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thomasweng15 /
Last active September 26, 2023 23:20
3D Interactive Visualizations with Plotly
# Save html to the specified path
# Save to wandb (call wandb.init() first)
# html =
# wandb.log(
# {
# f"plotly_sphere_pts": wandb.Html(html),
# }
# )
thomasweng15 /
Last active January 9, 2023 15:21
edit a pickle
# best run in an interpreter or with a breakpoint
import pickle
fn = ''
with open(fn, 'rb') as f:
a = pickle.load(f)
# make edits
# breakpoint()
thomasweng15 /
Last active December 21, 2022 22:48
trimesh to plotly
import os
import trimesh
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import numpy as np
from voxelized_pointcloud_sampling import create_grid_points_from_bounds
import pickle
"""Load all meshes and inputs into the same plot to make sure everything is aligned. """
thomasweng15 /
Created December 14, 2022 20:09
Multiprocessing passing values back
import multiprocessing as mp
def process(arguments, res_q):
(i,) = arguments
max_processes = 2
queue = mp.Queue()
thomasweng15 /
Last active December 11, 2022 22:43
Load Python 3 PyTorch Networks in Python 2 for ROS deployment
import sys
import argparse
import torch
def load_model_txt(model, path):
data_dict = {}
fin = open(path, 'r')
i = 0
odd = 1
thomasweng15 / settings.json
Created December 1, 2022 21:14
VSCode settings for python black
"python.formatting.provider": "black",
"python.formatting.blackPath": "/home/exx/miniconda3/envs/gifs_cloth/bin/black",
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
thomasweng15 /
Last active November 21, 2022 21:10
multiprocessing with a queue and pool
import time
import os
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import Queue, Pool
the_queue = Queue()
def worker_main(queue):
print(f"{os.getpid()} working")
thomasweng15 / launch.json
Last active November 18, 2022 17:23
VSCode debugger launch.json for softgym
// Softgym Fabric Touch
"name": "Debug: Sawyer Cloth Env",
"type": "python",
"request": "launch",
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"cwd": "/home/exx/projects/IDM/softgym_implicit_cloth_proj",
"python": "/home/exx/miniconda3/envs/softgym-ft/bin/python",
"program": "/home/exx/projects/IDM/softgym_implicit_cloth_proj/examples/",
"env": {
thomasweng15 /
Created August 1, 2017 00:17
rebuild and relaunch scripts for C++ ROS projects
WATCH_DIRS=(~/catkin_ws/src/ros-project/src/perception/src ~/catkin_ws/src/ros-project/src/perception/include/perception)
inotifywait -m ${WATCH_DIRS[@]} -e close_write |
while read path action file; do
if [[ "$file" =~ .*cpp$ ]] || [[ "$file" =~ .*h$ ]]; then
echo "$file modified, rebuilding..."
if catkin --force-color build | grep "succeeded!"; then
rosnode kill process_cloud_main
thomasweng15 /
Created July 27, 2022 03:07
wandb with pre-emption
import os
import sys
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import pytorch_lightning.utilities.seed as seed_utils
from pytorch_lightning import loggers as pl_loggers
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
import hydra
import yaml