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Tim Gavin timgavin

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timgavin /
Last active October 10, 2020 00:28
Alfred workflow for creating a new Jekyll blog post
# In Alfred, create a new Blank Workflow and add a Keyword Input (Argument Required/uncheck With Space), mine is "new blog:" (without the quotes)
# Add a Run Script Action and make sure /bin/bash is selected in the Language dropdown
# Copy this Gist into the Run Script action (replacing the default text)
# Connect the Keyword action to the Run Script action
# Open an Alfred prompt and enter "new blog:My New Blog" without the quotes
# Watch the magic happen...
timgavin / ezsql_transaction.php
Created April 22, 2015 12:24
ezSQL Transaction (MySQLi)
// begin the transaction
// run all of your queries here...
// commit the queries
if($db->query('COMMIT') !== false) {
// transaction was successful
} else {
// transaction failed, rollback
timgavin / plural.php
Created July 12, 2012 00:44
Simple function to add smart apostrophes to the end of a string.
// see if a string ends in 's' and add aprostrophes accordingly
// optionally adds an 's' to the end of a string depending if $count is supplied
function plural($str,$count=null) {
if($count != null) {
if($count == 0 || $count > 1) {
if(substr($str,-1) == 's') {
return $count.' '.$str;
} else {
return $count.' '.$str.'s';
timgavin / ezsql_encoding.php
Created April 22, 2015 12:22
Set Encoding in ezSQL
// When creating a new connection just set the fifth parameter to the encoding you desire
// and ezDB will run a 'SET NAMES' query with your preferred encoding.
$db = new ezSQL_mysqli(