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Add support for error terms with explicit constants to AsymptoticRing in SageMath for GSoC 2021

Project overview

The goal of this project was to extend SageMath with support for error terms with explicit constants to AsymptoticRing. We called these terms B-terms. Adding support was done in a modular fashion. Every ticket on the Trac-Server of SageMath represents a functional part of this project. These modules contain the initial support and different growth groups supported by AsymptoticRing.

At the end of the project we got a working product which enables SageMath users to do calculations like:

sage: A.<n> = AsymptoticRing('n^QQ', QQ)
sage: n^2 + A.B(n, valid_from=1) + 41
n^2 + B(42*n, n&gt;=1)