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Adrian Statescu thinkphp

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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML Layout</title>
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
Un element HTML este definit printr-un:
START TAG - content - END TAG
start content end tag
<h1 attributes> my first heading </h1>
<p> my first p </p>
$\int{f(x) g'(x) \ dx} = fg - \int{ g(x) f'(x) \ dx}$
$\int{cos^2x \ dx} = \int{cos \ x \ cos \ x \ dx} = \int{cos \ x \ (sin \ x)' \ dx} = cos \ x \ sin \ x - \int{sin \ x \ (cos \ x)' \ dx} = cos \ x \ sin \ x - \int{sin \ x \ sin \ x \ dx} = cos \ x \ sin \ x - \int{sin^2 \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + \int{sin^2 \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + \int{ (1 - cos^2 \ x) \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + \int{ 1 \ dx} - \int{ cos^2 \ x \ dx} = sin\ x \ cos \ x + x - \int{ cos^2 \ x \ dx} => \int \cos ^2x\,dx=\frac{x+\sin x\cos x}{2}+C. $
def hexaGCD( x, y, z):
def pow2(a,b):
p = 1
for i in range(1,b+1):
p = p * a
return p
thinkphp / pointerToFn.c
Last active February 23, 2023 08:05
Heap, malloc, algorithm sorting, free, pointers to functions
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define fin ""
typedef int (*ptr2)(const int a,const int b);
typedef void (*ptr1)(int*, int, ptr2);
int comp(int a, int b) {
# Square Root Babylonian Method
# @Adrian Statescu
def sqrt_babylonian(n):
x = n
y = 1.0
eps = 0.000001
while x - y > eps:
x = (x + y) / 2
# Square Root Babylonian Method
# @Adrian Statescu
def sqrt_babylonian(n)
x = n
y = 1.0
e = 0.000001
while x - y > e
x = (x + y) / 2
thinkphp / linkedlist.c
Created June 13, 2022 20:55
Singly Linked List
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
typedef struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
} Node;
Node *head = NULL;
def make_bold(f):
def bold_wrapper():
return "<b>" + f() +"</b>"
return bold_wrapper
def make_italic(f):
def italic_wrapper():
return "<i>" + f() + "</i>"
return italic_wrapper
from time import sleep
from sys import stdout
def printt(string, delay = 0.05):
for c in string: