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Last active May 27, 2018 19:38
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import java.util.*;
public class MergeKSortedArrays {
public int size;
public HeapNode[] Heap;
public int position;
int[] result;
public MergeKSortedArrays(int k) {
this.size = k;
Heap = new HeapNode[k + 1]; // size+1 because index 0 will be empty
position = 0;
Heap[0] = new HeapNode(0, -1); // put some junk values at 0th index node
public int[] merge(int[][] A, int k, int n) {
int nk = n * k;
result = new int[nk];
int count = 0;
int[] ptrs = new int[k];
// create index pointer for every list.
for (int i = 0; i < ptrs.length; i++) {
ptrs[i] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
if (ptrs[i] < n) {
insert(A[i][ptrs[i]], i); // insert the element into heap
} else {
insert(Integer.MAX_VALUE, i); // if any of this list burns out, insert +infinity
while (count < nk) {
HeapNode h = extractMin(); // get the min node from the heap.
result[count] =; // store node data into result array
ptrs[h.listNo]++; // increase the particular list pointer
if (ptrs[h.listNo] < n) { // check if list is not burns out
insert(A[h.listNo][ptrs[h.listNo]], h.listNo); // insert the next element from the list
} else {
insert(Integer.MAX_VALUE, h.listNo); // if any of this list burns out, insert +infinity
return result;
public void insert(int data, int listNo) {
if (position == 0) { // check if Heap is empty
Heap[position + 1] = new HeapNode(data, listNo); // insert the first element in heap
position = 2;
} else {
Heap[position++] = new HeapNode(data, listNo);// insert the element to the end
bubbleUp(); // call the bubble up operation
public HeapNode extractMin() {
HeapNode min = Heap[1]; // extract the root
Heap[1] = Heap[position - 1]; // replace the root with the last element in the heap
Heap[position - 1] = null; // set the last Node as NULL
position--; // reduce the position pointer
sinkDown(1); // sink down the root to its correct position
return min;
public void sinkDown(int k) {
int smallest = k;
// check which is smaller child , 2k or 2k+1.
if (2 * k < position && Heap[smallest].data > Heap[2 * k].data) {
smallest = 2 * k;
if (2 * k + 1 < position && Heap[smallest].data > Heap[2 * k + 1].data) {
smallest = 2 * k + 1;
if (smallest != k) { // if any if the child is small, swap
swap(k, smallest);
sinkDown(smallest); // call recursively
public void swap(int a, int b) {
// System.out.println("swappinh" + mH[a] + " and " + mH[b]);
HeapNode temp = Heap[a];
Heap[a] = Heap[b];
Heap[b] = temp;
public void bubbleUp() {
int pos = position - 1; // last position
while (pos > 0 && Heap[pos / 2].data > Heap[pos].data) { // check if its parent is greater.
HeapNode y = Heap[pos]; // if yes, then swap
Heap[pos] = Heap[pos / 2];
Heap[pos / 2] = y;
pos = pos / 2; // make pos to its parent for next iteration.
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
int[][] A = new int[5][];
A[0] = new int[] { 1, 5, 8, 9 };
A[1] = new int[] { 2, 3, 7, 10 };
A[2] = new int[] { 4, 6, 11, 15 };
A[3] = new int[] { 9, 14, 16, 19 };
A[4] = new int[] { 2, 4, 6, 9 };
MergeKSortedArrays m = new MergeKSortedArrays(A.length);
int[] op = m.merge(A, A.length, A[0].length);
// Every Node will store the data and the list no from which it belongs
class HeapNode {
int data;
int listNo;
public HeapNode(int data, int listNo) { = data;
this.listNo = listNo;
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