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Employee 2013-09-12 01:44 PM
Re: number of 17 digits
As Gysbert says, such a large number cannot be displayed as an integer. The 64-bit IEEE float can only show 14 digits. Instead, you should try
fake_data_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([
], pd.date_range('2019-01-01', '2019-12-31')
], names=('who', 'date'))
fake_df = pd.DataFrame({
'increasing': np.arange(len(fake_data)),
'random': np.random.rand(len(fake_data))
}, index=fake_data_index)
#Create a new field 'datetime', which converts strings to a datetime object
# datetime object will make our x-axis look good, showing appropriate labels like "Feb 2018" etc...
pyber_data_df['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(pyber_data_df['date'])
# a datetime object *also* allows us to access the date part (2019-01-04) , ignoring the time-of-date part (05:39:20)
#Create another new field 'datedate' to store it
pyber_data_df['datedate'] = pyber_data_df['datetime'].dt.floor('d')
avg_fare_by_type_date = (pyber_data_df
#group by multiple fields by passing a list of those fields ;
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theredpea / 20191023__live_session__ufo_filter_neo_challenge.ipynb
Last active October 27, 2019 17:08
helping neo with some test data
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theredpea / DU_fall_analytics_baseball_player_most_frequent_position.sql
Last active October 27, 2019 16:52
finding a player's most frequent position
Nate, I am working on finding the primary position as we talked about. I have queried the db and summed each of the positions for a given player, but have hit a roadblock with finding the max and making that the primary position. I thought of using a CASE statement, but I would have to have a variable for the current max that updates as it looks at each position. I can do that in python, but I am not sure how to do that in sql. Thanks. I will paste my code below.
sum(G_all) Total_Games,
sum(GS) as Games_Started,
sum(G_p) as Games_Pitched,
sum(G_c) as Games_Catcher,
sum(G_1b) as Games_First_Base,
sum(G_2b) as Games_Second_Base,
sum(G_3b) as Games_Third_Base,
(* QlikView Expression Syntax *)
(* An extended subset of the script syntax file *)
(* *)
(* Things like function, field, macro and bookmark names are added at runtime *)
(* *)
SET l1 = SUM(1);
SET l2 = COUNT($(l1));
SET l3 = AVG($(l2));
TRACE $(l3); // traces "AVG(COUNT(SUM(1))", ok...
LET ll1 = 'SUM(1)';

Load this data:

LOAD DUAL(t,n) INLINE [ t,n A,1 B,2 C,3];

Select "A", create a bookmark