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Last active September 6, 2016 09:10
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Drupal 7 + 8 NGINX Snippet for ISPConfig
location / {
## Trying to access private files directly returns a 404.
location ^~ /sites/default/files/private/ {
## Drupal 7 generated image handling, i.e., imagecache in core. See:
location ~* /files/styles/ {
## Image hotlinking protection. If you want hotlinking
## protection for your images uncomment the following line.
#include apps/drupal/hotlinking_protection.conf;
access_log off;
expires 30d;
try_files $uri @rewrite;
## All static files will be served directly.
location ~* ^(?!/system/files).*\.(css|cur|js|jpe?g|gif|htc|ico|png|html|xml|otf|ttf|eot|woff|svg)$ {
access_log off;
expires 30d;
## No need to bleed constant updates. Send the all shebang in one fell swoop.
tcp_nodelay off;
## Set the OS file cache.
open_file_cache max=3000 inactive=120s;
open_file_cache_valid 45s;
open_file_cache_min_uses 2;
open_file_cache_errors off;
location ~* ^(?:.+\.(?:htaccess|make|txt|engine|inc|info|install|module|profile|po|pot|sh|.*sql|test|theme|tpl(?:\.php)?|xtmpl)|code-style\.pl|/Entries.*|/Repository|/Root|/Tag|/Template)$ {
return 404;
try_files $uri @rewrite;
location @rewrite {
access_log off;
expires 30d;
rewrite ^ /index.php;
## Any other attempt to access PHP files returns a 404.
location ~* ^.+\.php$ {
return 404;
location ~* \.(txt|log)$ {
deny all;
location ~ (^|/)\. {
return 403;
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