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Created January 25, 2019 09:06
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transducers in OCaml
type 'a sequence =
| Cons of 'a * (unit -> 'a sequence)
type 'a reduced = Continue of 'a | Done of 'a
(* TODO: some transforms have no needs to be reduced, for example map and filter, GADT may help here *)
type ('acc, 'a) reducef = 'acc reduced -> 'a -> 'acc reduced
(** A reduce function (or reducer). *)
type ('acc, 'a, 'b) transducer = ('acc, 'a) reducef -> ('acc, 'b) reducef
(** A transducer convert a reducer to another reducer. *)
let compose f g =
fun rf -> f (g rf)
let (>>) f g = compose f g
let extract_reduced = function
| Continue result -> result
| Done result -> result
(* Several transducers, map, filter, take, ... etc *)
let map f : ('acc, 'a, 'b) transducer =
fun rf result el ->
rf result (f el)
let filter pred : ('acc, 'a, 'b) transducer =
fun rf result el ->
if pred el then
rf result el
let take n : ('acc, 'a, 'b) transducer =
fun rf ->
let state = (ref 0) in
fun result el ->
if !state = n then (
Done (extract_reduced result)
) else (
state := !state + 1;
(rf result el)
let rec reduce f acc = function
| Nil -> extract_reduced acc
| Cons (h, tl_thunk) ->
let result = (f acc h) in
match result with
| Continue _ ->
reduce f result (tl_thunk ())
| Done result ->
let transduce (xf : ('acc, 'a, 'b) transducer) rf init seq =
let rf' acc el =
let result = extract_reduced acc in
Continue (rf result el) in
reduce (xf rf') (Continue init) seq
let rec seq_list = function
| [] -> Nil
| x :: xs -> Cons (x, (fun () -> (seq_list xs)))
let rec seq_chan c =
let line = input_line c in
Cons (line, (fun () -> (seq_chan c)))
with End_of_file -> Nil
let inc x = x + 1
let is_even x = x mod 2 = 0
let is_odd x = not (is_even x)
let _ =
transduce (map inc >> filter is_odd) (+) 0 (seq_list [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9])
let _ =
transduce (take 5 >> map inc >> filter is_even) (+) 0 (seq_list [0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9])
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