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Last active June 16, 2017 19:05
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Discord BuckleScript Cloud Functions OMG
'use strict';
var Request_promise = require("request-promise");
var Config = require("../../config.json");
function main(ev) {
var match =;
if (match !== undefined) {
if (match !== "") {
var msg = Buffer.from(match, "base64").toString();
console.log("Got a message; sending to Discord...");
return Request_promise({
method: "POST",
uri: Config.discord_webhook_url,
json: true,
body: {
content: msg,
username: "Gomez",
tts: false
} else {
console.log("Not sending a Discord message (PubSub message was null)");
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
console.log("Not sending a Discord message (PubSub message was null)");
return Promise.resolve();
exports.main = main;
/* request-promise Not a pure module */
external buffer_from : string -> string -> < toString : unit -> string [@bs.meth] > Js.t
= "from" [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "Buffer"]
external promise_empty : unit -> unit Js.Promise.t
= "resolve" [@@bs.val] [@@bs.scope "Promise"]
external request_promise : < .. > Js.t -> unit Js.Promise.t
= "request-promise" [@@bs.module]
external config : < .. > Js.t = "../../config.json" [@@bs.module]
let main ev =
let open Js in
(* TODO FIXME: null check *)
match Undefined.to_opt ev##data##data with
| Some m when m <> "" ->
let msg = (buffer_from m "base64")##toString () in
log "Got a message; sending to Discord...";
request_promise [%bs.obj {
_method = "POST";
uri = config##discord_webhook_url;
json = Js.true_;
body = {
content = msg;
username = "Gomez";
tts = Js.false_;
| _ ->
log "Not sending a Discord message (PubSub message was null)";
promise_empty ();
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