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Last active August 6, 2024 17:12
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edx-platform i18n_tool errors

Generated from edx-platform 0a067ffa829c4fd89a67b59ece907c43ac46e280 using:

make requirements
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=lms.envs.production LMS_CFG=lms/envs/minimal.yml STUDIO_CFG=lms/envs/minimal.yml make pull_translations
i18n_tool validate

...and harvesting all of conf/locale/*/LC_MESSAGES/*.prob as *-*.errors.

Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on
<{strong}>{author_name}</{strong}> response to your post
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt;{strong}&gt;{replier_name}</{strong}> تم التعليق على
&lt;{strong}&gt;{author_name}</{strong}> الرد على مشاركتك
&lt;{strong}&gt;{post_title} </{strong}></<span class='notranslate'>
-----> "</{p}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</<span class='notranslate'>",
"{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> responded to your post
-----> <{p}>&lt;{strong}&gt; {replier_name}</{strong}> الرد على رسالتك
&lt;{strong}&gt; {post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> "<{strong}>" vs "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on {author_name}'s
response in a post you’re following
-----> &lt; {p} &gt; &lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt; علق
على رد <span class='notranslate'>{author_name} في منشور تتابعه &lt;
{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt;
</<span class='notranslate'> {p}&gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
علق على رد <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{username}</{strong}> response has been endorsed in
your post <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt; &lt; {strong} &gt; {username} </ {strong} &gt; تمت
الموافقة على الاستجابة في مشاركتك &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'>
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
تمت الموافقة على الاستجابة في مشاركتك &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "</<span class='notranslate'>", "{p}",
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><Your response has been endorsed
-----> {p} <Your response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>{post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong}
&gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}&gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<Your response has been endorsed
<{strong}>", "<{p}>" vs "</<span class='notranslate'>", "<Your
response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}>You have a new course update:
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;لديك تحديث جديد للدورة: &lt; {strong} &gt;
{course_update_content} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt;
</<span class='notranslate'> {p}&gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Go back to the {homepage}.
-----> العودة إلى {الصفحة الرئيسية}.
-----> "{homepage}" vs "{الصفحة الرئيسية}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: We're sorry. There was a problem with the server while trying to
process your last request. You may want to return to the {studio_name}
Dashboard or try this request again.
-----> نأسف! حدثت مشكلة في الخادم أثناء محاولة معالجة طلبك الأخير. قد ترغب في
العودة إلى لوحة المعلومات {studio name} أو محاولة إعادة هذا الطلب مرة
-----> "{studio_name}" vs "{studio name}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Support will be removed on {expiration_date}.
-----> ستتم إزالة الدعم في {تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية}.
-----> "{expiration_date}" vs "{تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {start_li}Welcome{end_li} {name}
-----> {بداية_li}مرحبا{نهاية_li}{اسم}
-----> "{end_li}", "{name}", "{start_li}" vs "{اسم}", "{بداية_li}",
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: confirm unsubscribe from {org} {course} emails.
-----> تأكيد إلغاء الاشتراك في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني ل {org}{دورة}.
-----> "{course}" vs "{دورة}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You have successfully unsubscribed from {org} {course} emails.
-----> لقد تم إلغاء اشتراكك بنجاح في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني ل {org}{دورة}.
-----> "{course}" vs "{دورة}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You have not been unsubscribed from {org} {course} emails.
-----> لم يتم إلغاء اشتراكك في رسائل البريد الإلكتروني ل {org}{دورة}.
-----> "{course}" vs "{دورة}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Congratulations! You are now eligible to receive course credit from
{providers} for successfully completing your {platform_name} course!
{link_start}Purchase credit now.{link_end}
-----> تهانينا! أنت الآن مؤهل لتلقي رصيد المساق من {Provider} لأنك أكملت
المساق على {platform_name} بنجاح! {link_start} شراء رصيد الآن.
-----> "{providers}" vs "{Provider}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: for {course_display_name}
-----> ل {اسم_عرض_الدورة}
-----> "{course_display_name}" vs "{اسم_عرض_الدورة}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {name} Dashboard
-----> {اسم} لوحة المعلومات
-----> "{name}" vs "{اسم}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> هل تريد حذف "<٪ - signatoryName٪>" من لائحة الموقعين؟
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" vs "<٪ - signatoryName٪>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The certificate display behavior must be one of: {behavior_options}
-----> يجب أن يكون سلوك عرض الشهادة واحدًا مما يلي: {سلوك_خيار}
-----> "{behavior_options}" vs "{سلوك_خيار}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> يجب أن يكون لديك واجب واحد على الأقل غير قابل للإسقاط &lt;٪ -
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> يمكن تحميل ملفات <٪ - fileTypes٪> فقط. الرجاء تحديد ملف ينتهي بـ <٪ -
(fileExtensions)٪> للتحميل.
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" vs "<٪ -
(fileExtensions)٪>", "<٪ - fileTypes٪>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> تحميل ملف PDF جديد إلى "<٪ - name٪>"
-----> "<%- name %>" vs "<٪ - name٪>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> هل تريد حذف “<٪ - name٪>”؟
-----> "<%- name %>" vs "<٪ - name٪>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> لا يمكن أن يزيد مجموع الأحرف في حقول المؤسسة ورقم الدورة وفترة طرح
الدورة أكثر من <%=limit%> من الأحرف.
-----> "<%- limit %>" vs "<%=limit%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> لا يمكن أن يزيد مجموع الأحرف في حقلي المؤسسة ورمز المكتبة عن
<%=limit%> حرفًا.
-----> "<%- limit %>" vs "<%=limit%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {paragraph}=p;{preformatted}=pre;{heading3}=h3;{heading4}=h4;{heading5
-----> {فقرة} = p ؛ {preformatted} = pre ؛ {العنوان 3} = h3 ؛ {العنوان 4} =
h4 ؛ {العنوان 5} = h5 ؛ {العنوان 6} = h6
-----> "{heading3}", "{heading4}", "{heading5}", "{heading6}", "{paragraph}"
vs "{العنوان 3}", "{العنوان 4}", "{العنوان 5}", "{العنوان 6}",
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This subsection is configured as \"%(gradingType)s\", which doesn't
exist in the current grading policy.
-----> تم تكوين هذا القسم الفرعي كـ \ &quot; <span
class='notranslate'>%(gradingType)s</span> \&quot; ، وهو غير موجود في
سياسة التقدير الحالية.
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This action updates the {provider} information for your entire
-----> يقوم هذا الإجراء بتحديث معلومات {Provider} مؤسستك بأكملها.
-----> "{provider}" vs "{Provider}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> Vil du slette &quot;&lt;%- signatoryName %&gt;&quot; fra listen over
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> Du skal have mindst én &lt;%- types %&gt;-tildeling, der kan fjernes.
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> Kun &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt; filer kan uploades. Vælg venligst en fil,
der ender på &lt;%- (filudvidelser) %&gt; for at uploade.
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> Upload en ny PDF til &quot;&lt;%- navn %&gt;&quot;
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> Vil du slette &quot;&lt;%-navn %&gt;&quot;?
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Den kombinerede længde af felterne for organisation, kursusnummer og
kursuskørsel må ikke være mere end &lt;%- limit %&gt; tegn.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Den kombinerede længde af organisations- og bibliotekskodefelterne må
ikke være mere end &lt;%- limit %&gt; tegn.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate of <%= user %> has already been invalidated. Please check
your spelling and retry.
-----> Certifikatet for <%- user %> er allerede blevet ugyldigt. Kontroller
din stavning og prøv igen.
-----> "<%= user %>" vs "<%- user %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate has been successfully invalidated for <%= user %>.
-----> Certifikatet er blevet ugyldigt for <%- user %>
-----> "<%= user %>" vs "<%- user %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error deleting student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are
complete and correct.
-----> Fejl ved sletning af elev &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;s tilstand
på problemet '<%- problem_id %>'?. Sørg for, at problem- og
elevidentifikatorerne er fuldstændige og korrekte.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting task history for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and student
'<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Fejl ved hentning af opgavehistorik for problemet '<%- problem_id %>'?
og elev &#39;&lt;%- elev_id %&gt;&#39;. Sørg for, at problemet og
elevidentifikatorerne er fuldstændige og korrekte.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started rescore problem task for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> Startede rescore problemopgave for problemet '<%- problem_id %>'? og
elev &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. Klik på knappen &#39;Vis
opgavestatus&#39; for at se status for opgaven.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and
student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Fejl ved start af en opgave til at genplacere problemet '<%-
problem_id %>'? for elev &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. Sørg for,
at problem- og elev-id&#39;erne er fuldstændige og korrekte.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> Startede opgave med at tilsidesætte scoren for opgaven '<%- problem_id
%>'? og eleven &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. Klik på knappen
&#39;Vis opgavestatus&#39; for at se status for opgaven.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Fejl ved start af en opgave for at tilsidesætte score for problem '<%-
problem_id %>'? for elev &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. Sørg for,
at scoren og problem- og elevidentifikatorerne er fuldstændige og
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: ${price} {currency} )
-----> $ {price} {Currency} )
-----> "{currency}" vs "{Currency}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {organization}\'s logo
-----> {Organization} \&#39;s logo
-----> "{organization}" vs "{Organization}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Sign in to continue learning as {email}
-----> Signer in to fortsæt med at lære som {Email}
-----> "{email}" vs "{Email}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> Sie müssen mindestens eine undroptable &lt;%-types %&gt;-Zuweisung
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This subsection is configured as \"%(gradingType)s\", which doesn't
exist in the current grading policy.
-----> Dieser Unterabschnitt ist als „ <span
class='notranslate'>%(gradingType)s</span> “ konfiguriert, was in der
aktuellen Bewertungsrichtlinie nicht vorhanden ist.
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Start {trialLength}-day free trial
-----> Starten Sie eine 0-tägige kostenlose Testversion
-----> "{trialLength}" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Pay {subscriptionPrice} after {trialLength}-day free trial
-----> Zahlen Sie {subscriptionPrice} nach einer 0-tägigen kostenlosen
-----> "{trialLength}" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: To access the APIs, you will need to create an {platform_name} user
account for your application (not for personal use). This account will
provide you with access to our API request page at {request_url}. On
that page, you must complete the API request form including a
description of your proposed uses for the APIs. Any account and
registration information that you provide to {platform_name} must be
accurate and up to date, and you agree to inform us promptly of any
changes. {platform_name_capitalized} will review your API request form
and, upon approval in {platform_name}'s sole discretion, will provide
you with instructions for obtaining your API shared secret and client
-----> Για να αποκτήσετε πρόσβαση στα API, θα χρειαστεί να δημιουργήσετε έναν
λογαριασμό χρήστη στο {platform_name} για την εφαρμογή σας (όχι για
προσωπική χρήση). Αυτός ο λογαριασμός θα σας παρέχει πρόσβαση στη
σελίδα αιτήματος API στη διεύθυνση {request_url}. Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα,
πρέπει να συμπληρώσετε τη φόρμα αίτησης API, συμπεριλαμβανομένης μιας
περιγραφής των προτεινόμενων χρήσεων για τα API. Οποιεσδήποτε
πληροφορίες λογαριασμού και εγγραφής που παρέχετε στο {platform_name}
πρέπει να είναι ακριβείς και ενημερωμένες και συμφωνείτε να μας
ενημερώνετε εγκαίρως για τυχόν αλλαγές. Το {plat
form_name_capitalized} θα εξετάσει τη φόρμα αίτησης API και, κατόπιν
έγκρισης στην αποκλειστική διακριτική ευχέρεια του {platform_name}, θα
σας παρέχει οδηγίες για την απόκτηση του κοινόχρηστου μυστικού API και
του αναγνωριστικού πελάτη.
-----> "{platform_name_capitalized}" vs "{plat form_name_capitalized}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: To the extent that you submit any content to {platform_name} in
connection with your use of the APIs or any API Content, you hereby
grant to {platform_name} a worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable,
assignable, sub licensable, fully paid-up, royalty-free, perpetual,
irrevocable right and license to host, transfer, display, perform,
reproduce, modify, distribute, re-distribute, relicense and otherwise
use, make available and exploit such content, in whole or in part, in
any form and in any media formats and through any media channels (now
known or hereafter developed).
-----> Στο βαθμό που υποβάλλετε οποιοδήποτε περιεχόμενο στο {plat form_name}
σε σχέση με τη χρήση των API ή οποιουδήποτε Περιεχομένου API από εσάς,
παραχωρείτε με το παρόν στο {platform_name} ένα παγκόσμιο, μη
αποκλειστικό, μεταβιβάσιμο, εκχωρήσιμο, υποαδειοδοτούμενο, πλήρως
πληρωμένο, χωρίς δικαιώματα, διαρκές, αμετάκλητο δικαίωμα και άδεια
φιλοξενίας, μεταφοράς, προβολής, αναπαράστασης, αναπαραγωγής,
τροποποίησης, διανομής, αναδιανομής, επανααδειοδότησης και χρήσης με
άλλο τρόπο, να διαθέτετε και να εκμεταλλεύεστε το εν λόγω περιεχόμενο,
εν όλω ή εν μέρει, σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή και σε οποιαδήποτε μορφή μέσων
και μέσω οποιωνδήποτε διαύλων μέσων (γνωστών ή που θα αναπτυχθούν στο
-----> "{plat form_name}" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {min_hours_effort_per_week}-{max_hours_effort_per_week} hours per
week, per course
-----> {min_hours_efort_per_week}-{max_hours_efort_per_week} ώρες την
εβδομάδα, ανά μάθημα
-----> "{max_hours_effort_per_week}", "{min_hours_effort_per_week}" vs
"{max_hours_efort_per_week}", "{min_hours_efort_per_week}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> Διαγραφή του &quot;&lt;%- signatoryName %&gt;&quot; από τη λίστα των
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> Πρέπει να έχετε τουλάχιστον μία ανάθεση &lt;%- τύπους %&gt; χωρίς
δυνατότητα απόρριψης.
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> Μόνο &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt; μπορούν να μεταφορτωθούν αρχεία. Επιλέξτε
ένα αρχείο που τελειώνει σε &lt;%- (FileExtensions) %&gt; για
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload completed for video {fileName}
-----> Η μεταφόρτωση ολοκληρώθηκε για το βίντεο {filename}
-----> "{fileName}" vs "{filename}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> Διαγραφή &quot;&lt;%- όνομα %&gt;&quot;;
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Το συνδυασμένο μήκος των πεδίων οργάνωσης, αριθμού μαθημάτων και
εκτέλεσης μαθημάτων δεν μπορεί να υπερβαίνει τους χαρακτήρες &lt;%-
όριο %&gt;.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Το συνδυασμένο μήκος των πεδίων του οργανισμού και του κώδικα
βιβλιοθήκης δεν μπορεί να υπερβαίνει τους χαρακτήρες &lt;%- όριο
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error: User '<%- username %>' has not yet activated their account.
Users must create and activate their accounts before they can be
assigned a role.
-----> Σφάλμα: Ο χρήστης '<%- όνομα χρήστη %>' δεν έχει ακόμη ενεργοποιήσει
τον λογαριασμό του. Οι χρήστες πρέπει να δημιουργήσουν και να
ενεργοποιήσουν τους λογαριασμούς τους για να τους ανατεθεί ένας ρόλος.
-----> "<%- username %>" vs "<%- όνομα χρήστη %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {paragraph}=p;{preformatted}=pre;{heading3}=h3;{heading4}=h4;{heading5
-----> {Παράγραφος}=p;{Προεπιλογή}=pre;{Επικεφαλίδα3}=h3;{Επικεφαλίδα4}=h4;{Ε
-----> "{heading3}", "{heading4}", "{heading5}", "{heading6}", "{paragraph}",
"{preformatted}" vs "{Επικεφαλίδα3}", "{Επικεφαλίδα4}",
"{Επικεφαλίδα5}", "{Επικεφαλίδα6}", "{Παράγραφος}", "{Προεπιλογή}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{username}</{strong}> response has been endorsed in
your post <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {username} </ {strong} &gt; la
respuesta ha sido respaldada en tu publicación &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt; la
respuesta ha sido respaldada en tu publicación &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "</<span class='notranslate'>", "{p}",
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><Your response has been endorsed
-----> &lt; {p} &gt; <Your response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>{post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong}
&gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<Your response has been endorsed
<{strong}>", "<{p}>" vs "</<span class='notranslate'>", "<Your
response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}>You have a new course update:
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;Tienes una nueva actualización del curso: &lt; {strong}
&gt; {course_update_content} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong}
&gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> &quot;&lt;%- signatoryName %&gt;&quot; از لیست امضاکنندگان حذف شود؟
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> شما باید حداقل یک تخصیص &lt;%- انواع %&gt; غیرقابل حذف داشته باشید.
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> فقط فایل های &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt; را می توان آپلود کرد. لطفاً فایلی
را که به &lt;%- (FileExtensions) %&gt; ختم می شود را برای آپلود انتخاب
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> یک PDF جدید در &quot;&lt;%- نام %&gt;&quot; بارگذاری کنید
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> &quot;&lt;%- نام %&gt;&quot; حذف شود؟
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> طول ترکیبی سازمان، تعداد دوره، و فیلدهای دوره اجرا نمی‌تواند بیشتر از
&lt;%- حد %&gt; کاراکتر باشد.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> طول ترکیبی فیلدهای کد سازمان و کتابخانه نمی تواند بیشتر از &lt;%- حد
%&gt; کاراکتر باشد.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> &lt;%- کاربر %&gt; از قبل در لیست استثناها قرار دارد.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> &lt;%- کاربر %&gt; با موفقیت به لیست استثنا اضافه شد. برای ارسال
گواهی، روی Generate Exception Certificate در زیر کلیک کنید.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate of <%= user %> has already been invalidated. Please check
your spelling and retry.
-----> گواهی &lt;%= کاربر %&gt; قبلاً باطل شده است. لطفا املای خود را بررسی
کنید و دوباره امتحان کنید.
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate has been successfully invalidated for <%= user %>.
-----> گواهی با موفقیت برای &lt;%= کاربر %&gt; باطل شد.
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Could not find a user with username or email address '<%- identifier
-----> کاربری با نام کاربری یا آدرس ایمیل &quot;&lt;%- شناسه %&gt;&quot; یافت
-----> "<%- identifier %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error: User '<%- username %>' has not yet activated their account.
Users must create and activate their accounts before they can be
assigned a role.
-----> خطا: کاربر «&lt;%- نام کاربری %&gt;» هنوز حساب خود را فعال نکرده است.
کاربران باید قبل از تعیین نقش، حساب های خود را ایجاد و فعال کنند.
-----> "<%- username %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting enrollment status for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> خطا در دریافت وضعیت ثبت نام برای &quot;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&quot;.
مطمئن شوید که شناسه دانش آموز به درستی نوشته شده است.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting student progress url for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> خطا در دریافت url پیشرفت دانش آموز برای &quot;&lt;%- student_id
%&gt;&quot;. مطمئن شوید که شناسه دانش آموز به درستی نوشته شده است.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Success! Problem attempts reset for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'.
-----> موفقیت! مشکل برای مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot; و دانش آموز
&quot;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&quot; بازنشانی می شود.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> خطا در بازنشانی تلاش‌های مشکل برای مشکل «&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;» و
دانش‌آموز «&lt;%- student_id %&gt;». مطمئن شوید که مشکل و شناسه دانش
آموز کامل و صحیح است.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%- problem_id
-----> وضعیت «&lt;%- student_id %&gt; در مشکل «&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;» حذف
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error deleting student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are
complete and correct.
-----> خطا در حذف وضعیت دانش آموز &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt; در مشکل
&#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;. مطمئن شوید که مشکل و شناسه دانش
آموز کامل و صحیح است.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting task history for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and student
'<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> خطا در گرفتن سابقه کار برای مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot; و
دانش آموز &quot;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&quot;. مطمئن شوید که مشکل و
شناسه دانش آموز کامل و صحیح است.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Reset attempts for all students on problem '<%- problem_id %>'?
-----> تلاش‌ها برای همه دانش‌آموزان در مورد مشکل «&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;»
بازنشانی شود؟
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to reset attempts for problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status
of the task.
-----> کار برای بازنشانی تلاش‌ها برای مشکل «&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;» با
موفقیت شروع شد. برای مشاهده وضعیت کار، روی دکمه &quot;نمایش وضعیت
کار&quot; کلیک کنید.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem
'<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete
and correct.
-----> خطا در شروع کار برای بازنشانی تلاش‌ها برای همه دانش‌آموزان در مشکل
«&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;». مطمئن شوید که شناسه مشکل کامل و صحیح است.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started rescore problem task for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> کار بازیابی مشکل برای مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot; و دانش
آموز &quot;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&quot; آغاز شد. برای مشاهده وضعیت
کار، روی دکمه &quot;نمایش وضعیت کار&quot; کلیک کنید.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and
student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> خطا در شروع کار برای بازیابی مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot;
برای دانش آموز &quot;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&quot;. مطمئن شوید که
شناسه مشکل و دانش آموز کامل و صحیح است.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> کار شروع شد تا امتیاز مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot; و دانش
آموز &quot;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&quot; لغو شود. برای مشاهده وضعیت
کار، روی دکمه &quot;نمایش وضعیت کار&quot; کلیک کنید.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> خطا در شروع کار برای لغو امتیاز مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&quot; برای دانش آموز &quot;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&quot;. از
کامل و صحیح بودن نمره و معرف مشکل و دانش آموز اطمینان حاصل کنید.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for all students?
-----> دوباره مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot; برای همه دانش آموزان؟
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
all students. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status of
the task.
-----> کار برای بازیابی مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot; برای همه
دانش آموزان با موفقیت آغاز شد. برای مشاهده وضعیت کار، روی دکمه
&quot;نمایش وضعیت کار&quot; کلیک کنید.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make
sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.
-----> خطا در شروع کار برای بازیابی مشکل &quot;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&quot;.
مطمئن شوید که شناسه مشکل کامل و صحیح است.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Non-BMP char
msgid: Copy
-----> کپی 🀄
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}>You have a new course update:
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;Vous avez une nouvelle mise à jour du cours : &lt;
{strong} &gt; {course_update_content} </<span class='notranslate'>
{strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> למחוק את &quot;&lt;%- signatoryName %&gt;&quot; מרשימת החותמים?
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> חייבת להיות לך לפחות מטלת &lt;%- types %&gt; ניתנת לביטול.
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> ניתן להעלות רק קבצי &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt;. אנא בחר קובץ המסתיים
ב-&lt;%- (תוספות קובץ) %&gt; להעלאה.
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> האורך המשולב של שדות הארגון, מספר הקורס והרצת הקורס לא יכול להיות יותר
מ-&lt;%- limit %&gt; תווים.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> האורך המשולב של שדות קוד הארגון והספרייה לא יכול להיות יותר מ-&lt;%-
limit %&gt; תווים.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Last activity {date}
-----> פעילות אחרונה ב-{תאריך}
-----> "{date}" vs "{תאריך}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; נוסף בהצלחה לרשימת החריגים. לחץ על צור אישור חריג
למטה כדי לשלוח את האישור.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting enrollment status for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> שגיאה בקבלת סטטוס ההרשמה עבור &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. ודא
שמזהה התלמיד מאוית נכון.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> שגיאה באיפוס ניסיונות בעיה עבור הבעיה &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; ותלמיד &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. ודא שמזהי הבעיה
ומזהי התלמידים מלאים ונכונים.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> התחילה משימה לעקוף את הציון עבור הבעיה &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; ותלמיד &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. לחץ על הלחצן
&#39;הצג סטטוס משימה&#39; כדי לראות את מצב המשימה.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> שגיאה בהתחלת משימה לעקוף ציון עבור הבעיה &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; עבור תלמיד &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. ודא שהניקוד
ומזהי הבעיה ומזהי התלמידים מלאים ונכונים.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> <%-उसेर %>ऑलरेडी एक्ष्केप्स्न लिस्ट में है|
-----> "<%- user %>" vs "<%-उसेर %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate of <%= user %> has already been invalidated. Please check
your spelling and retry.
-----> <% = user%> का प्रमाणपत्र पहले ही अमान्य हो चुका है। कृपया अपनी वर्तनी
जांचें और पुनः प्रयास करें।
-----> "<%= user %>" vs "<% = user%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate has been successfully invalidated for <%= user %>.
-----> प्रमाणपत्र को <% = user%> के लिए सफलतापूर्वक अमान्य कर दिया गया है।
-----> "<%= user %>" vs "<% = user%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Could not find a user with username or email address '<%- identifier
-----> उपयोगकर्ता नाम या ईमेल पता '<% - identifier%>' वाला उपयोगकर्ता नहीं
-----> "<%- identifier %>" vs "<% - identifier%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error: User '<%- username %>' has not yet activated their account.
Users must create and activate their accounts before they can be
assigned a role.
-----> त्रुटि: उपयोगकर्ता '<% - username%>' ने अभी तक अपना खाता सक्रिय नहीं
किया है। उपयोगकर्ता को एक भूमिका सौंपे जाने से पहले अपने खाते को बनाना
और सक्रिय करना होगा।
-----> "<%- username %>" vs "<% - username%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting enrollment status for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> '<% - student_id%>' के लिए नामांकन की स्थिति प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि।
सुनिश्चित करें कि छात्र पहचानकर्ता को सही ढंग से लिखा गया है।
-----> "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - student_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting student progress url for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> '<% - student_id%>' के लिए छात्र प्रगति url प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि।
सुनिश्चित करें कि छात्र पहचानकर्ता को सही ढंग से लिखा गया है।
-----> "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - student_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Success! Problem attempts reset for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'.
-----> सफलता! समस्या का प्रयास समस्या '<% - problem_id%>' और छात्र '<% -
student_id%>' के लिए रीसेट करता है।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<% -
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> प्रॉब्लेम्स को रीसेट करने में एर्र प्रोब्लेम अत्तेंप्ट्स के लिए
'<%-प्रोब्लेम_आइ दी%>' और स्टूडेंट '<%-स्टूडेंट_आइ दी %>'। कृपया
सुनिश्चित करे की प्रोब्लेम और स्टूडेंट इडेंटिफिएर्स कंप्लीट और सही हो|
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<%-प्रोब्लेम_आइ दी%>",
"<%-स्टूडेंट_आइ दी %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%- problem_id
-----> छात्र को <<% - student_id%> समस्या पर राज्य '<% - problem_id%>' हटाएं?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<<%
- student_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error deleting student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are
complete and correct.
-----> छात्र को <<% - student_id%> की समस्या पर राज्य हटाने में त्रुटि '<% -
problem_id%>'। सुनिश्चित करें कि समस्या और छात्र पहचानकर्ता पूर्ण और
सही हैं।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<<%
- student_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting task history for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and student
'<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> समस्या के लिए कार्य इतिहास प्राप्त करने में त्रुटि '<% - problem_id%>'
और छात्र '<% - student_id%>'। सुनिश्चित करें कि समस्या और छात्र
पहचानकर्ता पूर्ण और सही हैं।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<% -
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Reset attempts for all students on problem '<%- problem_id %>'?
-----> समस्या पर सभी छात्रों के लिए रीसेट प्रयास '<% - problem_id%>'?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to reset attempts for problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status
of the task.
-----> समस्या '<% - problem_id%>' के प्रयासों को रीसेट करने के लिए
सफलतापूर्वक शुरू किया गया कार्य। कार्य की स्थिति देखने के लिए 'कार्य
स्थिति दिखाएँ' बटन पर क्लिक करें।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem
'<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete
and correct.
-----> समस्या '<% - problem_id%>' पर सभी छात्रों के प्रयासों को रीसेट करने के
लिए एक कार्य शुरू करने में त्रुटि। सुनिश्चित करें कि समस्या पहचानकर्ता
पूर्ण और सही है।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started rescore problem task for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> समस्या '<% - problem_id%>' और छात्र '<% - student_id%>' के लिए समस्या
समाधान कार्य प्रारंभ किया। कार्य की स्थिति देखने के लिए 'कार्य स्थिति
दिखाएँ' बटन पर क्लिक करें।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<% -
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and
student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> विद्यार्थी '<% - student_id%>' के लिए '<% - problem_id%>' को फिर से
लिखने का कार्य शुरू करने में त्रुटि। सुनिश्चित करें कि समस्या और छात्र
पहचानकर्ता पूर्ण और सही हैं।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<% -
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> समस्या '<% - problem_id%>' और छात्र '<% - student_id%>' के स्कोर को
ओवरराइड करने का कार्य शुरू किया। कार्य की स्थिति देखने के लिए 'कार्य
स्थिति दिखाएँ' बटन पर क्लिक करें।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<% -
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> विद्यार्थी '<% - student_id%>' के लिए '<% - problem_id%>' के स्कोर को
ओवरराइड करने के लिए एक कार्य शुरू करने में त्रुटि। सुनिश्चित करें कि
स्कोर और समस्या और छात्र पहचानकर्ता पूर्ण और सही हैं।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>", "<% -
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for all students?
-----> सभी छात्रों के लिए रिस्क समस्या '<% - problem_id%>'?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
all students. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status of
the task.
-----> सभी छात्रों के लिए '<% - problem_id%>' समस्या को हल करने के लिए
सफलतापूर्वक कार्य शुरू किया। कार्य की स्थिति देखने के लिए 'कार्य
स्थिति दिखाएँ' बटन पर क्लिक करें।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make
sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.
-----> किसी कार्य को '<% - problem_id%>' को फिर से शुरू करने में त्रुटि।
सुनिश्चित करें कि समस्या पहचानकर्ता पूर्ण और सही है।
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" vs "<% - problem_id%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Your {programName} trial will expire at {trialEndTime} on
{trialEndDate} and the card on file will be charged
-----> आपका {प्रोग्रामनाम} परीक्षण {trialEndDate} को {trialEndTime} पर समाप्त
हो जाएगा और फ़ाइल पर मौजूद कार्ड से {subscriptionPrice} शुल्क लिया
-----> "{programName}" vs "{प्रोग्रामनाम}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: We've sent a message to {email}. Click the link in the message to
reset your password. Didn't receive the message? Contact
{anchorStart}technical support{anchorEnd}.
-----> हमने {ईमेल} को एक संदेश भेजा है। अपना पासवर्ड रीसेट करने के लिए संदेश
में लिंक पर क्लिक करें। संदेश नहीं मिला? संपर्क {anchorStart} तकनीकी
सहायता {anchorEnd}।
-----> "{email}" vs "{ईमेल}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {start_strong}{total}{end_strong} words submitted in total.
-----> {start_strong} {कुल} {end_strong} कुल में प्रस्तुत शब्द।
-----> "{total}" vs "{कुल}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This Group Configuration is not in use. Start by adding a content
experiment to any Unit via the {linkStart}Course Outline{linkEnd}.
-----> यह समूह कॉन्फ़िगरेशन उपयोग में नहीं है। {LinkStart} कोर्स की रूपरेखा
{linkEnd} के माध्यम से किसी भी इकाई में एक सामग्री प्रयोग जोड़कर शुरू
-----> "{linkStart}" vs "{LinkStart}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: In the {linkStart}Course Outline{linkEnd}, use this group to control
access to a component.
-----> {LinkStart} कोर्स की रूपरेखा {linkEnd} में, एक घटक तक पहुंच को
नियंत्रित करने के लिए इस समूह का उपयोग करें।
-----> "{linkStart}" vs "{LinkStart}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Remove {video_name} video
-----> {Video_name} वीडियो निकालें
-----> "{video_name}" vs "{Video_name}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Draft saved on {lastSavedStart}{editedOn}{lastSavedEnd} by
-----> ड्राफ्ट {lastSavedStart} {editOn} {lastSavedEnd} पर {editByStart}
{editBy} {editByEnd} द्वारा सहेजा गया
-----> "{editedByEnd}", "{editedByStart}", "{editedBy}", "{editedOn}" vs
"{editByEnd}", "{editByStart}", "{editBy}", "{editOn}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Last published {lastPublishedStart}{publishedOn}{lastPublishedEnd} by
-----> अंतिम प्रकाशित {lastPublishedStart} {प्रकाशितऑन} {lastPublishedEnd}
द्वारा {publishByStart} {प्रकाशित प्रकाशित} {प्रकाशितबाइंड}
-----> "{publishedByEnd}", "{publishedByStart}", "{publishedBy}",
"{publishedOn}" vs "{publishByStart}", "{प्रकाशित प्रकाशित}",
"{प्रकाशितऑन}", "{प्रकाशितबाइंड}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Recommended image resolution is {imageResolution}, maximum image file
size should be {maxFileSize} and format must be one of
-----> अनुशंसित छवि रिज़ॉल्यूशन {imageResolution} है, अधिकतम छवि फ़ाइल का
आकार {maxFileSize} होना चाहिए और प्रारूप {supportImageFormats} में से
एक होना चाहिए।
-----> "{supportedImageFormats}" vs "{supportImageFormats}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Show transcripts ({totalTranscripts})
-----> टेप दिखाएं ({TotalTranscripts})
-----> "{totalTranscripts}" vs "{TotalTranscripts}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You can view your information or unlink from {enterprise_name} anytime
in your Account Settings.
-----> आप अपनी जानकारी देख सकते हैं या अपनी खाता सेटिंग में कभी भी
{Enterprises_name} से अनलिंक कर सकते हैं।
-----> "{enterprise_name}" vs "{Enterprises_name}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Your verification status is good until {verificationGoodUntil}.
-----> {VerificationGoodUntil} तक आपकी सत्यापन स्थिति अच्छी है।
-----> "{verificationGoodUntil}" vs "{VerificationGoodUntil}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> Devi avere almeno un&#39;assegnazione &lt;%-types %&gt; non
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: ${price}/month {currency}
-----> ${prezzo}/mese {currency}
-----> "{price}" vs "{prezzo}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This subsection is configured as \"%(gradingType)s\", which doesn't
exist in the current grading policy.
-----> Questa sottosezione è configurata come \&quot; <span
class='notranslate'>%(gradingType)s</span> \&quot;, che non esiste
nell&#39;attuale politica di valutazione.
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Start {trialLength}-day free trial
-----> Avvia una prova gratuita di 0 giorni a0e84ea6267253z
-----> "{trialLength}" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Now available for many popular programs, affordable monthly
subscription pricing can help you manage your budget more effectively.
Subscriptions start at {minSubscriptionPrice}/month USD per program,
after a 7-day full access free trial. Cancel at any time.
-----> Ora disponibile per molti programmi popolari, il prezzo conveniente
dell&#39;abbonamento mensile può aiutarti a gestire il tuo budget in
modo più efficace. Gli abbonamenti partono da $029fe68b2f6c7z0/mese
per programma, dopo una prova gratuita di 7 giorni di accesso
completo. Annulla in qualsiasi momento.
-----> "{minSubscriptionPrice}" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> Apagar "<%= signatoryName %>" da lista de emissores?
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" vs "<%= signatoryName %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> Você deve ter pelo menos uma atribuição &lt;%-types %&gt; que não pode
ser descartada.
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> Somente arquivos &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt; podem ser carregados. Por
favor, selecione um arquivo terminando em &lt;%- (fileExtensions)
%&gt; para carregar.
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> Carregue um novo PDF para “&lt;%- nome %&gt;”
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> Excluir “<%= name %>”?
-----> "<%- name %>" vs "<%= name %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> O comprimento combinado dos campos organização, número do curso e
execução do curso não pode ter mais de &lt;%- limit %&gt; caracteres.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> O comprimento combinado dos campos de código da organização e da
biblioteca não pode ser maior que &lt;%- limit %&gt; caracteres.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; já está na lista de exceções.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; foi adicionado com sucesso à lista de exceções.
Clique em Gerar certificado de exceção abaixo para enviar o
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Cohort assignment not allowed: {email_or_username}
-----> Atribuição de coorte não permitida: <span
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Erro ao redefinir tentativas de problema para o problema &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; e aluno &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;.
Certifique-se de que os identificadores do problema e do aluno estejam
completos e corretos.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: To access the courses available to you through {enterpriseName}, visit
the {enterpriseName} dashboard.
-----> Para acessar os cursos disponíveis por meio de <span
class='notranslate'>{enterpriseName}</span> , visite o painel <span
class='notranslate'>{enterpriseName}</span> .
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: ${price}/month {currency}
-----> ${preço}/mês <span class='notranslate'>{currency}</span>
-----> "{price}" vs "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>", "{preço}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Enroll in a {programName}'s course
-----> Inscreva-se em um curso de <span
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You have an active subscription to the {programName} program but are
not enrolled in any courses. Enroll in a remaining course and enjoy
verified access.
-----> Você tem uma assinatura ativa do programa <span
class='notranslate'>{programName}</span> , mas não está matriculado em
nenhum curso. Inscreva-se em um curso restante e aproveite o acesso
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: According to our records, you are not enrolled in any courses included
in your {programName} program subscription. Enroll in a course from
the {i_start}Program Details{i_end} page.
-----> De acordo com nossos registros, você não está matriculado em nenhum
curso incluído em sua assinatura do programa {programName}. Inscreva-
se em um curso na página {i_start}Detalhes do programa <span
class='notranslate'>{i_end}</span> .
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Your {programName} trial will expire at {trialEndTime} on
{trialEndDate} and the card on file will be charged
-----> Sua avaliação de {programName} expirará em {trialEndTime} em
{trialEndDate} e o cartão registrado será cobrado <span
class='notranslate'>{subscriptionPrice}</span> .
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Before proceeding, please {htmlStart}{emailMsg}{htmlEnd}.
-----> Antes de prosseguir, {htmlStart}{emailMsg} <span
class='notranslate'>{htmlEnd}</span> .
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: In order to sign in, you need to activate your
account.{line_break}{line_break}We just sent an activation link to
{strong_start} {email} {strong_end}. If you do not receive an email,
check your spam folders or {anchorStart}contact {platform_name}
-----> Para fazer login, você precisa ativar sua
conta.{line_break}{line_break}Acabamos de enviar um link de ativação
para {strong_start} {email} {strong_end}. Se você não receber um
e-mail, verifique suas pastas de spam ou {anchorStart}entre em contato
com o Suporte {platform_name} <span
class='notranslate'>{anchorEnd}</span> .
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {paragraph}=p;{preformatted}=pre;{heading3}=h3;{heading4}=h4;{heading5
-----> {paragraph}=p;{preformatted}=pre;{heading3}=h3;{heading4}=h4;{heading5
}=h5; <span class='notranslate'>{heading6}</span> =h6
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This subsection is configured as \"%(gradingType)s\", which doesn't
exist in the current grading policy.
-----> Esta subseção está configurada como \&quot; <span
class='notranslate'>%(gradingType)s</span> \&quot;, que não existe na
política de notas atual.
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The number of {type} assignments defined here does not match the
current number of {type} assignments in the course:
-----> O número de atribuições <span class='notranslate'>{type}</span>
definido aqui não corresponde ao número atual de atribuições <span
class='notranslate'>{type}</span> no curso:
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {assignment_count} {type} assignment(s) found:
-----> {assignment_count} <span class='notranslate'>{type}</span>
atribuição(ões) encontrada(s):
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The number of {type} assignments in the course matches the number
defined here.
-----> O número de atribuições <span class='notranslate'>{type}</span> no
curso corresponde ao número definido aqui.
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: If a learner starts on {startDate}, this subsection will be due on
-----> Se um aluno começar em {startDate}, esta subseção vencerá em <span
class='notranslate'>{projectedDueIn}</span> .
-----> "</span>", "<span class='notranslate'>" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: When your face is in position, use the Take Photo button {icon} below
to take your photo.
-----> Quando seu rosto estiver em posição, use o botão Tirar foto {icone}
abaixo para tirar foto.
-----> "{icon}" vs "{icone}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: To take the photo of your face, click on the camera button {icon}. If
you need to try again, click 'Retake Photo'.
-----> Para tirar foto do seu rosto, clique no botão câmera {icone}, se
precisar tentar novamente, clique 'Tire a foto novamente'.
-----> "{icon}" vs "{icone}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Once in position, use the Take Photo button {icon} to capture your ID
-----> Uma vez posicionado, use o Botão Tirar foto {icone} para capturar sua
-----> "{icon}" vs "{icone}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> Удалить «<%= signatoryName %>» из списка подписей?
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" vs "<%= signatoryName %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Supported file types: {supportedVideoTypes}
-----> Поддерживаемые типы файлов: {поддерживаются ВидеоТипы}
-----> "{supportedVideoTypes}" vs "{поддерживаются ВидеоТипы}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Copy of '{componentDisplayName}'
-----> Копия '{comComponentDisplayName}'
-----> "{componentDisplayName}" vs "{comComponentDisplayName}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> Удалить «<% - name%>»?
-----> "<%- name %>" vs "<% - name%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Совокупная длина наименования организации, номера и периода проведения
курса не должна превышать <%=limit%> символов.
-----> "<%- limit %>" vs "<%=limit%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Совокупная длина кода организации и библиотеки не может превышать
<%=limit%> символов.
-----> "<%- limit %>" vs "<%=limit%>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Thumbnail for {videoName}
-----> Миниатюры для {video Name}
-----> "{videoName}" vs "{video Name}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This image file type is not supported. Supported file types are
-----> Этот тип файла изображения не поддерживается. Поддерживаются следующие
типы файлов: {sulportedFileFormats}.
-----> "{supportedFileFormats}" vs "{sulportedFileFormats}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: This file type is not supported. Supported file type is
-----> Этот тип файла не поддерживается. Поддерживаемый тип файла
-----> "{supportedFileFormat}" vs "{поддерживаетсяFileFormat}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> Запущена задача переопределить оценку для задачи "<%- проблема_ид %>"
и ученика "<%- ученик_ид %>". Нажмите кнопку "Показать статус
задачи", чтобы увидеть статус задачи.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<%- проблема_ид %>", "<%-
ученик_ид %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Ошибка при запуске задания на переопределение балла для задачи "<%-
проблема_id %>" для ученика "<%- ученик_id %>". Убедитесь, что баллы,
а также идентификаторы проблемы и ученика полны и правильны.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" vs "<%- проблема_id %>", "<%-
ученик_id %>"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: (Self-paced) Ends {end}
-----> (Self-paced) Окончилось {start}
-----> "{end}" vs "{start}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: When your face is in position, use the Take Photo button {icon} below
to take your photo.
-----> Когда ваше лицо будет в нужном положении, используйте кнопку «Сделать
фото» {значок} ниже, чтобы сделать снимок.
-----> "{icon}" vs "{значок}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Once in position, use the Take Photo button {icon} to capture your
-----> Оказавшись в нужном месте, используйте кнопку «Сделать фото» {значок},
чтобы сделать снимок.
-----> "{icon}" vs "{значок}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> Je, ungependa kufuta &quot;&lt;%- signatoryName %&gt;&quot; kutoka kwa
orodha ya waliotia saini?
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> Lazima uwe na angalau mgawo mmoja &lt;%- aina %&gt; usioweza
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> Ni faili za &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt; pekee ndizo zinazoweza kupakiwa.
Tafadhali chagua faili inayoisha kwa &lt;%- (fileExtensions) %&gt; ili
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> Pakia PDF mpya kwenye “&lt;%- name %&gt;”
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> Ungependa kufuta “&lt;%- name %&gt;”?
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Urefu uliounganishwa wa shirika, nambari ya kozi, na sehemu
zinazoendeshwa haziwezi kuwa zaidi ya vibambo &lt;%- limit %&gt;.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Urefu uliounganishwa wa sehemu za shirika na msimbo wa maktaba hauwezi
kuwa zaidi ya vibambo &lt;%- limit %&gt;.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; tayari katika orodha ya kipekee.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; amefanikiwa kuongezwa kwenye orodha ya vighairi.
Bofya Tengeneza Cheti cha Isipokuwa hapo chini ili kutuma cheti.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate of <%= user %> has already been invalidated. Please check
your spelling and retry.
-----> Cheti cha &lt;%= user %&gt; tayari kimebatilishwa. Tafadhali angalia
tahajia yako na ujaribu tena.
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate has been successfully invalidated for <%= user %>.
-----> Cheti kimebatilishwa kwa &lt;%= mtumiaji %&gt;.
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Your file '{file}' has been uploaded. Allow a few minutes for
-----> Faili yako &#39;{faili}&#39; imepakiwa. Ruhusu dakika chache kwa
-----> "{file}" vs "{faili}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Could not find a user with username or email address '<%- identifier
-----> Haikuweza kupata mtumiaji aliye na jina la mtumiaji au anwani ya barua
pepe &#39;&lt;%- kitambulisho %&gt;&#39;.
-----> "<%- identifier %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error: User '<%- username %>' has not yet activated their account.
Users must create and activate their accounts before they can be
assigned a role.
-----> Hitilafu: Mtumiaji &#39;&lt;%- username %&gt;&#39; bado hajawezesha
akaunti yake. Watumiaji lazima waunde na kuwezesha akaunti zao kabla
ya kukabidhiwa jukumu.
-----> "<%- username %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting enrollment status for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> Hitilafu katika kupata hali ya uandikishaji ya &#39;&lt;%- student_id
%&gt;&#39;. Hakikisha kuwa kitambulisho cha mwanafunzi kimeandikwa
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting student progress url for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> Hitilafu katika kupata url ya maendeleo ya mwanafunzi ya &#39;&lt;%-
student_id %&gt;&#39;. Hakikisha kuwa kitambulisho cha mwanafunzi
kimeandikwa ipasavyo.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Success! Problem attempts reset for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'.
-----> Mafanikio! Majaribio ya tatizo kuweka upya kwa tatizo &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; na mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Hitilafu ya kuweka upya majaribio ya tatizo kwa tatizo &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; na mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;.
Hakikisha kuwa tatizo na vitambulisho vya wanafunzi ni kamili na
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%- problem_id
-----> Je, ungependa kufuta hali ya &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39; ya
mwanafunzi kuhusu tatizo &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error deleting student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are
complete and correct.
-----> Hitilafu katika kufuta hali ya mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id
%&gt;&#39; kwenye tatizo &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;. Hakikisha
kuwa tatizo na vitambulisho vya wanafunzi ni kamili na sahihi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting task history for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and student
'<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Hitilafu katika kupata historia ya kazi ya tatizo &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; na mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;.
Hakikisha kuwa tatizo na vitambulisho vya wanafunzi ni kamili na
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Reset attempts for all students on problem '<%- problem_id %>'?
-----> Ungependa kuweka upya majaribio ya wanafunzi wote kwenye tatizo
&#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to reset attempts for problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status
of the task.
-----> Imefaulu kuanza kazi ya kuweka upya majaribio ya tatizo &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39;. Bofya kitufe cha &#39;Onyesha Hali ya Kazi&#39;
ili kuona hali ya kazi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem
'<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete
and correct.
-----> Hitilafu katika kuanzisha kazi ya kuweka upya majaribio kwa wanafunzi
wote kwenye tatizo &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;. Hakikisha kuwa
kitambulisho cha tatizo ni kamili na sahihi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started rescore problem task for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> Alianza kazi ya tatizo la matokeo kwa tatizo &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; na mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. Bofya
kitufe cha &#39;Onyesha Hali ya Kazi&#39; ili kuona hali ya kazi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and
student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Hitilafu ya kuanzisha kazi ya kurejesha tatizo &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; kwa mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. Hakikisha
kuwa tatizo na vitambulisho vya wanafunzi ni kamili na sahihi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> Ilianza kazi ya kubatilisha alama za tatizo &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; na mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39;. Bofya
kitufe cha &#39;Onyesha Hali ya Kazi&#39; ili kuona hali ya kazi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Hitilafu ya kuanzisha kazi ya kubatilisha alama ya tatizo &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; kwa mwanafunzi &#39;&lt;%- student_id
%&gt;&#39;. Hakikisha kwamba alama na tatizo na vitambulisho vya
wanafunzi ni kamili na sahihi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for all students?
-----> Tatizo la matokeo tena &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; kwa wanafunzi
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
all students. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status of
the task.
-----> Imefaulu kuanza kazi ya kupata tena tatizo la &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; kwa wanafunzi wote. Bofya kitufe cha &#39;Onyesha Hali ya
Kazi&#39; ili kuona hali ya kazi.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make
sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.
-----> Hitilafu katika kuanzisha kazi kurejesha tatizo &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39;. Hakikisha kuwa kitambulisho cha tatizo ni kamili na
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Your upload of '{file}' succeeded.
-----> Upakiaji wako wa &#39;{faili}&#39; umefaulu.
-----> "{file}" vs "{faili}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Your upload of '{file}' failed.
-----> Upakiaji wako wa &#39;{faili}&#39; umeshindwa.
-----> "{file}" vs "{faili}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> సంతకం చేసిన వారి జాబితా నుండి &quot;&lt;%- సంతకం చేసిన పేరు
%&gt;&quot;ని తొలగించాలా?
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> మీరు తప్పనిసరిగా కనీసం ఒక తీసివేయలేని &lt;%- రకాల %&gt; అసైన్‌మెంట్‌ని
కలిగి ఉండాలి.
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> &lt;%- filetypes %&gt; ఫైల్‌లు మాత్రమే అప్‌లోడ్ చేయబడతాయి. దయచేసి
అప్‌లోడ్ చేయడానికి &lt;%- (fileExtensions) %&gt;తో ముగిసే ఫైల్‌ని
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> “&lt;%- పేరు %&gt;”కి కొత్త PDFని అప్‌లోడ్ చేయండి
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> “&lt;%- పేరు %&gt;”ని తొలగించాలా?
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> సంస్థ, కోర్సు సంఖ్య మరియు కోర్సు రన్ ఫీల్డ్‌ల మిళిత పొడవు &lt;%-
పరిమితి %&gt; అక్షరాల కంటే ఎక్కువ ఉండకూడదు.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> సంస్థ మరియు లైబ్రరీ కోడ్ ఫీల్డ్‌ల మిళిత పొడవు &lt;%- పరిమితి %&gt;
అక్షరాల కంటే ఎక్కువ ఉండకూడదు.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> &lt;%- వినియోగదారు %&gt; ఇప్పటికే మినహాయింపు జాబితాలో ఉన్నారు.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> &lt;%- వినియోగదారు %&gt; మినహాయింపు జాబితాకు విజయవంతంగా జోడించబడ్డారు.
ప్రమాణపత్రాన్ని పంపడానికి దిగువన ఉన్న మినహాయింపు సర్టిఫికెట్‌ని
రూపొందించు క్లిక్ చేయండి.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate of <%= user %> has already been invalidated. Please check
your spelling and retry.
-----> &lt;%= వినియోగదారు %&gt; యొక్క సర్టిఫికేట్ ఇప్పటికే చెల్లదు. దయచేసి మీ
అక్షరక్రమాన్ని తనిఖీ చేసి, మళ్లీ ప్రయత్నించండి.
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate has been successfully invalidated for <%= user %>.
-----> &lt;%= వినియోగదారు %&gt; కోసం సర్టిఫికెట్ విజయవంతంగా చెల్లుబాటు
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Could not find a user with username or email address '<%- identifier
-----> వినియోగదారు పేరు లేదా ఇమెయిల్ చిరునామా &#39;&lt;%- ఐడెంటిఫైయర్
%&gt;&#39;తో వినియోగదారుని కనుగొనడం సాధ్యపడలేదు.
-----> "<%- identifier %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error: User '<%- username %>' has not yet activated their account.
Users must create and activate their accounts before they can be
assigned a role.
-----> లోపం: వినియోగదారు &#39;&lt;%- వినియోగదారు పేరు %&gt;&#39; ఇంకా వారి
ఖాతాను సక్రియం చేయలేదు. వినియోగదారులు ఒక పాత్రను కేటాయించడానికి ముందు
వారి ఖాతాలను తప్పనిసరిగా సృష్టించాలి మరియు సక్రియం చేయాలి.
-----> "<%- username %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting enrollment status for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39; కోసం నమోదు స్థితిని పొందడంలో లోపం
ఏర్పడింది. విద్యార్థి ఐడెంటిఫైయర్ సరిగ్గా స్పెల్లింగ్ చేయబడిందని
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting student progress url for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39; కోసం విద్యార్థి పురోగతి urlని
పొందడంలో లోపం ఏర్పడింది. విద్యార్థి ఐడెంటిఫైయర్ సరిగ్గా స్పెల్లింగ్
చేయబడిందని నిర్ధారించుకోండి.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Success! Problem attempts reset for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'.
-----> విజయం! సమస్య &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; మరియు విద్యార్థి
&#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39; కోసం రీసెట్ చేసే ప్రయత్నాలు.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> సమస్య &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; మరియు విద్యార్థి &#39;&lt;%-
student_id %&gt;&#39; కోసం సమస్యను రీసెట్ చేయడంలో లోపం ఏర్పడింది.
సమస్య మరియు విద్యార్థి ఐడెంటిఫైయర్‌లు పూర్తి మరియు సరైనవని
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%- problem_id
-----> &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్యపై విద్యార్థి &#39;&lt;%-
student_id %&gt;&#39; స్థితిని తొలగించాలా?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error deleting student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are
complete and correct.
-----> సమస్యపై విద్యార్థి &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39; స్థితిని
తొలగించడంలో లోపం ఏర్పడింది &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;. సమస్య
మరియు విద్యార్థి ఐడెంటిఫైయర్‌లు పూర్తి మరియు సరైనవని నిర్ధారించుకోండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting task history for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and student
'<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> సమస్య &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; మరియు విద్యార్థి &#39;&lt;%-
student_id %&gt;&#39; కోసం టాస్క్ హిస్టరీని పొందడంలో లోపం ఏర్పడింది.
సమస్య మరియు విద్యార్థి ఐడెంటిఫైయర్‌లు పూర్తి మరియు సరైనవని
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Reset attempts for all students on problem '<%- problem_id %>'?
-----> &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్యపై విద్యార్థులందరికీ
ప్రయత్నాలను రీసెట్ చేయాలా?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to reset attempts for problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status
of the task.
-----> &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్య కోసం ప్రయత్నాలను రీసెట్
చేయడానికి టాస్క్ విజయవంతంగా ప్రారంభించబడింది. టాస్క్ స్థితిని
చూడటానికి &#39;టాస్క్ స్థితిని చూపు&#39; బటన్‌ను క్లిక్ చేయండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem
'<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete
and correct.
-----> &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్యపై విద్యార్థులందరికీ
ప్రయత్నాలను రీసెట్ చేయడానికి టాస్క్‌ను ప్రారంభించడంలో లోపం ఏర్పడింది.
సమస్య ఐడెంటిఫైయర్ పూర్తయిందని మరియు సరైనదని నిర్ధారించుకోండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started rescore problem task for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> సమస్య &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; మరియు విద్యార్థి &#39;&lt;%-
student_id %&gt;&#39; కోసం రికవర్ ప్రాబ్లమ్ టాస్క్ ప్రారంభించబడింది.
టాస్క్ స్థితిని చూడటానికి &#39;టాస్క్ స్థితిని చూపు&#39; బటన్‌ను
క్లిక్ చేయండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and
student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39; విద్యార్థి కోసం &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్యను పునరుద్ధరించడానికి టాస్క్‌ను
ప్రారంభించడంలో లోపం ఏర్పడింది. సమస్య మరియు విద్యార్థి ఐడెంటిఫైయర్‌లు
పూర్తి మరియు సరైనవని నిర్ధారించుకోండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> సమస్య &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; మరియు విద్యార్థి &#39;&lt;%-
student_id %&gt;&#39; కోసం స్కోర్‌ను భర్తీ చేయడానికి పని
ప్రారంభించబడింది. టాస్క్ స్థితిని చూడటానికి &#39;టాస్క్ స్థితిని
చూపు&#39; బటన్‌ను క్లిక్ చేయండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> &#39;&lt;%- student_id %&gt;&#39; విద్యార్థి కోసం &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్య కోసం స్కోర్‌ను భర్తీ చేయడానికి టాస్క్‌ను
ప్రారంభించడంలో లోపం ఏర్పడింది. స్కోర్ మరియు సమస్య మరియు విద్యార్థి
ఐడెంటిఫైయర్‌లు పూర్తి మరియు సరైనవని నిర్ధారించుకోండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for all students?
-----> విద్యార్థులందరికీ &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్యను
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
all students. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status of
the task.
-----> విద్యార్థులందరికీ &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్యను
పునరుద్ధరించడానికి టాస్క్ విజయవంతంగా ప్రారంభించబడింది. టాస్క్ స్థితిని
చూడటానికి &#39;టాస్క్ స్థితిని చూపు&#39; బటన్‌ను క్లిక్ చేయండి.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make
sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.
-----> &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; సమస్యను పునరుద్ధరించడానికి పనిని
ప్రారంభించడంలో లోపం. సమస్య ఐడెంటిఫైయర్ పూర్తయిందని మరియు సరైనదని
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> ลบ &quot;&lt;%- signatoryName %&gt;&quot; ออกจากรายชื่อผู้ลงนามหรือไม่
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> คุณต้องมีการมอบหมาย &lt;%- ประเภท %&gt;
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> สามารถอัปโหลดได้เฉพาะไฟล์ &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt; เท่านั้น
โปรดเลือกไฟล์ที่ลงท้ายด้วย &lt;%- (fileExtensions) %&gt; เพื่ออัปโหลด
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> อัปโหลด PDF ใหม่ไปที่ “&lt;%- ชื่อ %&gt;”
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> ความยาวรวมขององค์กร หมายเลขหลักสูตร
และฟิลด์การดำเนินหลักสูตรต้องไม่เกิน &lt;%- จำกัด %&gt; อักขระ
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> ความยาวรวมของฟิลด์องค์กรและรหัสไลบรารีต้องไม่เกิน &lt;%- จำกัด %&gt;
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> &lt;%- ผู้ใช้ %&gt; อยู่ในรายการข้อยกเว้นแล้ว
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> เพิ่ม &lt;%- ผู้ใช้ %&gt; ลงในรายการข้อยกเว้นเรียบร้อยแล้ว
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Could not find a user with username or email address '<%- identifier
-----> ไม่พบผู้ใช้ที่มีชื่อผู้ใช้หรือที่อยู่อีเมล &#39;&lt;%- ตัวระบุ
-----> "<%- identifier %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error: User '<%- username %>' has not yet activated their account.
Users must create and activate their accounts before they can be
assigned a role.
-----> ข้อผิดพลาด: ผู้ใช้ &#39;&lt;%- ชื่อผู้ใช้ %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- username %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting enrollment status for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการรับสถานะการลงทะเบียนสำหรับ &#39;&lt;%- Student_id
%&gt;&#39; ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าสะกดตัวระบุนักเรียนถูกต้อง
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting student progress url for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการรับ URL ความคืบหน้าของนักเรียนสำหรับ &#39;&lt;%-
Student_id %&gt;&#39; ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าสะกดตัวระบุนักเรียนถูกต้อง
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Success! Problem attempts reset for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'.
-----> ความสำเร็จ! ความพยายามในการรีเซ็ตปัญหาสำหรับปัญหา &#39;&lt;%-
problems_id %&gt;&#39; และนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการรีเซ็ตความพยายามแก้ไขปัญหาสำหรับปัญหา &#39;&lt;%-
problems_id %&gt;&#39; และนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%- problem_id
-----> ลบสถานะของนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt; เกี่ยวกับปัญหา
&#39;&lt;%- problems_id %&gt;&#39; หรือไม่
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error deleting student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are
complete and correct.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการลบสถานะของนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt;
ในปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting task history for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and student
'<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการรับประวัติงานสำหรับปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id
%&gt;&#39; และนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Reset attempts for all students on problem '<%- problem_id %>'?
-----> รีเซ็ตความพยายามสำหรับนักเรียนทุกคนที่มีปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id
%&gt;&#39; หรือไม่
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to reset attempts for problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status
of the task.
-----> เริ่มงานเพื่อรีเซ็ตความพยายามสำหรับปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id
%&gt;&#39; ได้สำเร็จ คลิกปุ่ม &#39;แสดงสถานะงาน&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem
'<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete
and correct.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเริ่มงานเพื่อรีเซ็ตความพยายามสำหรับนักเรียนทุกคนที่
มีปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started rescore problem task for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> เริ่มงานปัญหาคะแนนใหม่สำหรับปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id %&gt;&#39;
และนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt;&#39; คลิกปุ่ม
&#39;แสดงสถานะงาน&#39; เพื่อดูสถานะของงาน
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and
student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเริ่มงานเพื่อแก้ไขปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id
%&gt;&#39; สำหรับนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> เริ่มงานเพื่อแทนที่คะแนนสำหรับปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id %&gt;&#39;
และนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id %&gt;&#39; คลิกปุ่ม
&#39;แสดงสถานะงาน&#39; เพื่อดูสถานะของงาน
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเริ่มงานเพื่อแทนที่คะแนนสำหรับปัญหา &#39;&lt;%-
problems_id %&gt;&#39; สำหรับนักเรียน &#39;&lt;%- Student_id
%&gt;&#39; ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าคะแนน ปัญหา
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for all students?
-----> ให้คะแนนปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id %&gt;&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
all students. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status of
the task.
-----> เริ่มงานเพื่อให้คะแนนปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id %&gt;&#39;
สำหรับนักเรียนทุกคนเรียบร้อยแล้ว คลิกปุ่ม &#39;แสดงสถานะงาน&#39;
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make
sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.
-----> เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในการเริ่มงานเพื่อแก้ไขปัญหา &#39;&lt;%- problems_id
%&gt;&#39; ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าตัวระบุปัญหาครบถ้วนและถูกต้อง
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on your response to
the post <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt;
gönderiye verdiğiniz yanıta yorum yaptı &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
gönderiye verdiğiniz yanıta yorum yaptı &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "</<span class='notranslate'>", "{p}",
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on
<{strong}>{author_name}</{strong}> response to your post
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt; yorum
yapıldı &lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {author_name} </
{strong} &gt; gönderinize yanıt &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
gönderinize yanıt &lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</ {strong} &gt;
yorum yapıldı &lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> responded to a post you’re
following: <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt; takip
ettiğiniz bir gönderiye yanıt verdi: &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
takip ettiğiniz bir gönderiye yanıt verdi: &lt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "</<span class='notranslate'>", "{p}",
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on {author_name}'s
response in a post you’re following
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt; takip
ettiğiniz bir gönderideki <span class='notranslate'>{author_name}
yanıtına yorum yaptı &lt; {strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
takip ettiğiniz bir gönderideki <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{username}</{strong}> response has been endorsed in
your post <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {username} </ {strong} &gt; yanıt
gönderinizde onaylandı &lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt;
{post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
yanıt gönderinizde onaylandı &lt; <span class='notranslate'>",
"</<span class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><Your response has been endorsed
-----> &lt; {p} &gt; <Your response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>{post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong}
&gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<Your response has been endorsed
<{strong}>", "<{p}>" vs "</<span class='notranslate'>", "<Your
response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}>You have a new course update:
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;Yeni bir kurs güncellemeniz var: &lt; {strong} &gt;
{course_update_content} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt;
</<span class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Your {programName} trial will expire at {trialEndTime} on
{trialEndDate} and the card on file will be charged
-----> Термін дії Вашої пробної підписки збігає {trialEndDate} об
{trialEndTime}, після чого з прив’язаної до Вашого облікового запису
банківської картки буде знято {subscriptionPrice}.
-----> "{programName}" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: {strongStart}Warning: Account deletion is permanent.{strongEnd} Please
read the above carefully before proceeding. This is an irreversible
action, and {strongStart}you will no longer be able to use the same
email on {platformName}.{strongEnd}
-----> {strongStart}Попередження: видалення Аккаунту є незворотнім.
{strongEnd} Будь ласка, уважно прочитайте вище, перш ніж продовжити.
Це незворотні дії, і {strongStart} ви більше не зможете
використовувати ту саму пошту на {platformName}. {StrongEnd}
-----> "{StrongEnd}" added
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete "<%- signatoryName %>" from the list of signatories?
-----> Xóa &quot;&lt;%-signatoryName %&gt;&quot; khỏi danh sách người ký?
-----> "<%- signatoryName %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> Bạn phải có ít nhất một bài tập &lt;%-type %&gt; không thể bỏ được.
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Only <%- fileTypes %> files can be uploaded. Please select a file
ending in <%- (fileExtensions) %> to upload.
-----> Chỉ có thể tải lên các tệp &lt;%- fileTypes %&gt;. Vui lòng chọn tệp
có đuôi &lt;%- (fileExtensions) %&gt; để tải lên.
-----> "<%- (fileExtensions) %>", "<%- fileTypes %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Copy of '{componentDisplayName}'
-----> Bản sao của &#39;{comComponentDisplayName}&#39;
-----> "{componentDisplayName}" vs "{comComponentDisplayName}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Upload a new PDF to “<%- name %>”
-----> Tải bản PDF mới lên “&lt;%- name %&gt;”
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete “<%- name %>”?
-----> Xóa “&lt;%- tên %&gt;”?
-----> "<%- name %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization, course number, and course run
fields cannot be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Độ dài kết hợp của tổ chức, mã số khóa học và các trường chạy khóa học
không thể nhiều hơn &lt;%- limit %&gt; ký tự.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: The combined length of the organization and library code fields cannot
be more than <%- limit %> characters.
-----> Độ dài kết hợp của các trường mã tổ chức và thư viện không được nhiều
hơn &lt;%- limit %&gt; ký tự.
-----> "<%- limit %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; đã có trong danh sách ngoại lệ.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; đã được thêm thành công vào danh sách ngoại lệ. Nhấp
vào Tạo chứng chỉ ngoại lệ bên dưới để gửi chứng chỉ.
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate of <%= user %> has already been invalidated. Please check
your spelling and retry.
-----> Chứng chỉ &lt;%= user %&gt; đã bị vô hiệu. Vui lòng kiểm tra chính tả
và thử lại.
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Certificate has been successfully invalidated for <%= user %>.
-----> Chứng chỉ đã bị vô hiệu hóa thành công đối với &lt;%= user %&gt;.
-----> "<%= user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Could not find a user with username or email address '<%- identifier
-----> Không thể tìm thấy người dùng có tên người dùng hoặc địa chỉ email
&#39;&lt;%- mã định danh %&gt;&#39;.
-----> "<%- identifier %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error: User '<%- username %>' has not yet activated their account.
Users must create and activate their accounts before they can be
assigned a role.
-----> Lỗi: Người dùng &#39;&lt;%- tên người dùng %&gt;&#39; chưa kích hoạt
tài khoản của họ. Người dùng phải tạo và kích hoạt tài khoản của mình
trước khi có thể được chỉ định vai trò.
-----> "<%- username %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting enrollment status for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> Lỗi nhận trạng thái ghi danh cho &#39;&lt;%- sinh viên_id %&gt;&#39;.
Đảm bảo rằng mã định danh học sinh được viết đúng chính tả.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting student progress url for '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure
that the student identifier is spelled correctly.
-----> Lỗi khi lấy url tiến độ học tập cho &#39;&lt;%- sinh viên_id
%&gt;&#39;. Hãy chắc chắn rằng mã định danh học sinh được viết đúng
chính tả.
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Success! Problem attempts reset for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'.
-----> Thành công! Đã đặt lại số lần thử sự cố cho vấn đề &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; và sinh viên &#39;&lt;%- sinh viên_id
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Lỗi đặt lại các lần thử giải quyết vấn đề cho vấn đề &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; và học sinh &#39;&lt;%-student_id %&gt;&#39;.
Đảm bảo rằng bài toán và mã nhận dạng học sinh là đầy đủ và chính xác.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%- problem_id
-----> Xóa trạng thái của học sinh &#39;&lt;%--student_id %&gt; về bài toán
&#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error deleting student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student identifiers are
complete and correct.
-----> Lỗi xóa trạng thái của học sinh &#39;&lt;%--student_id %&gt; trên bài
toán &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;. Đảm bảo rằng bài toán và mã
nhận dạng học sinh là đầy đủ và chính xác.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error getting task history for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and student
'<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Lỗi lấy lịch sử nhiệm vụ cho bài toán &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; và học sinh &#39;&lt;%-student_id %&gt;&#39;. Đảm bảo rằng
bài toán và mã nhận dạng học sinh là đầy đủ và chính xác.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Reset attempts for all students on problem '<%- problem_id %>'?
-----> Đặt lại các lần thử cho tất cả học sinh về vấn đề &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39;?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to reset attempts for problem '<%-
problem_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status
of the task.
-----> Đã bắt đầu thành công tác vụ đặt lại các lần thử cho sự cố &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39;. Nhấp vào nút &#39;Hiển thị trạng thái tác
vụ&#39; để xem trạng thái của tác vụ.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to reset attempts for all students on problem
'<%- problem_id %>'. Make sure that the problem identifier is complete
and correct.
-----> Lỗi khi bắt đầu nhiệm vụ đặt lại các lần thử cho tất cả học sinh về
vấn đề &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39;. Đảm bảo rằng mã định danh
vấn đề là đầy đủ và chính xác.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started rescore problem task for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> Đã bắt đầu tính lại nhiệm vụ giải bài toán cho bài toán &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; và học sinh &#39;&lt;%- sinh viên_id %&gt;&#39;.
Nhấp vào nút &#39;Hiển thị trạng thái tác vụ&#39; để xem trạng thái
của tác vụ.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the problem and
student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Lỗi khi bắt đầu tác vụ để ghi lại vấn đề &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; cho học sinh &#39;&lt;%- sinh viên_id %&gt;&#39;. Đảm bảo
rằng bài toán và mã nhận dạng học sinh là đầy đủ và chính xác.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Started task to override the score for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to
see the status of the task.
-----> Đã bắt đầu nhiệm vụ ghi đè điểm cho bài toán &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; và học sinh &#39;&lt;%- school_id %&gt;&#39;. Nhấp vào nút
&#39;Hiển thị trạng thái tác vụ&#39; để xem trạng thái của tác vụ.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to override score for problem '<%- problem_id
%>' for student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the the score and
the problem and student identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> Lỗi khi bắt đầu một nhiệm vụ để ghi đè điểm cho bài toán &#39;&lt;%-
problem_id %&gt;&#39; cho học sinh &#39;&lt;%- learning_id %&gt;&#39;.
Đảm bảo rằng điểm số, bài toán và mã nhận dạng học sinh là đầy đủ và
chính xác.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for all students?
-----> Ghi lại vấn đề &#39;&lt;%- problem_id %&gt;&#39; cho tất cả học sinh?
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Successfully started task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>' for
all students. Click the 'Show Task Status' button to see the status of
the task.
-----> Đã bắt đầu thành công nhiệm vụ khắc phục vấn đề &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39; cho tất cả học sinh. Nhấp vào nút &#39;Hiển thị trạng thái
tác vụ&#39; để xem trạng thái của tác vụ.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error starting a task to rescore problem '<%- problem_id %>'. Make
sure that the problem identifier is complete and correct.
-----> Lỗi khi bắt đầu tác vụ để khắc phục sự cố &#39;&lt;%- problem_id
%&gt;&#39;. Đảm bảo rằng mã định danh vấn đề là đầy đủ và chính xác.
-----> "<%- problem_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on your response to
the post <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt;
评论了您对帖子的回复 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title}
</<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
评论了您对帖子的回复 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on
<{strong}>{author_name}</{strong}> response to your post
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt; 评论了
&lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {author_name} </ {strong}
&gt; 回复您的帖子 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title}
</<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
回复您的帖子 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</ {strong} &gt; 评论了 &lt;
<span class='notranslate'>", "</<span class='notranslate'>", "{p}",
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> responded to your post
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt;
回复了您的帖子 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title}
</<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
回复了您的帖子 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{username}</{strong}> posted
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {username} </ {strong} &gt; 发布 &lt;
<span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt; 发布
&lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span class='notranslate'>",
"{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{username}</{strong}> asked
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {username} </ {strong} &gt; 询问 &lt;
<span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title} </<span
class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p}
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt; 询问
&lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span class='notranslate'>",
"{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> responded to a post you’re
following: <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt;
回复了您关注的帖子: &lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt; {post_title}
</<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
回复了您关注的帖子: &lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{replier_name}</{strong}> commented on {author_name}'s
response in a post you’re following
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {replier_name} </ {strong} &gt;
在您关注的帖子中评论了<span class='notranslate'>{author_name}的回复 &lt; {strong}
&gt; {post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
在您关注的帖子中评论了<span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><{strong}>{username}</{strong}> response has been endorsed in
your post <{strong}>{post_title}</{strong}></{p}>
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;&lt; {strong} &gt; {username} </ {strong} &gt;
回复已在您的帖子中得到认可 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>{strong} &gt;
{post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</ {strong} &gt;
回复已在您的帖子中得到认可 &lt; <span class='notranslate'>", "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}><Your response has been endorsed
-----> {p} <Your response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>{post_title} </<span class='notranslate'> {strong}
&gt; </<span class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<Your response has been endorsed
<{strong}>", "<{p}>" vs "</<span class='notranslate'>", "<Your
response has been endorsed < {strong} &gt; <span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <{p}>You have a new course update:
-----> &lt; {p} &gt;您有新课程更新:&lt; {strong} &gt; {course_update_content}
</<span class='notranslate'> {strong} &gt; </<span
class='notranslate'> {p} &gt;
-----> "</{p}>", "</{strong}>", "<{p}>", "<{strong}>" vs "</<span
class='notranslate'>", "{p}", "{strong}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: You must have at least one undroppable <%- types %> assignment.
-----> 您必须至少有一项不可删除的 &lt;%- types %&gt; 分配。
-----> "<%- types %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> already in exception list.
-----> &lt;%- 用户 %&gt; 已在例外列表中。
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: <%- user %> has been successfully added to the exception list. Click
Generate Exception Certificate below to send the certificate.
-----> &lt;%- user %&gt; 已成功添加到例外列表中。单击下面的“生成例外证书”以发送证书。
-----> "<%- user %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Error resetting problem attempts for problem '<%- problem_id %>' and
student '<%- student_id %>'. Make sure that the problem and student
identifiers are complete and correct.
-----> 重置问题“&lt;%- Problem_id %&gt;”和学生“&lt;%- Student_id
-----> "<%- problem_id %>", "<%- student_id %>" missing
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Enter discussion categories in the following format: "CategoryName":
{"id": "i4x-InstitutionName-CourseNumber-course-CourseRun"}. For
example, one discussion category may be "Lydian Mode": {"id":
"i4x-UniversityX-MUS101-course-2015_T1"}. The "id" value for each
category must be unique. In "id" values, the only special characters
that are supported are underscore, hyphen, and period. You can also
specify a category as the default for new posts in the Discussion page
by setting its "default" attribute to true. For example, "Lydian
Mode": {"id": "i4x-UniversityX-MUS101-course-2015_T1", "default":
-----> 依下列格式輸入討論類別:「CategoryName」:{"id": "i4x-InstitutionName-CourseNumber-
course-CourseRun"}。例如,一個討論類別可以是 "Lydian模式」: {"id": "i4x-UniversityX-MU
屬性設為true,將類別指定為「討論」頁面中新貼文的預設值,例如,「Lydian Mode」:{"id":
"i4x-UniversityX-MUS101-course-2015_T1 ", "default": true}。
-----> "{"id": "i4x-UniversityX-MUS101-course-2015_T1", "default": true}" vs
"{"id": "i4x-UniversityX-MUS101-course-2015_T1 ", "default": true}"
Different tags in source and translation
msgid: Delete student '<%- student_id %>'s state on problem '<%- problem_id
-----> 是否重置所有學生對題目'<%- problem_id %>'的嘗試次數?
-----> "<%- student_id %>" missing
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