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palkan / Gemfile
Last active March 21, 2024 00:29
RSpec profiling with RubyProf and StackProf
gem 'stackprof', require: false
gem 'ruby-prof', require: false
#!/usr/bin/sudo ruby
# revealer.rb -- Deobfuscate GHE .rb files.
# This is simple:
# Every obfuscated file in the GHE VM contains the following code:
# > require ""
# > __ruby_concealer__ "..."
elad / neural-style-ec2.txt
Created September 7, 2015 08:09
Running neural-style in EC2
Start a g2.2xlarge or better (GPU instance) with
Login, username is ubuntu
Update a bunch of stuff and make sure cudnn R2 is used:
luarocks install image
luarocks install loadcaffe
luarocks install torch
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ubuntu/torch-distro/install/lib:/home/ubuntu/torch-distro/install/lib:/home/ubuntu/cudnn-6.5-linux-x64-v2-rc2
bullshit /
Last active January 29, 2020 07:20
LIRC patch instruction/how-to for USB Infrared Toy from Dangerous Prototypes

LIRC patch instruction/how-to for USB Infrared Toy from Dangerous Prototypes

This is a instruction to patch the usb infrared toy driver into lirc sources. Most of the work is done by Peter Kooiman


ndarville /
Last active September 30, 2023 18:56
4chan’s guide to converting GIF to WebM -

Grab ffmpeg from

It's a command line tool which means you will have to type things with your keyboard instead of clicking on buttons.

The most trivial operation would be converting gifs:

ffmpeg -i your_gif.gif -c:v libvpx -crf 12 -b:v 500K output.webm
  • -crf values can go from 4 to 63. Lower values mean better quality.
  • -b:v is the maximum allowed bitrate. Higher means better quality.
Integralist / Ruby
Last active August 8, 2023 05:10
Ruby lambdas

Lambda: standard

# Creating a lambda
l = lambda { |name| "Hi #{name}!" }

# Executing the lambda"foo") # => Hi foo!
tadast /
Last active January 29, 2024 04:41 — forked from trcarden/gist:3295935
localhost SSL with puma
# 1) Create your private key (any password will do, we remove it below)
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.orig.key 2048
# 2) Remove the password
$ openssl rsa -in server.orig.key -out server.key
speric /
Last active January 24, 2024 10:31
Notes From "Practical Object-Oriented Design In Ruby" by Sandi Metz

Chapter 1 - Object Oriented Design

The purpose of design is to allow you to do design later, and it's primary goal is to reduce the cost of change.

SOLID Design:

  • Single Responsibility Principle: a class should have only a single responsibility
  • Open-Closed Principle: Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification (inherit instead of modifying existing classes).
  • Liskov Substitution: Objects in a program should be replaceable with instances of their subtypes without altering the correctness of that program.
  • Interface Segregation: Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface.
jamesyang124 /
Last active April 5, 2024 10:50
Ruby meta programming

#!/bin/ruby --verion => 2.0.0-p353


In Ruby, self is a special variable that always references the current object.

  • Inside class or module definition, self refer to the Class or Module object.
  • Inside instance method, self refer to future instance object.
  • Inside class method, self refer to the class.i
cupakromer / books_controller.rb
Last active May 19, 2020 10:20
Rails 4 Standard CRUD Controller
# No flash messages are set with this controller.
# This is a fairly basic / bare controller which does only the basic CRUD.
class BooksController < ApplicationController
respond_to :html, :xml, :json
before_action :set_book, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]
def index
respond_with @books = Book.all