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Created July 18, 2013 14:07
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* Allows you to calculate the remainder of time from now to a given DateTime
* @author Thomas Maurstad Larsson, Logoz As <>
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012
class DateTimeDifference
/** @var array Translation of difference between singular and plural in Norwegian */
public static $translation = array
"day" => array("dag", "dager"),
"hrs" => array("time", "timer"),
"min" => array("minutt", "minutter"),
"sec" => array("sekund", "sekunder"),
"exp" => "Utgått",
private static $is_valid = null;
private static $seconds = 0;
private static $minutes = 0;
private static $hours = 0;
private static $days = 0;
* Returns the dateTime difference between a set timestamp and now.
* @param String $date A date in the future
* @return boolean Trie on successful calculation, else false
public static function calculate( $date )
// Get datetimes
$now = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d"));
$date = new DateTime($date);
// Make sure date is valid
if ( self::is_valid($now, $date) )
// Get a DateInterval object and set difference
$dateInterval = $now->diff($date);
// Set difference
self::$days = $dateInterval->days;
self::$hours = $dateInterval->h;
self::$minutes = $dateInterval->i;
self::$seconds = $dateInterval->s;
// Sucessful calculation
return true;
return false;
catch (Exception $e)
return false;
* Returns the number of days remaining, following a
* calculation of the difference between two dateTimes.
* @return int The number of days remaining
public static function get_days()
if ( self::$days > 0 )
return self::$days;
return false;
* Returns the number of hours remaining, following a
* calculation of the difference between two dateTimes.
* @return int The number of hours remaining
public static function get_hours()
if ( self::$hours > 0 )
return self::$hours;
return false;
* Returns the number of minutes remaining, following a
* calculation of the difference between two dateTimes.
* @return int The number of minutes remaining
public static function get_minutes()
if ( self::$minutes > 0 )
return self::$minutes;
return false;
* Returns the number of seconds remaining, following a
* calculation of the difference between two dateTimes.
* @return int The number of seconds remaining
public static function get_seconds()
if ( self::$seconds > 0 )
return self::$seconds;
return false;
public static function get_round_percentage( $start, $end )
// Set datetimes
$start = new DateTime($start);
$now = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d"));
$end = new DateTime($end);
if ( $end <= $now )
return 0;
// Calculate number of days total
$total_days = $start->diff($end);
$total_days = $total_days->format('%a') + $total_days->format('%h')/24; // Days, plus hours divided by 24 (a day in hours)
// Calculate number of days remaining
$remaining_days = $now->diff($end);
$remaining_days = $remaining_days->format('%a') + $remaining_days->format('%h')/24;
// Calculate how much a day is in percentage
$percentage = 100 / $total_days;
// Calculate how many percentage (days) remains, and round down
return floor($remaining_days * $percentage);
* Returns the time difference as human-readable text
* @return String A difference as text
public static function get_human_diff( )
// Make sure date is not expired
if ( self::$is_valid )
// Filter days
if ( self::get_days() > 0 ) {
return self::get_conjugation(self::$days, "day");
// Filter hours
if ( self::get_hours() > 0 ) {
return self::get_conjugation(self::$hours, "hrs");
// Over 10 minutes
if ( self::get_minutes() >= 10 ) {
return self::get_conjugation(self::$minutes, "min");
// Under 10 minuttes
self::get_conjugation(self::$minutes, "min").' '.
self::get_conjugation(self::$seconds, "sec");
// Expired
return self::get_expired_message();
* Will check if a given time difference is less than 0
* @return boolean True if dateTime is expired, else false
private static function is_valid( DateTime $now, DateTime $comparision )
return self::$is_valid = ($now < $comparision);
* Returns the expired message set in the translation array
* @return String The message defining an expired date.
private static function get_expired_message()
return self::$translation['exp'];
* Returns singular or plural version of words.
* @param mixed $time A time as an int
* @param String $key The key in the translation array
private static function get_conjugation($time, $key)
return ($time === 1) ? $time.' '.self::$translation[$key][0] : $time.' '.self::$translation[$key][1];
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