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Get IANA Port Number Registry
function Get-IanaPortNumberRegistry {
function Invoke-DownloadIanaPortNumberRegistry {
$InvokeWebRequestParams = @{
Uri = ''
OutFile = $OutFile
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
Verbose = $false
try {
Invoke-WebRequest @InvokeWebRequestParams | Out-Null
catch {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AlternatePath') -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RefreshCache')) {
$Action = 'SetAlternatePath','Download','ReadCache'
} elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RefreshCache') -and -Not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AlternatePath') ) {
$Action = 'SetPath','Download','ReadCache'
} elseif ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('AlternatePath') -and -Not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('RefreshCache') ) {
$Action = 'SetAlternatePath','ReadCache'
} elseif (Get-Variable -Name IanaRegistryCache -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$Action = 'SetPath','ReadCache'
} else {
$Action = 'SetPath','Download','ReadCache'
'Performing the following actions : {0}' -f ($Action -join ', ') | Write-Verbose
switch ($Action) {
'SetPath' {
if (Get-Variable -Name IanaRegistryCache -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
if ($global:IanaRegistryCache -eq (Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'IanaRegistryCache.xml')) {
'Existing IanaRegistryCache path : {0}' -f $global:IanaRegistryCache | Write-Verbose
} else {
$global:IanaRegistryCache = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'IanaRegistryCache.xml'
'User TEMP IanaRegistryCache path updated: {0}' -f $global:IanaRegistryCache | Write-Verbose
} else {
if (Test-Path -Path $env:TEMP) {
$global:IanaRegistryCache = Join-Path -Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath 'IanaRegistryCache.xml'
'User TEMP IanaRegistryCache path : {0}' -f $global:IanaRegistryCache | Write-Verbose
} else {
$global:IanaRegistryCache = Resolve-Path -Path '.\IanaRegistryCache.xml'
'Current folder IanaRegistryCache path : {0}' -f $global:IanaRegistryCache | Write-Verbose
'SetAlternatePath' {
if (Get-Variable -Name IanaRegistryCache -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
if ($global:IanaRegistryCache -eq (Resolve-Path -Path $AlternatePath)) {
'Existing IanaRegistryCache path : {0}' -f $global:IanaRegistryCache | Write-Verbose
} else {
$global:IanaRegistryCache = Resolve-Path -Path $AlternatePath
'Alternate IanaRegistryCache path updated : {0}' -f $global:IanaRegistryCache | Write-Verbose
} else {
$global:IanaRegistryCache = Resolve-Path -Path $AlternatePath
'Alternate IanaRegistryCache path : {0}' -f $global:IanaRegistryCache | Write-Verbose
'Download' {
try {
Invoke-DownloadIanaPortNumberRegistry -OutFile $global:IanaRegistryCache -ErrorAction Stop
'Downloaded IANA Port Number Registry' | Write-Verbose
catch {
'Unable to download. Removing IanaRegistryCache variable' | Write-Warning
Remove-Variable -Name IanaRegistryCache -Scope Global | Out-Null
'ReadCache' {
try {
[xml]$IanaPortNumberRegistry = Get-Content -Path $global:IanaRegistryCache -Raw -ErrorAction Stop
'Read Port Number Registry cache' | Write-Verbose
catch {
'Unable to read file; attempting to download' | Write-Warning
try {
Invoke-DownloadIanaPortNumberRegistry -OutFile $global:IanaRegistryCache -ErrorAction Stop
'Second attempt to download IANA Port Number Registry succeeded' | Write-Verbose
[xml]$IanaPortNumberRegistry = Get-Content -Path $global:IanaRegistryCache -Raw -ErrorAction Stop
'Read IANA Port Number Registry' | Write-Verbose
catch {
'Unable to download; removing IanaRegistryCache variable' | Write-Warning
Remove-Variable -Name IanaRegistryCache -Scope Global | Out-Null
$Format = @{l='Protocol';e={$_.protocol.ToUpper()}},
@{l='PortNumber';e={if ($_.number -like '*-*') { [int]::Parse($_.number.Split('-')[0])..[int]::Parse($_.number.Split('-')[1]) } else {$_.number} }},
$Filter = @()
if ($Protocol) {
$ProtocolFilter = @()
foreach ($Transport in $Protocol) {
$ProtocolFilter += '$_.Protocol -eq "{0}"' -f $Transport.ToLower()
$Filter += '(' + ($ProtocolFilter -join ' -or ') + ')'
if ($PortNumber) {
$PortFilter = @()
foreach ($Number in $PortNumber) {
$PortFilter += '{0} -in $_.PortNumber' -f $Number
$Filter += '(' + ($PortFilter -join ' -or ') + ')'
if ($ServiceName) {
$Filter += '$_.ServiceName -match "{0}"' -f $ServiceName
$FilterString = $Filter -join ' -and '
if ($Filter.count -gt 0) {
[scriptblock]$FilterScript = [scriptblock]::Create($FilterString)
$CacheDate = Get-ChildItem -Path $global:IanaRegistryCache
$DisplayInformation = [PsCustomObject]@{
Title = $IanaPortNumberRegistry.registry.title
XmlUpdated = $IanaPortNumberRegistry.registry.updated
Downloaded = $CacheDate.LastWriteTime
IanaRegistryCachePath = $global:IanaRegistryCache
Records = $IanaPortNumberRegistry.registry.record.count
Write-Information -MessageData $DisplayInformation
if ($FilterScript) {
'Search string: {0}' -f $FilterScript | Write-Verbose
$IanaPortNumberRegistry.registry.record |
Select-Object $Format |
Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript |
Select-Object -Property Protocol,PortNumber,ServiceName -Unique
} else {
'Retrieving all records' | Write-Verbose
$IanaPortNumberRegistry.registry.record |
Select-Object $Format
The command retrieves the IANA Port Number Registry entries using the
provided filter parameters.
The command retrieves the IANA Port Number Registry entries using the
provided filter parameters.
The IANA Port Number Registry is available as an XML file.
This command uses a global variable to store the path for the last
downloaded XML file to prevent numerous downloads.
The Protocol parameter will be used to filter the results.
The PortNumber parameter will be used to filter the results.
.PARAMETER ServiceName
The ServiceName parameter will be used to filter the results.
.PARAMETER RefreshCache
The RefreshCache parameter forces the command to download the registry xml
even if the registry is cached.
.PARAMETER AlternatePath
The AlternatePath parameter instructs the command to download to a different
path. By default, this file is downloaded to the user's TEMP folder.
PS > $IanaRegistry = Get-IanaPortNumberRegistry
Retrieves the entire port number registry into a variable.
Note: On subsequent runs, this will read the registry from the cache.
PS > Get-IanaPortNumberRegistry -Protocol TCP -PortNumber 25,110
Protocol PortNumber ServiceName
-------- ---------- -----------
TCP 25 Simple Mail Transfer
TCP 110 Post Office Protocol - Version 3
TCP 143 Internet Message Access Protocol
TCP 465 URL Rendezvous Directory for SSM
TCP 465 Message Submission over TLS protocol
TCP 993 IMAP over TLS protocol
TCP 995 POP3 over TLS protocol
Filters the cached registry for SMTP, POP, and IMAP entries.
PS > $UpdateRegistry = Get-IanaPortNumberRegistry -RefreshCache -InformationVariable MyInfo
PS > $Myinfo.MessageData
Title : Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
XmlUpdated : 2019-11-25
Downloaded : 11/30/2019 7:30:10 PM
IanaRegistryCachePath : C:\Users\Dave\AppData\Local\Temp\IanaRegistryCache.xml
Records : 14170
Forces a refresh of the cache by downloading the XML again.
This example also shows key information that is sent to the information stream.
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