall r,
In Wolf r ->
In Goat r ->
In Cabbage r ->
RiverCrossing Left [] r.
(* found by eauto *)
simple eapply goRight.
exact H1.
simple apply in_nil.
exact H1.
exact NoEatsNil.
(* oh no *)
simple apply initial.
exact H.
exact H0.
exact H1.
(* Second attempt *)
Module SecondAttempt.
(* this new definition seems more solid *)
Inductive RiverCrossing :
Direction -> list Object -> list Object -> Prop :=
| initial : forall l,
In Wolf l ->
In Goat l ->
In Cabbage l ->
RiverCrossing Right l []
| goRightAlone :
forall l r,
NoEats l -> RiverCrossing Right l r ->
RiverCrossing Left l r
| goLeftAlone :
forall l r,
NoEats r -> RiverCrossing Left l r ->
RiverCrossing Right l r
| goRight :
forall l r l' r',
(exists o,
In o l /\ ~ (In o r)
/\ (forall ol,
In ol l ->
(ol = o /\ In ol r') \/ (ol <> o /\ In ol l' /\ ~(In ol r')))
/\ (forall or,
(In or r -> (or <> o /\ In or r')))) ->
NoEats l' ->
RiverCrossing Right l r ->
RiverCrossing Left l' r'
| goLeft :
forall l r l' r',
(exists o,
In o r /\ ~ (In o l)
/\ (forall or,
In or r ->
(or = o /\ In or l') \/ (or <> o /\ In or r' /\ ~(In or l')))
/\ (forall ol,
(In ol l -> (ol <> o /\ In ol l')))) ->
NoEats r' ->
RiverCrossing Left l r ->
RiverCrossing Right l' r'.
Hint Constructors RiverCrossing : local.
(* still... *)
(* - seems overly complicated *)
(* - proof is "backwards" *)
(* - needs to specify [l] and [r] every step *)
(* - proof gets nested and nested... how to structure it? *)
End SecondAttempt.
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