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Created June 17, 2015 13:17
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Mindstorm API in F# with the lego computation expression.
open System
open System.Threading.Tasks
open System.Text
type Opcode =
| UIRead_GetFirmware = 0x810a
| UIWrite_LED = 0x821b
| UIButton_Pressed = 0x8309
| UIDraw_Update = 0x8400
| UIDraw_Clean = 0x8401
| UIDraw_Pixel = 0x8402
| UIDraw_Line = 0x8403
| UIDraw_Circle = 0x8404
| UIDraw_Text = 0x8405
| UIDraw_FillRect = 0x8409
| UIDraw_Rect = 0x840a
| UIDraw_InverseRect = 0x8410
| UIDraw_SelectFont = 0x8411
| UIDraw_Topline = 0x8412
| UIDraw_FillWindow = 0x8413
| UIDraw_DotLine = 0x8415
| UIDraw_FillCircle = 0x8418
| UIDraw_BmpFile = 0x841c
| Sound_Break = 0x9400
| Sound_Tone = 0x9401
| Sound_Play = 0x9402
| Sound_Repeat = 0x9403
| Sound_Service = 0x9404
| InputDevice_GetTypeMode = 0x9905
| InputDevice_GetDeviceName = 0x9915
| InputDevice_GetModeName = 0x9916
| InputDevice_ReadyPct = 0x991b
| InputDevice_ReadyRaw = 0x991c
| InputDevice_ReadySI = 0x991d
| InputDevice_ClearAll = 0x990a
| InputDevice_ClearChanges = 0x991a
| InputRead = 0x9a
| InputReadExt = 0x9e
| InputReadSI = 0x9d
| OutputStop = 0xa3
| OutputPower = 0xa4
| OutputSpeed = 0xa5
| OutputStart = 0xa6
| OutputPolarity = 0xa7
| OutputReady = 0xaa
| OutputStepPower = 0xac
| OutputTimePower = 0xad
| OutputStepSpeed = 0xae
| OutputTimeSpeed = 0xaf
| OutputStepSync = 0xb0
| OutputTimeSync = 0xb1
| Tst = 0xff
type SystemOpcode =
| BeginDownload = 0x92
| ContinueDownload = 0x93
| CloseFileHandle = 0x98
| CreateDirectory = 0x9b
| DeleteFile = 0x9c
module CommandType =
let directReply = 0x00uy
let directNoReply = 0x80uy
let systemReply = 0x01uy
let systemNoReply = 0x81uy
type OutputPort =
| A
| B
| C
| D
type Parameter =
| Byte of uint8
| Short of int16
| UShort of uint16
| Int of int32
| UInt of uint32
| String of string
| GlobalIndex of uint8
type Command =
| Direct of Opcode * Parameter list
| SystemCommand of Opcode * Parameter list
let port p =
|> List.fold (fun v p ->
v ||| match p with
| A -> 0x01uy
| B -> 0x02uy
| C -> 0x04uy
| D -> 0x08uy) 0uy
|> Byte
let opcodeLength code = if code > Opcode.Tst then 2 else 1
let paramLength = function
| Byte _ | GlobalIndex _ -> 2
| Short _ | UShort _ -> 3
| Int _ | UInt _ -> 5
| String l -> Encoding.UTF8.GetByteCount l + 2
let length =
| Direct(code, parameters) ->
opcodeLength code + List.sumBy paramLength parameters
let serializeAll f items buffer = List.fold (fun b v -> f v b) buffer items
module ArgumentSize =
let byte = 0x81uy
let short = 0x82uy
let int = 0x83uy
let string = 0x84uy
module Buffer =
let inline set value (pos, buffer) =
Array.set buffer pos value
pos + 1, buffer
let inline sets (value:uint16) (pos, buffer) =
Array.set buffer pos (uint8 value)
Array.set buffer (pos+1) (uint8 (value >>> 8))
pos + 2, buffer
let inline seti (value:uint32) (pos, buffer) =
Array.set buffer pos (uint8 value)
Array.set buffer (pos+1) (uint8 (value >>> 8))
Array.set buffer (pos+2) (uint8 (value >>> 16))
Array.set buffer (pos+3) (uint8 (value >>> 24))
pos + 4, buffer
let inline setb b (pos, buffer) =
let len = Array.length b
pos + len, buffer
let iff condition f b =
if condition then
f b
let serializeOpcode op buffer =
|> Buffer.iff (op > Opcode.Tst) (Buffer.set (uint8 (op >>> 8)))
|> Buffer.set (uint8 op)
let serializeParam op buffer =
match op with
| Byte v ->
|> Buffer.set ArgumentSize.byte
|> Buffer.set v
| UShort v ->
|> Buffer.set ArgumentSize.short
|> Buffer.sets v
| Short v ->
|> Buffer.set ArgumentSize.short
|> Buffer.sets (uint16 v)
| Int v ->
|> Buffer.set
|> Buffer.seti (uint32 v)
| UInt v ->
|> Buffer.set
|> Buffer.seti v
| String s ->
|> Buffer.set ArgumentSize.string
|> Buffer.setb (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes s)
|> Buffer.set 0uy
| GlobalIndex v ->
|> Buffer.set 0xe1uy
|> Buffer.set v
let serializeCommand command buffer=
match command with
| Direct (op, p) ->
|> serializeOpcode op
|> serializeAll serializeParam p
let serialize sequence commandType globalSize commands =
let length = 5 + List.sumBy length commands
let buffer = Array.zeroCreate (length + 2)
(0, buffer)
|> Buffer.sets (uint16 length)
|> Buffer.sets sequence
|> Buffer.set commandType
|> Buffer.sets globalSize
|> serializeAll serializeCommand commands
|> snd
type Power = Power of uint8
let power p =
if p < -100 || p > 100 then
invalidArg "p" "Power should be between -100 and 100"
Power (uint8 p)
type Brake =
| Brake
| NoBrake
static member toByte b =
match b with
| Brake -> 0x01uy
| NoBrake -> 0x00uy
|> Byte
//let beginCommand
let outputReady ports = Direct(Opcode.OutputReady, [ Byte 0uy; port ports;])
let startMotor ports = Direct(Opcode.OutputStart, [Byte 0uy; port ports])
let stopMotor ports brake = Direct(Opcode.OutputStop, [Byte 0uy; port ports; Brake.toByte brake ])
let turnMotorAtPower ports (Power power) = Direct(Opcode.OutputPower, [Byte 0uy; port ports; Byte power])
let turnMotorAtSpeedForTime' ports speed msRampUp msConstant msRampDown brake =
Direct(Opcode.OutputTimeSpeed, [Byte 0uy;port ports;Byte (byte speed);UInt msRampUp;UInt msConstant;UInt msRampDown; Brake.toByte brake])
let turnMotorAtSpeedForTime ports speed msDuration brake =
turnMotorAtSpeedForTime' ports speed 0u msDuration 0u brake
let playTone volume frequency duration = Direct(Opcode.Sound_Tone, [Byte volume; UShort frequency; UShort duration ])
type Brick() =
let brick = new IO.Ports.SerialPort("COM5",115200)
let received = Event<_>()
member __.Connect() =
brick.DataReceived |> Event.add (fun e ->
if e.EventType = IO.Ports.SerialData.Chars then
let reader = new IO.BinaryReader(brick.BaseStream)
let size = reader.ReadInt16()
let data = reader.ReadBytes (int size)
received.Trigger data
member __.Write data = brick.BaseStream.Write(data,0,data.Length)
member __.AsyncWrite data = brick.BaseStream.AsyncWrite(data,0,data.Length)
member __.ReportReceived = received.Publish
static member sendTo (brick:Brick) (bytes: byte[]) =
brick.Write bytes
static member sendToAsync (brick:Brick) (bytes: byte[]) =
brick.AsyncWrite bytes
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() = brick.Close()
let brick = new Brick()
type LegoF<'a> = Brick * uint16 -> Async<'a>
let send command =
fun (brick, sequence) ->
|> serialize sequence CommandType.directNoReply 0us
|> Brick.sendToAsync brick
type LegoBuilder() =
member __.Bind(command : LegoF<'a>, f : 'a -> LegoF<'b> ) : LegoF<'b> =
fun (brick, sequence) ->
async.Bind(command (brick,sequence), fun x -> f x (brick, sequence + 1us))
member __.Bind(command : Command list, f : 'a -> LegoF<'b> ) : LegoF<'b> =
fun (brick, sequence) ->
async.Bind(send command (brick,sequence), fun x -> f x (brick, sequence + 1us))
member __.Bind(command : Command, f : 'a -> LegoF<'b> ) : LegoF<'b> =
fun (brick, sequence) ->
async.Bind(send [command] (brick,sequence), fun x -> f x (brick, sequence + 1us))
member __.Bind(command : Async<'a>, f : 'a -> LegoF<'b> ) : LegoF<'b> =
fun (brick, sequence) ->
async.Bind(command, fun x -> f x (brick, sequence + 1us))
member __.Return x = fun (brick, sequence) -> async.Return x
member __.ReturnFrom x = x
member __.For<'T>(values : 'T seq, body: 'T -> LegoF<unit>) =
fun (brick, sequence) ->
async.For(values, fun t -> body t (brick, sequence))
member __.Combine(x, y) : LegoF<'a>=
fun ctx ->
async.Combine(x ctx, y ctx)
member __.Delay(f: unit -> LegoF<'a>) =
fun ctx ->
async.Delay(fun () -> f () ctx)
member __.Zero() = fun ctx -> async.Zero()
member __.Using(d, f) = fun ctx ->
async.Using(d, f ctx)
let run brick f =
let cancelToken = new Threading.CancellationTokenSource()
Async.Start(f (brick, 1us), cancelToken.Token)
let lego = LegoBuilder()
type Agent<'T> = MailboxProcessor<'T>
type Dispatch =
| Request of sequence: uint16 * (byte[] -> unit)
| Forward of sequence: uint16 * byte[]
let responseDispatcher =
<| fun mailbox ->
let rec loop requests =
async {
let! message = mailbox.Receive()
let newMap =
match message with
| Request(sequence, reply) ->
Map.add sequence reply requests
| Forward(sequence, response) ->
match Map.tryFind sequence requests with
| Some reply ->
reply response
Map.remove sequence requests
| None -> requests
return! loop newMap }
loop Map.empty
|> Event.add ( fun report ->
let sequence = BitConverter.ToUInt16(report, 0)
responseDispatcher.Post(Forward(sequence, report)))
type ReplyType =
| DirectReply = 0x02
| SystemReply = 0x03
| DirectReplyError = 0x04
| SystemReplyError = 0x05
let request commands globalSize f =
fun (brick,sequence) ->
async {
do! commands
|> serialize sequence CommandType.directReply globalSize
|> Brick.sendToAsync brick
let! response = responseDispatcher.PostAndAsyncReply(fun reply -> Request(sequence, fun response -> reply.Reply(response)))
let replyType = enum<ReplyType> (int response.[2])
if replyType = ReplyType.DirectReplyError || replyType = ReplyType.SystemReplyError then
failwith "An error occured"
return f response
type InputPort =
| In1
| In2
| In3
| In4
| InA
| InB
| InC
| InD
type ReadDataType =
| SI
| Raw
| Percent
type ReadValue =
| SI of single
| Raw of int
| Percent of int
let readDataTypeLen = function
| ReadDataType.SI -> 4
| ReadDataType.Raw -> 4
| ReadDataType.Percent -> 1
let inputPort = function
| In1 -> 0x00uy
| In2 -> 0x01uy
| In3 -> 0x02uy
| In4 -> 0x03uy
| InA -> 0x10uy
| InB -> 0x11uy
| InC -> 0x12uy
| InD -> 0x13uy
>> Byte
let readData data pos = function
| ReadDataType.SI -> BitConverter.ToSingle(data, pos) |> SI
| ReadDataType.Raw -> BitConverter.ToInt32(data, pos) |> Raw
| ReadDataType.Percent -> Percent (int data.[pos])
let readOpcode = function
| ReadDataType.SI -> Opcode.InputDevice_ReadySI
| ReadDataType.Raw -> Opcode.InputDevice_ReadyRaw
| ReadDataType.Percent -> Opcode.InputDevice_ReadyPct
let mapPos f start list =
let outList, totalLen =
List.fold (fun (l,pos) e ->
let result,len = f e pos
(result :: l), (pos + len)) ([],start) list
List.rev outList, totalLen
type Mode =
| TouchMode of TouchMode
| ColorMode of ColorMode
| IRMode of IRMode
and TouchMode = Touch | Bumps
and ColorMode = Reflective | Ambient | Color | ReflectiveRaw | ReflectiveRgb | Calibration
and IRMode = Proximity | Seek | Remote | RemoteA | SAlt | Calibrate
let modeToUInt8 = function
| TouchMode Touch -> 0uy
| TouchMode Bumps -> 1uy
| ColorMode Reflective -> 0uy
| ColorMode Ambient -> 1uy
| ColorMode Color -> 2uy
| ColorMode ReflectiveRaw -> 3uy
| ColorMode ReflectiveRgb -> 4uy
| ColorMode Calibration -> 5uy
| IRMode Proximity -> 0uy
| IRMode Seek -> 1uy
| IRMode Remote -> 2uy
| IRMode RemoteA -> 3uy
| IRMode SAlt -> 4uy
| IRMode Calibrate -> 5uy
let read (inputs: (InputPort * ReadDataType * Mode) list) =
let commands, globalSize =
|> mapPos (fun (inPort, dataType, mode) pos ->
Direct(readOpcode dataType , [Byte 0uy; inputPort inPort; Byte 0uy; Byte (modeToUInt8 mode); Byte 1uy; GlobalIndex (uint8 pos)]), readDataTypeLen dataType) 0
request commands (uint16 globalSize) (fun data ->
|> mapPos (fun (inPort, dataType, mode) pos->
(inPort, readData data pos dataType, mode), readDataTypeLen dataType) 3
|> fst )
let (|Pushed|Released|) input =
if input = SI 1.f then Pushed else Released
type Color =
| Transparent
| Black
| Blue
| Green
| Yellow
| Red
| White
| Brown
let (|Color|) = function
| SI 1.f -> Black
| SI 2.f -> Blue
| SI 3.f -> Green
| SI 4.f -> Yellow
| SI 5.f -> Red
| SI 6.f -> White
| SI 7.f -> Brown
| _ -> Transparent
#r "System.Speech"
open System.Speech.Synthesis
open System.Speech.Recognition
let syn = new SpeechSynthesizer()
let say s = syn.Speak(s: string)
lego {
for i in 0..3 do
do! [ turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [A] 50 1000u NoBrake;outputReady [A];turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [A] -50 1000u NoBrake; outputReady [A] ]
do! stopMotor [A] NoBrake
} |> run brick
let rec loop color =
lego {
let! results = read [ In3, ReadDataType.SI, ColorMode Color]
match results with
| [ _, Color c, _] when c <> color && c <> Transparent ->
match c with
| Black -> "Noir"
| Blue -> "Bleu"
| Green -> "Vert"
| Yellow -> "Jaune"
| Red -> "Rouge"
| White -> "Blanc"
| Brown -> "Marron"
| _ -> ""
|> say
printfn "Color: %A" c
do! Async.Sleep 100
return! loop c
| _ ->
do! Async.Sleep 100
return! loop color
loop Transparent |> run brick
let recog = new SpeechRecognizer()
let builder = new GrammarBuilder()
builder.Append(new Choices("Hélicoptere", "Avance", "Arrète", "Tourne à droite", "Tourne à gauche", "Recule"))
builder.Culture <- new Globalization.CultureInfo("fr-FR")
recog.LoadGrammar(new Grammar(builder))
lego {
for i in 0 .. 100 do
let! reco = Async.AwaitEvent recog.SpeechRecognized
match reco.Result.Text with
| "Hélicoptere" -> do! turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [A] 50 1000u NoBrake
| "Avance" -> do! [ turnMotorAtPower [B;C] (power 100); startMotor [B;C]]
| "Recule" -> do! [ turnMotorAtPower [B;C] (power -100); startMotor [B;C]]
| "Arrète" -> do! stopMotor [B;C] Brake
| "Tourne à droite" -> do! [ turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [B] 100 500u NoBrake; turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [C] -50 500u NoBrake;]
| "Tourne à gauche" -> do! [ turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [B] -100 500u NoBrake; turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [C] 50 500u NoBrake;]
| _ -> ()
} |> run brick
lego {
for i in 1 ..50 do
let! results = read [ In4, ReadDataType.Raw, IRMode SAlt]
printfn "%A" results
do! Async.Sleep 500
|> run brick
let tokenArg =
let rec loopArg color =
lego {
let! results = read [ In3, ReadDataType.SI, ColorMode Color]
match results with
| [ _, Color c, _] when c <> color && c <> Transparent ->
match c with
| Black -> "Noir"
| Blue -> "Bleu"
| Green -> "Vert"
| Yellow -> "Jaune"
| Red ->
"ça m'énerve"
| White -> "Blanc"
| Brown -> "Marron"
| _ -> ""
|> say
if c = Red then
do! [turnMotorAtSpeedForTime [A] 5 3000u NoBrake]
printfn "Color: %A" c
do! Async.Sleep 100
return! loopArg c
| _ ->
do! Async.Sleep 100
return! loopArg color
loopArg Transparent |> run brick
let tokenSpeed =
lego {
do! startMotor [A]
let rec loopArg() =
lego {
let! results = read [ In4, ReadDataType.Percent, IRMode Proximity]
match results with
| [ _, Percent p, _] ->
do! [turnMotorAtPower [A] (power (100 - p)) ]
do! Async.Sleep 500
return! loopArg()
| _ ->
do! Async.Sleep 100
return! loopArg()
do! loopArg()
} |> run brick
lego { do! stopMotor [A] NoBrake} |> run brick
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