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Created July 30, 2017 08:38
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import clojure.lang.*;
import java.util.List;
* Created by thheller on 29/06/2017.
* <p>
* takes a SourceFile and extracts all require/import names
* similar to "detective" from node
* <p>
* I have no idea why Closure doesn't have something like this
* <p>
* FIXME: should probably be more like JSFileParser, actually parsing might not always be possible (eg. JSX)
public class JsInspector {
public static class RequireCollector implements NodeTraversal.Callback {
ITransientCollection requires = PersistentVector.EMPTY.asTransient();
ITransientCollection invalidRequires = PersistentVector.EMPTY.asTransient();
ITransientCollection imports = PersistentVector.EMPTY.asTransient();
private final SourceFile srcFile;
public RequireCollector(SourceFile srcFile) {
this.srcFile = srcFile;
public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node node, Node parent) {
return true; // require may be anywhere
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node node, Node parent) {
if (NodeUtil.isCallTo(node, "require")) {
Node requireString = node.getSecondChild();
if (requireString.isString()) {
requires = requires.conj(requireString.getString());
} else {
invalidRequires = invalidRequires.conj(
KW_LINE, node.getLineno(),
KW_COLUMN, node.getCharno()
} else if (node.isImport()) {
String from = node.getLastChild().getString();
imports = imports.conj(from);
} else if (node.isExport() && node.hasTwoChildren()) {
String from = node.getLastChild().getString();
imports = imports.conj(from);
public static final Keyword KW_LINE = RT.keyword(null, "line");
public static final Keyword KW_COLUMN = RT.keyword(null, "column");
public static final Keyword KW_MESSAGE = RT.keyword(null, "message");
public static IPersistentVector errorsAsData(List errors) {
ITransientCollection result = PersistentVector.EMPTY.asTransient();
for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++) {
JsAst.RhinoError error = (JsAst.RhinoError) errors.get(i);
Object data =
KW_LINE, error.line,
KW_COLUMN, error.lineOffset,
KW_MESSAGE, error.message
result = result.conj(data);
return (IPersistentVector) result.persistent();
public static final String NS = null;
public static final Keyword KW_INVALID_REQUIRES = RT.keyword(NS, "js-invalid-requires");
public static final Keyword KW_REQUIRES = RT.keyword(NS, "js-requires");
public static final Keyword KW_IMPORTS = RT.keyword(NS, "js-imports");
public static final Keyword KW_ERRORS = RT.keyword(NS, "js-errors");
public static final Keyword KW_WARNINGS = RT.keyword(NS, "js-warnings");
public static final Keyword KW_LANGUAGE = RT.keyword(NS, "js-language");
public static IPersistentMap getFileInfo(Compiler cc, SourceFile srcFile) {
JsAst ast = new JsAst(srcFile);
Node node = ast.getAstRoot(cc);
JsAst.ParseResult result = (JsAst.ParseResult) node.getProp(Node.PARSE_RESULTS);
FeatureSet features = ast.getFeatures(cc);
// FIXME: don't do this if result has errors?
RequireCollector collector = new RequireCollector(srcFile);
NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(cc, node, collector);
IPersistentMap map =
KW_REQUIRES, collector.requires.persistent(),
KW_IMPORTS, collector.imports.persistent(),
KW_INVALID_REQUIRES, collector.invalidRequires.persistent(),
KW_LANGUAGE, features.version()
if (result != null) {
map = map.assoc(KW_ERRORS, errorsAsData(result.errors)).assoc(KW_WARNINGS, errorsAsData(result.warnings));
return map;
public static void main(String... args) {
Compiler cc = new Compiler();
CompilerOptions co = new CompilerOptions();
SourceFile srcFile = SourceFile.fromCode("foo.js", "require('react'); require('./foo'); import 'foo'; import { x } from 'bar';");
System.out.println(getFileInfo(cc, srcFile));
SourceFile exportFrom = SourceFile.fromCode("foo.js", "export * from './foo';");
System.out.println(getFileInfo(cc, exportFrom));
SourceFile jsxFile = SourceFile.fromCode(
"var x = require('foo'); function render() { return <div>foo</div> };"
System.out.println(getFileInfo(cc, jsxFile));
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
getFileInfo(cc, srcFile);
getFileInfo(cc, srcFile);
getFileInfo(cc, srcFile);
long runtime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println(getFileInfo(cc, srcFile));
System.out.format("runtime:%d%n", runtime);
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