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Last active June 26, 2019 12:57
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☐ What is Angular?
☐ Why is Angular?
☐ How to Install?
☐ How to create App?
☐ How to run App?
☐ Base
☐ Decorator
☐ Module
☐ Component
☐ Service/DI
☐ Router
☐ Life Cycles
File Structure:
☐ Src
☐ package.json
☐ angular.json
☐ tsconfig.json
☐ tslint.json
☐ editorconfig
Dive deep into Components:
☐ Parent and Child
☐ data binding
☐ pipes
☐ component
☐ Structure
☐ Attribute
Extending Boilerplate with Home page
☐ Create Simple Component
☐ Create Simple Router
☐ Create Simple Service
Create Front end of Task management app:
☐ Create header Component
☐ Create home Component
☐ Create request Service
☐ List all tasks list on home Component
☐ Add new task from home Component
Your tasks:
Extending Task Manager:
☐ Update task
☐ Delete task
☐ Export to PDF
☐ Export to Excel
Create Front end for Contact manager:
No auth required
Create Home component
Create header component
Create footer component
make header and footer as fixed
create router
Add new Contact -> new component
create service -> handle all requests
List all contacts
Delete Contact
Update Contact
What is Angular? -> One Framework across devices
Why Angular -> Single page Application, Speed, performance, Scalability, RXJS ( Reactive Ext for JS -> bring ASYNC programming, Eg: Observables support to angular)
What is Observables
compare to Promises
Simple Example
next(x) { console.log('data: ', x); },
error(err) { console.log('errors already caught... will not run'); }
Install Angular CLI -> npm install -g @angular/cli
this will install a global program called `ng` -> mean a"NG"ular
Create App
`ng new my-app` 'my-app' is user-defined
ng will prompt you features, accept defaults and enter
File Structure:
e2e => Test classes
app => dir has our all codes
asset => asset stuffs like img, css
environments => configurations
polyfills => browser compatibilty
style.css => affects entire app
karma => Test cases
package.json => project's meta
angular.json => Angular meta
tsconfig.json => ts configuration like compile info
tslint.json => linter config
editorconfig => Code standards protocals
Run App:
`ng serve` => will compile TS into JS and run the app.
`ng serve --open` => Opens running app into browser
Written on Typescript
NgModules is the heart of Angular, it helps to angular to differentiate components, module and inject dependencies on run time..etc
With decorators, we can configure and customize our classes.
anything starting with `@` is a decorator, there are dozen of decorators available. we can see them on the flow.
Every module has @ngModule decorator and it has the following metadata
declarations - The set of components, directives, and pipes (declarable) that belong to this module.
exports - Makes the declared view public so they can be used by other modules.
imports - This is where you import other modules.
providers - DEFINES SERVICES that can be injected into this module’s views.
bootstrap - The component used to launch the app, the AppComponent by default. All apps must have at least one. - Don't care now.
routers - define router here
it has own decorator @Component and it controls the `view`
selector: CSS goes here either inline or external file
templateURL: html template either inline or external file
providers: services that this component requires
Service and dependency injection
Hold values, function features that app needs.
Anything common should be here for reusability
Making requests,
validating user inputs such as authentication..etc
service will be injected into components when they need it so service is DI and it should have a @injectable decorator
All navigation paths are handled here
ngOnInit() - on init -> only once => do all network request here best practice - remaining check here
Create Component
`ng generate component tour`
create routing
add new routing in router file then add `routeLink`
Create header
use material if possible
strucutural -> changes the template strcuture -> ngIf, ngFor..etc
attribute -> change attr of tag -> ngStyle, [src] ,
binding syntax:
{{}}, [] -> 1 way src to view
() -> one way view to src
[()] => two way
☐ What is NoSQL and why should we use it - done
storage vs developer cost - done
Mongodb(Nosql) - done
☐ Difference and Similarity between NoSQL and SQL - done
Type, Scalability, Structure - done
☐ Advantages and Disadvantages - done
☐ Install and start MongoDB and Robo Mongo - done
☐ Install mongoose npm also show doc
Work with Mongoose:
☐ What is collection and how to use them
☐ Schema design ( don't too strict about relations)
☐ Creating models with Mongoose
CURD operations:
☐ create()
☐ insertMany()
☐ findOne()
☐ find()
☐ updateOne()
☐ update()
☐ updateMany()
☐ deleteOne()
☐ deleteMany()
Aggregation -
☐ $group
☐ $match
☐ $project
☐ count
☐ distinct
stage 1-> stage 2 -> stage on
☐ What are indexes and how to use them -
☐ regex -
☐ Search with regex for Where condition
Phone Contacts Application:
☐ Design and Create Collections
☐ Insert/Update/Delete/Read Contacts (CURD)
☐ View the total number of contact ( Aggregation - Count)
☐ View group of contact from the same city ( Aggregation - group )
Task Management Application:
☐ Design and Create Collections
☐ Insert/Update/Delete/Read Tasks (CURD)
name: String
description: String
startDate: String
endDate: String
isDone: String
☐ View the total number of tasks ( Aggregation - Count)
☐ View group of contact from the same date ( Aggregation - group )
☐ What is nodejs
☐ Single thread and event driven language and run time
☐ Why nodejs
☐ Nodejs depth - v8, event loop
☐ All about npm
☐ Node + npm locally globally and set environment paths
Ecma Script:
☐ What is ES
☐ Asynchronous vs Synchronous
☐ Class, Template strings, Object literals, Promise, await/async, Hoisting and Closure
☐ What is express
☐ Install express
☐ create basic API
☐ What is REST
☐ Available methods
☐ Basic API creation with express
MVC pattern:
☐ Creating strong and extendable MVC pattern for node app
Unit testing:
☐ Introduction for TDD
☐ Create sample unit testing with mocha, chai
Play Ground:
☐ Calculator app for understanding routes
☐ URL shortner with (Public API) to understand about making requests
☐ Get whether details from metaweather for handling multiple requests - Their Task for week ( Send City -> get ID -> make another request with woid -> parse sun rise and set timing)
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