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Finding key-points (Harris corner detection), Descriptor (SIFT like descriptor), Matching (Euclidean distance, Cosine similarity, Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio), Finding Homography matrix (using SVD), Homogeneous transformation (using Backward Warping and Bi-linear Interpolation)
# ==================================================
# Md. Tahmid Hasan
# Web: tahmidhasan3003
# ==================================================
import cv2
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
inf = 999999999
sigma = .75 # Used for Gaussian
pi = 3.1416 # PI in mathematics
harrisK = 0.04 # Value of k in harris corner detection
nmsKSize = 5 # Non maximum supression kernel size
maxNoOfKeyPoints = 50 # Maximum number of key points
resizedDim = (400, 600) # Image resize dimension
# Derivation and other values of an image
def derivation(image):
image = np.float32(image)
kernelSize = 3 # Sobel kernel size: 3x3
offset = int(kernelSize/2)
height = image.shape[0]
width = image.shape[1]
magnitude = np.zeros((height,width), dtype=np.float32)
orientation = np.zeros((height,width), dtype=np.float32)
sobel_x = np.array([[-1,0,1],
sobel_y = np.array([[-1,-2,-1],
# Calculate X and Y derivative
dx = cv2.filter2D(image,-1,sobel_x)
dy = cv2.filter2D(image,-1,sobel_y)
# Calculate magnitude and orientation
for row in range(offset, height-offset):
for col in range(offset, width-offset):
sum1 = dx[row][col]
sum2 = dy[row][col]
magnitude[row][col] = math.sqrt((sum1**2)+(sum2**2))
orientation[row][col] = (math.atan2(sum2,sum1)*180/pi)+180 # 0 to 360 degree
print('Derivation: Done!')
dxx = dx**2
dyy = dy**2
dxy = dx*dy
return dxx, dyy, dxy, magnitude, orientation
# Generating Gaussian kernel
def generateGaussianKernel():
kernelSize = int(2*3*sigma)+1
offset = int(kernelSize/2)
gaussianKernel = np.zeros((kernelSize,kernelSize), dtype = np.float32)
doubleSigmaSquare = 2*sigma*sigma
sum1 = 0
for x in range(-offset,offset+1):
for y in range(-offset,offset+1):
tempNum = x*x+y*y
gaussianKernel[x+offset][y+offset] = (math.exp(-tempNum/doubleSigmaSquare))/(pi*doubleSigmaSquare)
sum1 += gaussianKernel[x+offset][y+offset]
gaussianKernel = (1.0/sum1)*gaussianKernel
return gaussianKernel
# Applying Gaussian filter & finding corner response applying threshold
def gaussianFilter(dxx, dyy, dxy, gaussianKernel):
kernelSize = gaussianKernel.shape[0]
offset = int(kernelSize/2)
maxValue = -inf
minValue = inf
height = dxx.shape[0]
width = dxx.shape[1]
cornerResponse = np.zeros((height,width), dtype = np.float32)
# Apply Gaussian filter
Sxx = cv2.filter2D(dxx,-1,gaussianKernel)
Syy = cv2.filter2D(dyy,-1,gaussianKernel)
Sxy = cv2.filter2D(dxy,-1,gaussianKernel)
# Calculate corner response
for row in range(offset, height-offset):
for col in range(offset, width-offset):
sum1 = Sxx[row][col]
sum2 = Syy[row][col]
sum3 = Sxy[row][col]
det = (sum1 * sum2) - (sum3**2) # Determinant
trace = sum1 + sum2 # Trace
r = det - harrisK*(trace**2) # Corner response
cornerResponse[row][col] = r
if maxValue < r:
maxValue = r
if minValue > r:
minValue = r
print('Apply Gaussian & calculate corner response: Done!')
return Sxx, Syy, Sxy, cornerResponse, minValue, maxValue
# Apply threshold on corner response value
def applyThreshold(cornerResponse, cornerThres):
height = cornerResponse.shape[0]
width = cornerResponse.shape[1]
thresholdResponse = np.zeros((height,width), dtype = np.float32)
count = 0
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
temp = cornerResponse[row][col]
if (temp > cornerThres):
thresholdResponse[row][col] = temp
count += 1
print('Total point (after applying threshold): ', count)
return thresholdResponse
# Adaptive Non Maximum Supression for picking max-threshold in a region
def maxPicker(thresholdResponse, cornerThres):
height = thresholdResponse.shape[0]
width = thresholdResponse.shape[1]
kernelSize = nmsKSize
while (1): # Continuous process
NMSThresholdResponse = np.zeros((height,width), dtype=float)
offset = int(kernelSize/2)
kernelRange = np.arange(-offset,offset+1,1)
increment = (2*offset)+1
count = 0
finalKeyPointList = []
for row in range(offset, height-offset, increment):
for col in range(offset, width-offset, increment):
maxValue = thresholdResponse[row][col]
maxValRow = row
maxValCol = col
for i in kernelRange:
for j in kernelRange:
temp = thresholdResponse[row+i][col+j]
if (maxValue < temp):
maxValue = temp
maxValRow = row+i
maxValCol = col+j
if (maxValue > cornerThres):
NMSThresholdResponse[maxValRow][maxValCol] = 255 # maxValue
finalKeyPointList.append([maxValue,maxValRow,maxValCol]) # Value, row and column
count += 1
if(count <= maxNoOfKeyPoints): # Fixed number of key points
kernelSize += 4
#print('Final kernel size of Adaptive NMS: ', kernelSize)
print('Total point (after applying non-maximum supression): ', count)
return NMSThresholdResponse, finalKeyPointList
# Marking the key points
def markPoints(inImage, finalKeyPointList):
outImage = inImage.copy()
radious = 3
thickness = 2
color = (255,0,0) # Blue in BGR
for item in finalKeyPointList:
row = item[1]
col = item[2], (col, row), radious, color, thickness) # Draw circle
return outImage
# Image generating from a matrix
def generateImage(inArray):
maxValue = -inf
minValue = inf
height = inArray.shape[0]
width = inArray.shape[1]
outArray = np.zeros((height,width), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
temp = inArray[i][j]
if maxValue < temp:
maxValue = temp
if minValue > temp:
minValue = temp
maxValue -= minValue
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
temp = inArray[i][j] - minValue
outArray[i][j] = int((255.0/maxValue)*temp) # Scale all value: 0 to 255
return outArray
# Harris corner detection technique
def cornerDetect(mainImage, imageNo):
print('Working on image ', imageNo, '...')
cv2.imwrite('OutputImages/1_'+str(imageNo)+'_1_mainImage.jpg', mainImage)
grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(mainImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv2.imwrite('OutputImages/1_'+str(imageNo)+'_2_grayImage.jpg', grayImage)
# Derivation
dxx, dyy, dxy, magnitude, orientation = derivation(grayImage)
# Apply Gaussian & Calculate Corner Response
gaussianKernel = generateGaussianKernel()
Sxx, Syy, Sxy, cornerResponse, minValue, maxValue = gaussianFilter(dxx, dyy, dxy, gaussianKernel)
# Set Threshold Value
#cornerThres = minValue + ((maxValue - minValue)*.5)
cornerThres = 100000000
print ('Threshold Value: ', cornerThres)
# Apply Threshold
thresholdResponse = applyThreshold(cornerResponse, cornerThres)
outImage = generateImage(thresholdResponse)
# Non Maximum Supression
NMSThresholdResponse, finalKeyPointList = maxPicker(thresholdResponse, cornerThres)
#NMSThresholdResponse = maxPicker2(thresholdResponse, pointsList)
outImage = generateImage(NMSThresholdResponse)
# Marking Corners
markedPoints = markPoints(mainImage, finalKeyPointList)
return magnitude, orientation, finalKeyPointList , markedPoints
# SIFT like descriptor
def descriptor(mag, ori, finalKeyPointList):
descList = []
for points in finalKeyPointList: # Each point in finalKeyPointList
# Left-top corner of the 16x16 patch of key point
startRow = points[1]-7
startCol = points[2]-7
# Container of values
hist = [0 for x in range(128)]
# Outer quardant
for row in range(4):
for col in range(4):
# Inner quardant
for inRow in range(4):
for inCol in range(4):
# Current position
posR = 4*row+inRow+startRow # Row
posC = 4*col+inCol+startCol # Col
posI = 32*row + 8*col # Index of hist
tempOri = ori[posR][posC]
tempMag = mag[posR][posC]
# Distribute the magnitude value between degrees according to distance.
# Nearest degree has the largest portion
if (tempOri < 45):
tempMag = (45-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+0] += tempMag
hist[posI+1] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
elif (tempOri >= 45 and tempOri < 90):
tempMag = (90-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+1] += tempMag
hist[posI+2] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
elif (tempOri >= 90 and tempOri < 135):
tempMag = (135-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+2] += tempMag
hist[posI+3] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
elif (tempOri >= 135 and tempOri < 180):
tempMag = (180-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+3] += tempMag
hist[posI+4] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
elif (tempOri >= 180 and tempOri < 225):
tempMag = (225-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+4] += tempMag
hist[posI+5] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
elif (tempOri >= 225 and tempOri < 270):
tempMag = (270-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+5] += tempMag
hist[posI+6] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
elif (tempOri >= 270 and tempOri < 315):
tempMag = (315-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+6] += tempMag
hist[posI+7] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
elif (tempOri >= 315):
tempMag = (360-tempOri)/45*tempMag
hist[posI+7] += tempMag
hist[posI+0] += (mag[posR][posC]-tempMag)
# Normalization (Euclidean)
sqSum = 0
for x in hist:
sqSum += (x**2) # Squared sum
sqSum = math.sqrt(sqSum)
for i in range(128):
hist[i] = hist[i]/sqSum
# Add to descriptor list. First part is position and second part is descriptor values: [[row, col], hist]
descList.append([[startRow+7, startCol+7], hist])
return descList
# Plot 16 bar chart from every 8 values of a descriptor
def plotGraph(desc):
#print('Pos: ',desc[0])
xCo = [i for i in range(8)] # x-coordinates
for i in range(16):
# y-coordinates
yCo = [j for j in desc[1][8*i:8*i+8]] # Each iteration index: 0...7, 8...15, 16...23, ...., 120...127
# labels for bars
tick_label = [j for j in range(0,360,45)] # 0, 45, 90, ..., 315
# plotting a bar chart
#plt.figure(), yCo, tick_label = tick_label), yCo, tick_label = tick_label, width = 0.8, color = ['red', 'green'])
plt.ylim(0, 1)
#plt.title(print('SIFT like descriptor of a keypoint: Quardant ',i+1))
plt.savefig('OutputImages/2_SIFT_Quardant_'+str(i+1)+'.png', bbox_inches='tight')
# Plot whole descriptor in a bar chart
def plotGraph2(desc):
#print('Pos: ',desc[0])
xCo = [i for i in range(1,129)] # x-coordinates
yCo = desc[1] # y-coordinates
#plt.figure(), yCo)
plt.ylim(0, 1)
#plt.title(print('SIFT like descriptor of a keypoint'))
plt.savefig('OutputImages/2_SIFT_Keypoint_1.png', bbox_inches='tight')
# Matching using Euclidean distance
def matchEuclid(descList, descList2, markedPoints, markedPoints2, selectPointNo):
color = (0, 255, 255) # Yellow color in BGR
thickness = 1 # Line thickness
count = 0
offset = markedPoints.shape[1]
choosenPairList = []
firstSecondBest = []
# Combine two matrix
horizontalCombined = cv2.hconcat([markedPoints, markedPoints2])
for item1 in descList:
minDist = inf
minDist2 = inf
startPoint = (item1[0][1], item1[0][0]) # (x, y) = (col, row) & stored as [row, col]
endPoint = (0, 0)
endPoint2 = (0, 0)
for item2 in descList2:
# Euclidean distance
dist = 0
for x in range(128):
dist += ((item1[1][x]-item2[1][x])**2)
dist = math.sqrt(dist)
if(minDist > dist): # Best match
# 2nd best
minDist2 = minDist
endPoint2 = endPoint
# 1st best
minDist = dist
endPoint = (offset+item2[0][1], item2[0][0]) # (x, y) = (col, row) & stored as [row, col]
elif(minDist2 > dist): # 2nd best
minDist2 = dist
endPoint2 = (offset+item2[0][1], item2[0][0]) # (x, y) = (col, row) & stored as [row, col]
# Store [start point, 1st best, 2nd best] = [[x,y],[v1,x1,y1],[v2,x2,y2]]
firstSecondBest.append([[startPoint[0], startPoint[1]], [minDist, endPoint[0]-offset, endPoint[1]], [minDist2, endPoint2[0]-offset, endPoint2[1]]])
# Thresholding on distance
thres = 0.6
if(minDist < thres):
count += 1
if count in selectPointNo: # Manually choosen
# Store as [x1, y1, x2, y2]
choosenPairList.append([startPoint[0], startPoint[1], endPoint[0]-offset, endPoint[1]])
cv2.line(horizontalCombined, startPoint, endPoint, color, thickness)
print ('Matching using Euclidean distance: Done!')
print ('Total matched (Euclidean distance under ', thres,'): ', count)
return horizontalCombined, choosenPairList, firstSecondBest
# Matching using Cosine Similarity
def matchCosSimilarity(descList, descList2, markedPoints, markedPoints2):
color = (0, 255, 255) # Yellow
thickness = 1 # Line thickness
count = 0
offset = markedPoints.shape[1]
# Combine two matrix
horizontalCombined = cv2.hconcat([markedPoints, markedPoints2])
for item1 in descList:
maxSim = -inf
startPoint = (item1[0][1], item1[0][0]) # (x, y) = (col, row)
endPoint = (0, 0)
for item2 in descList2:
# Cosine Similarity
a = item1[1]
b = item2[1]
simScore = (, b)) / (math.sqrt(, a))*math.sqrt(, b))) # using dot product
if(maxSim < simScore): # Best match
maxSim = simScore
endPoint = (offset+item2[0][1], item2[0][0])
# Thresholding on similarity score
thres = 0.75
if(maxSim > thres):
count += 1
cv2.line(horizontalCombined, startPoint, endPoint, color, thickness)
print ('Matching using Cosine similarity: Done!')
print ('Total matched (Cosine similarity above ', thres,'): ', count)
return horizontalCombined
# Matching using Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio (NNDR)
def matchNNDR(descList, descList2, markedPoints, markedPoints2, firstSecondBest):
color = (0, 255, 255) # Yellow
thickness = 1 # Line thickness
count = 0
offset = markedPoints.shape[1]
# Combine two matrix
horizontalCombined = cv2.hconcat([markedPoints, markedPoints2])
for item in firstSecondBest:
# item = [[x,y],[v1,x1,y1],[v2,x2,y2]]
ratio = item[1][0]/item[2][0]
startPoint = (item[0][0], item[0][1]) # (x, y)
endPoint = (item[1][1] + offset, item[1][2]) # (x1 + offset, y1)
# Thresholding on ratio
thres = .85
if(ratio < thres):
count += 1
color = (0, 255, 255) # Yellow
color = (0, 0, 255) # Red
cv2.line(horizontalCombined, startPoint, endPoint, color, thickness)
print ('Matching using Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio: Done!')
print('Total matched (NNDR under ', thres,'): ', count)
return horizontalCombined
# Mark choosen pair
def markChoosenPair(markedPoints, markedPoints2, choosenPairList):
color = (0, 255, 255) # Yellow
thickness = 2 # Line thickness
offset = markedPoints.shape[1]
# Combine two matrix
horizontalCombined = cv2.hconcat([markedPoints, markedPoints2])
for item in choosenPairList:
# item = [x1, y1, x2, y2]
startPoint = (item[0], item[1])
endPoint = (item[2] + offset, item[3])
cv2.line(horizontalCombined, startPoint, endPoint, color, thickness)
return horizontalCombined
# Generating matrix A in AH=0
def generateAMatrix(choosenPairList):
listLength = len(choosenPairList)
matA = np.zeros((listLength*2, 9), dtype=np.int32)
print('Choosen points:')
for i in range(listLength):
x = choosenPairList[i][0]
y = choosenPairList[i][1]
xp = choosenPairList[i][2]
yp = choosenPairList[i][3]
print('(x, y): (', x, ', ', y, ')\t(xp, yp): (', xp, ', ', yp, ')')
matA[i*2] = [-x, -y, -1, 0, 0, 0, x*xp, y*xp, xp]
matA[i*2+1] = [0, 0, 0, -x, -y, -1, x*yp, y*yp, yp]
return matA
# Calculating matrix H in AH=0 using SVD
def findHMatrix(matA):
u, s, vT = np.linalg.svd(matA)
matH = vT[-1] # last row of vT = last column of v
matH = np.reshape(matH,(3,3))
matH = matH/matH[2][2]
return matH
# Apply H to transform an image
def applyHMatrix(inImage, matH):
# Finding transformed position of 4 corners of input image
xc = []
yc = []
xyc = np.matmul(matH,np.array([1,1,1]))
xyc = np.matmul(matH,np.array([inImage.shape[1],1,1]))
xyc = np.matmul(matH,np.array([1,inImage.shape[0],1]))
xyc = np.matmul(matH,np.array([inImage.shape[1],inImage.shape[0],1]))
# Define transformed matrix size & offset
xc = np.array(xc) # Convert list into array
yc = np.array(yc)
xOffset = min(xc)
tMatWidth = max(xc)
yOffset = min(yc)
tMatHeight = max(yc)
tMatWidth = tMatWidth-xOffset
tMatHeight = tMatHeight-yOffset
transformedMatrix = np.zeros((tMatHeight, tMatWidth, 3), dtype = np.uint8) # (tMatHeight, tMatWidth) = (row, col)
# Backward warping
matH = np.linalg.inv(matH) # Inverse of matrix H
for row in range(transformedMatrix.shape[0]):
for col in range(transformedMatrix.shape[1]):
xyc = np.matmul(matH,np.array([col+xOffset,row+yOffset,1]))
tempX = xyc[0]/xyc[2]
tempY = xyc[1]/xyc[2]
x = int(tempX)
y = int(tempY)
if (x >= 0 and y >= 0 and (x+1) < inImage.shape[1] and (y+1) < inImage.shape[0]):
# Bilinear interpolation
a = tempX - x
b = tempY - y
tempV = (1-a)*(1-b)*inImage[y][x]
tempV += (a*(1-b)*inImage[y][x+1])
tempV += ((1-a)*b*inImage[y+1][x])
tempV += (a*b*inImage[y+1][x+1])
transformedMatrix[row][col] = (tempV+0.5)
return transformedMatrix
# Finding difference between two images of same size
def findDifference(inImage, transformedImage):
height = inImage.shape[0]
width = inImage.shape[1]
differenceMatrix = np.zeros((height,width), dtype = np.uint8)
inImage = cv2.cvtColor(inImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
transformedImage = cv2.cvtColor(transformedImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
differenceMatrix[row][col] = abs(int(inImage[row][col])-int(transformedImage[row][col]))
return differenceMatrix
# Main part
def main():
# Main part 1: Keypoint (Corner)
print ('Problem 1: Harris Corner Detection\n')
# Image 1
mainImage1 = cv2.imread('Images/NotreDame1.jpg')
mainImage1 = cv2.resize(mainImage1, resizedDim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
magnitude1, orientation1, finalKeyPointList1, markedPoints1 = cornerDetect(mainImage1, 1)
print ()
# Image 2
mainImage2 = cv2.imread('Images/NotreDame2.jpg')
mainImage2 = cv2.resize(mainImage2, resizedDim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
magnitude2, orientation2, finalKeyPointList2, markedPoints2 = cornerDetect(mainImage2, 2)
print ('\nProblem 1 status: Done!\n')
# Main part 2: SIFT Like Descriptor
print ('\nProblem 2: SIFT like descriptor')
# Image 1
descList1 = descriptor(magnitude1, orientation1, finalKeyPointList1)
#plotGraph(descList1[0]) # Descriptor into 16 parts
plotGraph2(descList1[0]) # Whole descriptor
# Image 2
descList2 = descriptor(magnitude2, orientation2, finalKeyPointList2)
print ('\nProblem 2 status: Done!\n')
# Main part 3: Matching
print ('\nProblem 3: Matching\n')
# Euclidean distance
selectPointNo = [2,3,12,21]
matchedImage, choosenPairList, firstSecondBest = matchEuclid(descList1, descList2, markedPoints1, markedPoints2, selectPointNo)
cv2.imwrite('OutputImages/3_1_matching_Euclid.jpg', matchedImage)
print ()
# Cosine similarity
matchedImage2 = matchCosSimilarity(descList1, descList2, markedPoints1, markedPoints2)
cv2.imwrite('OutputImages/3_2_matching_CosSim.jpg', matchedImage2)
print ()
# Nearest Neighbor Distance Ratio (NNDR)
matchedImage3 = matchNNDR(descList1, descList2, markedPoints1, markedPoints2, firstSecondBest)
cv2.imwrite('OutputImages/3_3_matching_NNDR.jpg', matchedImage3)
print ('\nProblem 3 status: Done!\n')
# Main part 4: Generate A
print ('\nProblem 4: Generate Matrix A\n')
# Marking pairs
markedPairImage = markChoosenPair(markedPoints1, markedPoints2, choosenPairList)
cv2.imwrite('OutputImages/4_markedChoosenPair.jpg', markedPairImage)
# Generate matrix A
matA = generateAMatrix(choosenPairList)
print('Matrix A:\n', matA)
print ('\nProblem 4 status: Done!\n')
# Main part 5: Calculate H
print ('\nProblem 5: Calculate Matrix H\n')
matH = findHMatrix(matA)
print('Matrix H:\n',matH)
print ('\nProblem 5 status: Done!\n')
# Main part 6: Apply H
print ('\nProblem 6: Apply H to Transform\n')
# Applying H
transformedImage = applyHMatrix(mainImage1, matH)
# Concatenation
transformedImage = cv2.resize(transformedImage, resizedDim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
threeConcate = cv2.hconcat([mainImage1, mainImage2, transformedImage])
# Differenciation
# Difference between 2nd image and transformed image
differenceImage = findDifference(mainImage2, transformedImage)
print ('\nProblem 6 status: Done!\n')
print('\nAll are done! Check results...')
# Code starts from here
if __name__ == '__main__':
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