;;; rigel-theme.el --- Custom face theme for Emacs
;; This theme was generated with vimco.el
;; You can get it from:
;; <https://github.com/UwUnyaa/vimco>
;;; Code:
(deftheme rigel)
(custom-theme-set-faces 'rigel
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#c43060"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:underline t :foreground "#b7cff9"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#ff5a67"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#1c8db2"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#1c8db2"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#7eb2dd"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#f08e48"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#9cf087"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#f08e48"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#77929e"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:foreground "#77929e"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:background "#f08e48"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:inverse-video t :background "#00ffff" :foreground "#002635"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:background "#002635" :foreground "#e6e6dc"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:underline t :background "#001a25"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:background "#517f8d" :foreground "#00ffff"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:background "#00384d" :foreground "#e6e6dc"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:style wave)))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:underline t :foreground "#77929e"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:inverse-video t :background "#194b5e"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:inverse-video t :background "#517f8d" :foreground "#e6e6dc"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:inverse-video t :weight bold :background "#00384d" :foreground "#e6e6dc"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:inverse-video t :weight bold :background "#00384d" :foreground "#e6e6dc"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:underline t :background "#002635" :foreground "#77929e"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:underline t :background "#002635" :foreground "#77929e"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:inverse-video t :background "#f08e48" :foreground "#002635"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:inverse-video t :background "#ffcc1b" :foreground "#002635"))))
((((class color)
(min-colors 89))
(:weight bold :foreground "Cyan")))))
(provide-theme 'rigel)
;; Local Variables:
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; End:
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