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Last active October 20, 2018 07:14
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hamburg texture
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body { background-color: #343434; }
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="textures.js"></script>
var width = 960,
height = 600;
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var projection = d3.geo.albers()
.center([14, 53.75])
.rotate([4.4, 0])
.parallels([50, 60])
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);
var path = d3.geo.path()
var t1 = textures.lines().stroke("darkorange").orientation("3/8").lighter().size(16).strokeWidth(1);;
var t2 = textures.lines().stroke("darkorange").orientation("7/8").lighter().size(16).strokeWidth(1);;
var t3 = textures.lines().stroke("darkorange").orientation("4/8").lighter().size(8).strokeWidth(1);;
var t4 = textures.lines().stroke("darkorange").orientation("0/8").lighter().size(8).strokeWidth(1);;
var textureUrls = [t1.url(),t3.url(),t4.url(),t2.url()];
d3.json("data.json", function(error, hh) {
if (error) return console.error(error);
.data(topojson.feature(hh, hh.objects.landkreise_simplify0).features)
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill",function(d,i){ return textureUrls[(i%textureUrls.length)]})
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
var rand, umd,
slice = [].slice;
rand = function() {
return ((Math.random().toString(36)) + "00000000000000000").replace(/[^a-z]+/g, "").slice(0, 5);
umd = function(factory) {
if (typeof exports === 'object') {
return module.exports = factory();
} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
return define([], factory);
} else {
return this.textures = factory();
umd(function() {
return {
circles: function() {
var background, circles, complement, fill, id, radius, size, stroke, strokeWidth;
size = 20;
background = "";
radius = 2;
complement = false;
fill = "#343434";
stroke = "#343434";
strokeWidth = 0;
id = rand();
circles = function(sel) {
var corner, g, i, len, ref, results;
g = sel.append("defs").append("pattern").attr("id", id).attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("width", size).attr("height", size);
if (background) {
g.append("rect").attr("width", size).attr("height", size).attr("fill", background);
g.append("circle").attr("cx", size / 2).attr("cy", size / 2).attr("r", radius).attr("fill", fill).attr("stroke", stroke).attr("stroke-width", strokeWidth);
if (complement) {
ref = [[0, 0], [0, size], [size, 0], [size, size]];
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
corner = ref[i];
results.push(g.append("circle").attr("cx", corner[0]).attr("cy", corner[1]).attr("r", radius).attr("fill", fill).attr("stroke", stroke).attr("stroke-width", strokeWidth));
return results;
circles.heavier = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
radius = radius * 2;
} else {
radius = _ ? radius * 2 * _ : radius * 2;
return circles;
circles.lighter = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
radius = radius / 2;
} else {
radius = _ ? radius / (2 * _) : radius / 2;
return circles;
circles.thinner = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size * 2;
} else {
size = _ ? size * 2 * _ : size * 2;
return circles;
circles.thicker = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size / 2;
} else {
size = _ ? size / (2 * _) : size / 2;
return circles;
circles.background = function(_) {
background = _;
return circles;
circles.size = function(_) {
size = _;
return circles;
circles.complement = function() {
complement = true;
return circles;
circles.radius = function(_) {
radius = _;
return circles;
circles.fill = function(_) {
fill = _;
return circles;
circles.stroke = function(_) {
stroke = _;
return circles;
circles.strokeWidth = function(_) {
strokeWidth = _;
return circles;
}; = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return id;
} else {
id = _;
return circles;
circles.url = function() {
return "url(#" + id + ")";
return circles;
lines: function() {
var background, id, lines, orientation, path, shapeRendering, size, stroke, strokeWidth;
size = 20;
strokeWidth = 2;
stroke = "#343434";
id = rand();
background = "";
orientation = ["diagonal"];
shapeRendering = "auto";
path = function(orientation) {
switch (orientation) {
case "0/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 2) + ", 0 l 0, " + s;
case "vertical":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 2) + ", 0 l 0, " + s;
case "1/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 4) + ",0 l " + (s / 2) + "," + s + " M " + (-s / 4) + ",0 l " + (s / 2) + "," + s + "\nM " + (s * 3 / 4) + ",0 l " + (s / 2) + "," + s;
case "2/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0," + s + " l " + s + "," + (-s) + " M " + (-s / 4) + "," + (s / 4) + " l " + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2) + "\nM " + (3 / 4 * s) + "," + (5 / 4 * s) + " l " + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2);
case "diagonal":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0," + s + " l " + s + "," + (-s) + " M " + (-s / 4) + "," + (s / 4) + " l " + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2) + "\nM " + (3 / 4 * s) + "," + (5 / 4 * s) + " l " + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2);
case "3/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0," + (3 / 4 * s) + " l " + s + "," + (-s / 2) + " M 0," + (s / 4) + " l " + s + "," + (-s / 2) + "\nM 0," + (s * 5 / 4) + " l " + s + "," + (-s / 2);
case "4/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0," + (s / 2) + " l " + s + ",0";
case "horizontal":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0," + (s / 2) + " l " + s + ",0";
case "5/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0," + (-s / 4) + " l " + s + "," + (s / 2) + "M 0," + (s / 4) + " l " + s + "," + (s / 2) + "\nM 0," + (s * 3 / 4) + " l " + s + "," + (s / 2);
case "6/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0,0 l " + s + "," + s + " M " + (-s / 4) + "," + (3 / 4 * s) + " l " + (s / 2) + "," + (s / 2) + "\nM " + (s * 3 / 4) + "," + (-s / 4) + " l " + (s / 2) + "," + (s / 2);
case "7/8":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (-s / 4) + ",0 l " + (s / 2) + "," + s + " M " + (s / 4) + ",0 l " + (s / 2) + "," + s + "\nM " + (s * 3 / 4) + ",0 l " + (s / 2) + "," + s;
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 2) + ", 0 l 0, " + s;
lines = function(sel) {
var g, i, len, o, results;
g = sel.append("defs").append("pattern").attr("id", id).attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("width", size).attr("height", size);
if (background) {
g.append("rect").attr("width", size).attr("height", size).attr("fill", background);
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = orientation.length; i < len; i++) {
o = orientation[i];
results.push(g.append("path").attr("d", path(o)).attr("stroke-width", strokeWidth).attr("shape-rendering", shapeRendering).attr("stroke", stroke).attr("stroke-linecap", "square"));
return results;
lines.background = function(_) {
background = _;
return lines;
lines.shapeRendering = function(_) {
shapeRendering = _;
return lines;
lines.heavier = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth * 2;
} else {
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth * 2 * _ : strokeWidth * 2;
return lines;
lines.lighter = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2;
} else {
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth / (2 * _) : strokeWidth / 2;
return lines;
lines.thinner = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size * 2;
} else {
size = _ ? size * 2 * _ : size * 2;
return lines;
lines.thicker = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size / 2;
} else {
size = _ ? size / (2 * _) : size / 2;
return lines;
lines.orientation = function() {
var args;
args = 1 <= arguments.length ?, 0) : [];
orientation = args;
return lines;
lines.size = function(_) {
size = _;
return lines;
lines.stroke = function(_) {
stroke = _;
return lines;
lines.strokeWidth = function(_) {
strokeWidth = _;
return lines;
}; = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return id;
} else {
id = _;
return lines;
lines.url = function() {
return "url(#" + id + ")";
return lines;
paths: function() {
var background, d, fill, height, id, paths, shapeRendering, size, stroke, strokeWidth, svgPath, width;
size = 20;
height = 1;
width = 1;
strokeWidth = 2;
stroke = "#343434";
background = "";
d = "";
shapeRendering = "auto";
fill = "transparent";
id = void 0;
svgPath = function(_) {
switch (_) {
case "squares":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 4) + " " + (s / 4) + " l " + (s / 2) + " 0 l 0 " + (s / 2) + " l " + (-s / 2) + " 0 Z";
case "nylon":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0 " + (s / 4) + " l " + (s / 4) + " 0 l 0 " + (-s / 4) + " M " + (s * 3 / 4) + " " + s + " l 0 " + (-s / 4) + "\nl " + (s / 4) + " 0 M " + (s / 4) + " " + (s / 2) + " l 0 " + (s / 4) + " l " + (s / 4) + " 0 M " + (s / 2) + " " + (s / 4) + "\nl " + (s / 4) + " 0 l 0 " + (s / 4);
case "waves":
return (function(s) {
return "M 0 " + (s / 2) + " c " + (s / 8) + " " + (-s / 4) + " , " + (s * 3 / 8) + " " + (-s / 4) + " , " + (s / 2) + " 0\nc " + (s / 8) + " " + (s / 4) + " , " + (s * 3 / 8) + " " + (s / 4) + " , " + (s / 2) + " 0 M " + (-s / 2) + " " + (s / 2) + "\nc " + (s / 8) + " " + (s / 4) + " , " + (s * 3 / 8) + " " + (s / 4) + " , " + (s / 2) + " 0 M " + s + " " + (s / 2) + "\nc " + (s / 8) + " " + (-s / 4) + " , " + (s * 3 / 8) + " " + (-s / 4) + " , " + (s / 2) + " 0";
case "woven":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 4) + "," + (s / 4) + "l" + (s / 2) + "," + (s / 2) + "M" + (s * 3 / 4) + "," + (s / 4) + "l" + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2) + "\nM" + (s / 4) + "," + (s * 3 / 4) + "l" + (-s / 2) + "," + (s / 2) + "M" + (s * 3 / 4) + "," + (s * 5 / 4) + "l" + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2) + "\nM" + (-s / 4) + "," + (s / 4) + "l" + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2);
case "crosses":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 4) + "," + (s / 4) + "l" + (s / 2) + "," + (s / 2) + "M" + (s / 4) + "," + (s * 3 / 4) + "l" + (s / 2) + "," + (-s / 2);
case "caps":
return (function(s) {
return "M " + (s / 4) + "," + (s * 3 / 4) + "l" + (s / 4) + "," + (-s / 2) + "l" + (s / 4) + "," + (s / 2);
case "hexagons":
return (function(s) {
width = 3;
height = Math.sqrt(3);
return "M " + s + ",0 l " + s + ",0 l " + (s / 2) + "," + (s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2) + "\nl " + (-s / 2) + "," + (s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2) + " l " + (-s) + ",0\nl " + (-s / 2) + "," + (-s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2) + " Z M 0," + (s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2) + "\nl " + (s / 2) + ",0 M " + (3 * s) + "," + (s * Math.sqrt(3) / 2) + " l " + (-s / 2) + ",0";
return _(size);
paths = function(sel) {
var g, path;
path = svgPath(d);
id = rand();
g = sel.append("defs").append("pattern").attr("id", id).attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse").attr("width", size * width).attr("height", size * height);
if (background) {
g.append("rect").attr("width", size * width).attr("height", size * height).attr("fill", background);
return g.append("path").attr("d", path).attr("fill", fill).attr("stroke-width", strokeWidth).attr("shape-rendering", shapeRendering).attr("stroke", stroke).attr("stroke-linecap", "square");
paths.background = function(_) {
background = _;
return paths;
paths.shapeRendering = function(_) {
shapeRendering = _;
return paths;
paths.heavier = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth * 2;
} else {
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth * 2 * _ : strokeWidth * 2;
return paths;
paths.lighter = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
strokeWidth = strokeWidth / 2;
} else {
strokeWidth = _ ? strokeWidth / (2 * _) : strokeWidth / 2;
return paths;
paths.thinner = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size * 2;
} else {
size = _ ? size * 2 * _ : size * 2;
return paths;
paths.thicker = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
size = size / 2;
} else {
size = _ ? size / (2 * _) : size / 2;
return paths;
paths.d = function(_) {
d = _;
return paths;
paths.size = function(_) {
size = _;
return paths;
paths.stroke = function(_) {
stroke = _;
return paths;
paths.strokeWidth = function(_) {
strokeWidth = _;
return paths;
}; = function(_) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return id;
} else {
id = _;
return paths;
paths.url = function() {
return "url(#" + id + ")";
return paths;
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