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Last active September 21, 2024 10:15
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Logseq advanced query for tasks table (including scheduled/deadline dates)

This is a logseq advanced query which fetches all your tasks, sorts them by (the earlier of) scheduled and deadline date if those are defined and then displays them in a table.

Here's how the query looks for the example tasks above:


  • TODO Do the dishes project:: [[Chores]] SCHEDULED: <2024-09-13 Fri> DEADLINE: <2024-09-15 Sun>
  • TODO Clean the bathroom project:: [[Chores]] SCHEDULED: <2024-09-14 Sat> DEADLINE: <2024-09-21 Sat>
  • TODO Homework project:: [[School]] SCHEDULED: <2024-09-20 Fri> DEADLINE: <2024-09-20 Fri>
{:title "BACKLOG"
:query [:find ?status (pull ?todo [*])
:keys status task
[?todo :block/marker ?status]
[(contains? #{"NOW" "LATER" "DOING" "TODO" "IN-PROGRESS" "WAIT" "WAITING"} ?status)]
; I keep all my templates in a page called "templates" and this is how I filter out TODOS defined insde them. You can delete it if you don't have such a page
(not [?todo :block/page [:block/name "templates"]])]
:result-transform (fn [result]
(min (fn [d] (get-in d [:task :block/deadline] 99999999)) (fn [d] (get-in d [:task :block/scheduled] 99999999)))
:view (fn [rows]
(defn dateformat [datestr]
(let [year (subs datestr 0 4)]
(let [month (subs datestr 4 6)]
(let [day (subs datestr 6 8)]
(str year "-" month "-" day)
[:div.overflow-x-auto.query-table {:width "100%"} [:table.table-auto
[:thead [:tr
[:th.whitespace-nowrap ">"]
[:th.whitespace-nowrap {:width "50%"} "Task"]
[:th.whitespace-nowrap "Project"]
[:th.whitespace-nowrap "Status"]
[:th.whitespace-nowrap "Scheduled"]
[:th.whitespace-nowrap "Deadline"]
[:tbody (for [r rows] [:tr
[:td.whitespace-nowrap [:a {:href (str "#/page/" (get-in r [:task :block/uuid]))} ">" ] ]
[:td.whitespace-nowrap (clojure.string/replace (first (str/split-lines (get-in r [:task :block/content]))) (re-pattern "^[^ ]+ ") "")]
[:td.whitespace-nowrap (if (not (nil? (get-in r [:task :block/properties :project]))) [:a {:href (str "#/page/" (first (get-in r [:task :block/properties :project])) )} (str "[[" (first (get-in r [:task :block/properties :project])) "]]") ]) ]
[:td.whitespace-nowrap (str (get-in r [:task :block/marker])) ]
[:td.whitespace-nowrap (dateformat (str (get-in r [:task :block/scheduled]))) ]
[:td.whitespace-nowrap (dateformat (str (get-in r [:task :block/deadline]))) ]
]) ]
] ]
:collapsed? false}
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