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Created January 17, 2015 11:58
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Duplicate Catalog Code
module HbiCatalog
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
### General Well-Being
# 0 Very Well
# 1 Slightly below par
# 2 Poor
# 3 Very poor
# 4 Terrible
name: :general_wellbeing,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "very_well", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "slightly_below_par", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "poor", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "very_poor", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 4, label: "terrible", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Abdominal Pain
# 0 None
# 1 Mild
# 2 Moderate
# 3 Severe
name: :ab_pain,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "none", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "mild", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "moderate", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "severe", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Number of Liquid/Soft Stools for the Day
name: :stools,
kind: :number,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: nil, meta_label: nil, helper: "stools_daily"}
### Abdominal Mass
# 0 None
# 1 Dubious
# 2 Definite
# 3 Definite and Tender
name: :ab_mass,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "none", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "dubious", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "definite", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "definite_and_tender", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Complications (1 point each)
# Arthralgia
# Uveitis
# Erythema nodosum
# Aphthous ulcers
# Pyoderma gangrenosum
# Anal fissure
# New fistula
# Abscess
name: :complication_arthralgia,
kind: :checkbox
name: :complication_uveitis,
kind: :checkbox
name: :complication_erythema_nodosum,
kind: :checkbox
name: :complication_aphthous_ulcers,
kind: :checkbox
name: :complication_anal_fissure,
kind: :checkbox
name: :complication_fistula,
kind: :checkbox
name: :complication_abscess,
kind: :checkbox
SCORE_COMPONENTS = %i( general_wellbeing ab_pain stools ab_mass complications )
QUESTIONS ={|questions|{|question| question[:name] }}.flatten
COMPLICATIONS = DEFINITION[4].map{|question| question[:name] }.flatten
included do |base_class|
validate :hbi_response_ranges
def hbi_response_ranges
ranges = [
[:general_wellbeing, [*0..4]],
[:ab_pain, [*0..3]],
[:stools, [*0..50]],
[:ab_mass, [*0..3]],
ranges.each do |range|
response = hbi_responses.detect{|r| == range[0]}
if response and not range[1].include?(response.value)
# TODO add catalog namespace here
self.errors.messages[:responses] ||= {}
self.errors.messages[:responses][range[0]] = "Not within allowed values"
validate :hbi_response_booleans
def hbi_response_booleans
HbiCatalog::COMPLICATIONS.each do |name|
response = hbi_responses.detect{|r| == name}
if response and not [0,1].include? response.value.to_i
self.errors.messages[:responses] ||= {}
self.errors.messages[:responses][name.to_sym] = "Must be true or false"
def hbi_responses{|r| r.catalog == "hbi"}
# def valid_hbi_entry?
# return false unless last_6_entries.count == 6
# !{|e| e.filled_hbi_entry?}.include?(false)
# end
def filled_hbi_entry?
(QUESTIONS - hbi_responses.reduce([]) {|accu, response| (accu << if}) == []
def complete_hbi_entry?
# def setup_hbi_scoring
# end
def hbi_complications_score
COMPLICATIONS.reduce(0) do |sum, question_name|
sum + (self.send("hbi_#{question_name}").to_i)
module Rapid3Catalog
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
### Over the last week were you able to.. ###
### Dress yourself, including tying shoelaces and doing buttons?
name: :dress_yourself,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Get in and out of bed?
name: :get_in_out_of_bed,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Lift a full glass of water to your mouth?
name: :lift_full_glass,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Walk outdoors on flat ground?
name: :walk_outdoors,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Wash and dry your entire body?
name: :wash_and_dry_yourself,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Bend down to pick up clothing from the floor?
name: :bend_down,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Turn regular faucets on and off?
name: :turn_faucet,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Get in and out of a car, bus, train, or airplane?
name: :enter_exit_vehicles,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Walk two miles or three kilometers, if you wish?
name: :walk_two_miles,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Participate in recreational activities and sports as you would like, if you wish?
name: :play_sports,
kind: :select,
inputs: [
{value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### !!! RAPID3 FORM SAYS: questions K-M have been found to be informative, but are not scored formally
### !!! So they are commented out
# ### Get a good night’s sleep?
# [{
# name: :sleep_well,
# section: 10,
# kind: :select,
# inputs: [
# {value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 1.1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# ]
# }],
# ### Deal with feelings of anxiety or being nervous?
# [{
# name: :deal_with_anxiety,
# section: 11,
# kind: :select,
# inputs: [
# {value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# ]
# }],
# ### Deal with feelings of depression or feeling blue?
# [{
# name: :deal_with_depression,
# section: 12,
# kind: :select,
# inputs: [
# {value: 0, label: "no_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 1, label: "some_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 2, label: "much_difficulty", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# {value: 3, label: "unable", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
# ]
# }],
### How much pain have you had because of your condition OVER THE PAST WEEK?
name: :pain_tolerance,
kind: :range,
step: 0.5,
inputs: [
{value: 0.0, label: "no_pain", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 10.0, label: "maximum_pain", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
### Considering all the ways in which illness and health conditions may affect you at this time, please indicate below how you are doing:
name: :global_estimate,
kind: :range,
step: 0.5,
inputs: [
{value: 0.0, label: "very_well", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
{value: 10.0, label: "very_poorly", meta_label: "", helper: nil},
SCORING_INDEX = [0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3, 1.7, 2.0, 2.3, 2.7, 3.0, 3.3, 3.7, 4.0, 4.3, 4.7, 5.0, 5.3, 5.7, 6.0, 6.3, 6.7, 7.0, 7.3, 7.7, 8.0, 8.3, 8.7, 9.0, 9.3, 9.7, 10]
SCORE_COMPONENTS = %i( functional_status pain_tolerance global_estimate )
QUESTIONS ={|questions|{|question| question[:name] }}.flatten
FUNCTIONAL_QUESTIONS = (QUESTIONS - [:pain_tolerance, :global_estimate])
included do |base_class|
validate :response_ranges
def response_ranges
ranges = [
[:pain_tolerance, (0..10).step(0.5).to_a],
[:global_estimate, (0..10).step(0.5).to_a],
FUNCTIONAL_QUESTIONS.each{|q| ranges << [q, [*0..3] ]}
ranges.each do |range|
response ={|r| == range[0]}.first
if response and not range[1].include?(response.value)
# self.errors.add "responses.#{range[0]}", "Not within allowed values"
self.errors.messages[:responses] ||= {}
self.errors.messages[:responses][range[0]] = "Not within allowed values"
def rapid3_responses{|r| r.catalog == "rapid3"}
def filled_rapid3_entry?
(QUESTIONS - responses.reduce([]) {|accu, response| (accu << if}) == []
def complete_rapid3_entry?
# def setup_rapid3_scoring
# end
# def finalize_rapid3_scoring(score)
# RAPID3_SCORING_INDEX[score.round-1] # "weight" the final score
# end
def rapid3_functional_status_score
score = FUNCTIONAL_QUESTIONS.reduce(0) do |sum, question_name|
sum + self.send("rapid3_#{question_name}")
def rapid3_pain_tolerance_score
def rapid3_global_estimate_score
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