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Created April 1, 2021 21:26
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From the 2018 Galatic Puzzle Hunt -
# For testsolvers using the Python version: please do not scroll further; you will get spoiled.
# (Instead, just run this Python script via `python`)
import string
import sys
DEBUG = False
DIRECTIONS = {'nw': 0,
'ne': 1,
'e' : 2,
'se': 3,
'sw': 4,
'w' : 5}
DIRECTION_NAMES = {0: 'northwest (nw)',
1: 'northeast (ne)',
2: 'east (e)',
3: 'southeast (se)',
4: 'southwest (sw)',
5: 'west (w)'}
'Q': [None, None, 'W', 'A', None, None],
'W': [None, None, 'E', 'S', 'A', 'Q'],
'E': [None, None, 'R', 'D', 'S', 'W'],
'R': [None, None, 'T', 'F', 'D', 'E'],
'T': [None, None, 'Y', 'G', 'F', 'R'],
'Y': [None, None, 'U', 'H', 'G', 'T'],
'U': [None, None, 'I', 'J', 'H', 'Y'],
'I': [None, None, 'O', 'K', 'J', 'U'],
'O': [None, None, 'P', 'L', 'K', 'I'],
'P': [None, None, None, None, 'L', 'O'],
'A': ['Q', 'W', 'S', 'Z', None, None],
'S': ['W', 'E', 'D', 'X', 'Z', 'A'],
'D': ['E', 'R', 'F', 'C', 'X', 'S'],
'F': ['R', 'T', 'G', 'V', 'C', 'D'],
'G': ['T', 'Y', 'H', 'B', 'V', 'F'],
'H': ['Y', 'U', 'J', 'N', 'B', 'G'],
'J': ['U', 'I', 'K', 'M', 'N', 'H'],
'K': ['I', 'O', 'L', None, 'M', 'J'],
'L': ['O', 'P', None, None, None, 'K'],
'Z': ['A', 'S', 'X', None, None, None],
'X': ['S', 'D', 'C', None, None, 'Z'],
'C': ['D', 'F', 'V', None, None, 'X'],
'V': ['F', 'G', 'B', None, None, 'C'],
'B': ['G', 'H', 'N', None, None, 'V'],
'N': ['H', 'J', 'M', None, None, 'B'],
'M': ['J', 'K', None, None, None, 'N']
'Q': "By default any actions you might take while reading from a blackboard are "
"not displayed to you. You can turn these on by typing 'v'.",
'W': "You can type 'q' to reset the current game.",
'E': "",
'R': "Including 'i' in your command will cause the remainder of your command to execute only if "
"the blackboard in the current room is empty.",
'T': "",
'Y': "Space is irrelevant; typing 'pes' and 'p e s' will have the same result.",
'U': "",
'I': "Including 'j' in your command will cause the remainder of your command to execute only if "
"the blackboard in the current room is not empty.",
'O': "",
'P': "Be efficient! Rumor has it a terrible fate awaits those who take more than 1000000 steps in this dungeon. "
"Similar tragedies are said to befall those who try to write more than 50000 characters on a blackboard or "
"get stuck more than 1000 layers deep in their own head.",
'A': "The blackboards here are cursed. Actively reading from one forces you to follow whatever "
"is written on it (as if you entered the contents of the blackboard as a single line).",
'S': "You can read the contents of a blackboard by typing 'r'.",
'D': "",
'F': "",
'G': "You can chain commands together by typing them next to each other in the same line. "
"For example, typing 'e ne' moves east then moves northeast.",
'H': "Welcome to this puzzle. To navigate around the dungeon, simply type the direction (e.g. 'ne') you wish "
"to move in. More commands will be explained as you progress through this puzzle.",
'J': "You can press a button in a room by typing 'p'.",
'K': "",
'L': "Type 'l' to see a log of what you've typed during your current play through the game.",
'Z': "By typing 'd' you can erase the last character on a blackboard.",
'X': "Type 'k' to see a log of what you've typed during your current play through the game.",
'C': "Pressing buttons sometimes causes reality to destabilize. Why is that? Who knows?",
'V': "Typing 't' lets you write on a blackboard. You will write the remainder of your line to "
"this blackboard; for example, 't hello there' writes \"hellothere\" on the blackboard.",
'B': "",
'N': "",
'M': "Using 't' will erase what is currently on the blackboard before writing. To append to a blackboard instead, use 'a'."
LETTERS = {c: m for c, m in zip(string.ascii_uppercase, MESSAGE)}
MAX_COMMANDS = 1000000
MAX_DEPTH = 1000
ROOM_DESCRIPTION = ("You are in a large square room with a giant letter {} engraved in the floor."
" In the middle of the room there is a blackboard."
" Next to the blackboard is a small button.")
class GameState:
def __init__(self):
self.location = 'H'
self.log1 = ''
self.log2 = ''
self.blackboards = {key: '' for key in ROOMS}
self.running = True
self.won = False
self.num_commands = 0
self.depth = 0
self.verbose = DEBUG
def log(self, msg):
if self.depth == 0 or self.verbose:
def describe_room(self):
room = self.location
self.log("Room: " + room)
if self.blackboards[room]:
self.log('The blackboard has the following text written on it: {}'.format(self.blackboards[room]))
self.log('The blackboard in this room is empty.')
if ADVICE[room]:
self.log('A monkey pops out of the ceiling and says "{}"'.format(ADVICE[room]))
exits = [DIRECTION_NAMES[i] for i in range(6) if NEIGHBORS[room][i]]
exits[-1] = 'and ' + exits[-1]
self.log('There are exits to the {}.'.format(', '.join(exits)))
def move(self, direction):
next_loc = NEIGHBORS[self.location][direction]
if next_loc is None:
self.log("You cannot move in that direction.")
self.location = next_loc
def execute(self, line):
if self.depth > MAX_DEPTH:
print("You are in too deep! The air around you becomes difficult to breathe. You slowly fall unconscious...")
self.running = False
while line:
if not self.running:
self.num_commands += 1
if self.num_commands > MAX_COMMANDS:
print("You have been wandering around for too long. You die of starvation.")
self.running = False
cmd = line[0]
st = 1
if cmd in 'news':
# move
direction = cmd
if direction in 'ns':
direction += line[1]
st = 2
if direction not in DIRECTIONS:
self.log("{} is not a valid direction.".format(direction))
except Exception:
self.log("You must specify a valid direction to move in.")
elif cmd == 'p':
# press
self.log("You press the button.")
self.log2 += self.location.lower()
if self.log1 == self.log2:
self.running = False
self.won = True
if not self.log1.startswith(self.log2):
self.log("Uh oh. You feel like pressing that button was a mistake. Everything slowly fades out of existence...")
self.running = False
elif cmd == 't':
# write on blackboard
self.blackboards[self.location] = line[1:]
if len(self.blackboards[self.location]) >= MAX_BLACKBOARD_LENGTH:
print("While struggling to fit all this text on the blackboard, the blackboard topples over, flattening you.")
self.running = False
self.log("You write on the blackboard. The blackboard now says: {}".format(self.blackboards[self.location]))
st = len(line)
elif cmd == 'r':
# read from blackboard
newcmd = self.blackboards[self.location]
if newcmd == '':
self.log("The blackboard is empty.")
self.log("You read the text on the blackboard. You suddenly feel compelled to obey its instructions...")
self.depth += 1
self.depth -= 1
elif cmd == 'a':
# append to blackboard
self.blackboards[self.location] += line[1:]
if len(self.blackboards[self.location]) >= MAX_BLACKBOARD_LENGTH:
print("While struggling to fit all this text on the blackboard, the blackboard topples over, flattening you.")
self.running = False
self.log("You add some text to the blackboard. The blackboard now says: {}".format(self.blackboards[self.location]))
st = len(line)
elif cmd == 'd':
if self.blackboards[self.location]:
self.blackboards[self.location] = self.blackboards[self.location][:-1]
self.log("You erase the last letter from the text on the blackboard. The blackboard now says: {}".format(self.blackboards[self.location]))
self.log("The blackboard is empty.")
elif cmd == 'i':
if self.blackboards[self.location]:
elif cmd == 'j':
if not self.blackboards[self.location]:
elif cmd == 'l':
elif cmd == 'k':
elif cmd == 'q':
self.running = False
elif cmd == 'v':
if self.verbose:
self.log("You pay less attention to your actions.")
self.verbose = False
self.log("You pay closer attention to your actions.")
self.verbose = True
print("Invalid command.")
line = line[st:]
def prompt():
print('>', end=' ')
return ''.join([c for c in input().lower() if c.islower()])
def main():
while True:
state = GameState()
old_location = None
while state.running:
if state.location != old_location:
line = prompt()
state.log1 += line
old_location = state.location
print('num_commands:', state.num_commands)
if state.won:
print("Congratulations, you played yourself. The answer to this puzzle is PASIPHAE.")
print("- GAME RESET -")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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