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timo/decont Secret

Last active August 25, 2015 22:07
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(template: decont
(if (all 3
(nz $1)
(zr (^is_type_obj $1))
(load (addr (^stable $1) (&offsetof MVMSTable container_spec)) ptr_sz)
(^func (load (addr
(load (addr (^stable $1) (&offsetof MVMSTable container_spec)) ptr_sz)
(&offsetof MVMContainerSpec fetch)) ptr_sz))
(arglist 3
(carg (tc) ptr)
(carg $1 ptr)
(carg $0 ptr)
(copy $1)
OP(decont): {
MVMObject *obj = GET_REG(cur_op, 2).o;
MVMRegister *r = &GET_REG(cur_op, 0);
cur_op += 4;
if (obj && IS_CONCRETE(obj) && STABLE(obj)->container_spec)
STABLE(obj)->container_spec->fetch(tc, obj, r);
r->o = obj;
goto NEXT;
# SYNTAX: opcode ':' s-exp
# s-exp represents tree
# Number with dollars stand for the arguments of the opcode. The
# opcode preprocessor inserts loads, and immediate nodes for arguments
# automatically.
(template: const_i16 (copy $1))
(template: const_i64_16 (copy $1))
(template: const_i64_32 (copy $1))
(template: const_i64 (copy $1))
(macro: ^cu_string (,a) (idx (load (addr (cu) (&offsetof MVMCompUnit body.strings)) ptr_sz)
,a ptr_sz))
(template: const_s (load (^cu_string $1) ptr_sz))
(template: set (copy $1))
(template: add_i (add $1 $2))
(template: sub_i (sub $1 $2))
(template: inc_i (add $0 (const 1 int_sz)))
(template: dec_i (sub $0 (const 1 int_sz)))
(macro: ^parg (,a) (idx (load (addr (frame) (&offsetof MVMFrame params.args)) ptr_sz) ,a reg_sz))
(template: sp_getarg_o (load (^parg $1) ptr_sz))
(template: sp_getarg_s (load (^parg $1) ptr_sz))
(template: sp_getarg_i (load (^parg $1) int_sz))
(template: sp_getarg_n (load (^parg $1) int_sz))
(macro: ^params () (addr (frame) (&offsetof MVMFrame params)) )
(macro: ^caller () (addr (frame) (&offsetof MVMFrame caller)) )
(macro: ^func (,a) (const (&CONST_PTR ,a) ptr_sz))
(macro: ^p6obody (,a) (let: (($replace (load (addr ,a (&offsetof MVMP6opaque body.replaced)) ptr_sz)))
(if (nz $replace)
(addr ,a (&offsetof MVMP6opaque body)))))
# get spesh slot address
(macro: ^spesh_slot (,a)
(idx (load
(addr (frame) (&offsetof MVMFrame effective_spesh_slots))
,a ptr_sz))
(template: sp_getspeshslot (load (^spesh_slot $1) ptr_sz))
(template: sp_p6oget_i (load (add (^p6obody $1) $2) int_sz))
(template: sp_p6oget_n (load (add (^p6obody $1) $2) (&sizeof MVMnum64)))
(template: sp_p6oget_s (load (add (^p6obody $1) $2) ptr_sz))
(template: sp_p6oget_o
(let: (($val (load (add (^p6obody $1) $2) ptr_sz)))
(if (nz $val) $val (vmnull))))
# hit write barrier for object - this one is rather large
# NB - it is probably better to use direct variables, rather than trees,
# as arguments to the write-barrier macro. Usually the compiler can
# eliminate duplications, but call is a notable exception
(macro: ^write_barrier (,obj ,ref)
(let: (($obj_flags (load (addr ,obj (&offsetof MVMCollectable flags)) 2))
($ref_flags (load (addr ,ref (&offsetof MVMCollectable flags)) 2)))
(when (all 3 (nz (and $obj_flags (const (&QUOTE MVM_CF_SECOND_GEN) 2)))
(nz ,ref)
(zr (and $ref_flags (const (&QUOTE MVM_CF_SECOND_GEN) 2))))
(call (^func &MVM_gc_write_barrier_hit)
(arglist 2 (carg (tc) ptr)
(carg ,obj ptr))
(template: sp_p6ogetvt_o
(let: (($addr (add (^p6obody $1) $2))
($val (load $addr ptr_sz))
($type (load (^spesh_slot $3) ptr_sz)))
(if (nz $val)
(do 3 (^write_barrier $1 $type)
(store $addr $type ptr_sz)
(template: sp_p6obind_i (store (add (^p6obody $0) $1) $2 int_sz))
(template: sp_p6obind_n (store (add (^p6obody $0) $1) $2 int_sz))
(template: sp_p6obind_o (let: (($addr (add (^p6obody $0) $1)))
(do 2 (^write_barrier $0 $2)
(store $addr $2 ptr_sz))))
(template: sp_p6obind_s (let: (($addr (add (^p6obody $0) $1)))
(do 2 (^write_barrier $0 $2)
(store $addr $2 ptr_sz))))
(template: null_s (const 0 ptr_sz))
(template: null (vmnull))
(macro: ^stable (,a) (load (addr ,a (&offsetof MVMObject st)) ptr_sz))
(macro: ^repr (,a) (load (addr (^stable ,a) (&offsetof MVMSTable REPR)) ptr_sz))
(macro: ^is_type_obj (,a)
(nz (and (load (addr ,a (&offsetof MVMObject header.flags)) (&SIZEOF_MEMBER MVMObject header.flags))
(const (&QUOTE MVM_CF_TYPE_OBJECT) (&SIZEOF_MEMBER MVMObject header.flags)))))
(template: getwhat (load (addr (^stable $1) (&offsetof MVMSTable WHAT)) ptr_sz))
(template: getwho (let: (($who (load (addr (^stable $1) (&offsetof MVMSTable WHO)) ptr_sz)))
(if (nz $who) $who (vmnull))))
(template: say (call (^func &MVM_string_say)
(arglist 2 (carg (tc) ptr)
(carg $0 ptr))
(template: getlex_no
(let: (($res
(call (^func &MVM_frame_find_lexical_by_name)
(arglist 3 (carg (tc) ptr)
(carg (load (^cu_string $1) ptr_sz) ptr)
(carg (const (&QUOTE MVM_reg_obj) int_sz) int))
(if (nz $res) (load $res ptr_sz) $res)))
(template: wval (call (^func MVM_sc_get_sc_object)
(arglist 4 (carg (tc) ptr)
(carg (cu) ptr)
(carg $1 int)
(carg $2 int))
(template: goto (branch (label $0)))
(macro: ^jump_out () (branch (label (const branch_exit int_sz))))
(template: return
(do 3
(call (^func &MVM_args_assert_void_return_ok)
(arglist 2
(carg (tc) ptr)
(carg (const 0 int_sz) int))
(call (^func &MVM_frame_try_return)
(arglist 1 (carg (tc) ptr))
(template: return_o
(do 3
(call (^func &MVM_args_set_result_obj)
(arglist 3
(carg (tc) ptr)
(carg $0 ptr)
(carg (const 0 int_sz) int))
(call (^func &MVM_frame_try_return)
(arglist 1 (carg (tc) ptr))
(template: setdispatcher
(store (addr (tc) (&offsetof MVMThreadContext cur_dispatcher))
$0 ptr_sz))
(template: takedispatcher
(let: (($cur (load (addr (tc) (&offsetof MVMThreadContext cur_dispatcher)) ptr_sz)))
(do 2
(store (addr (tc) (&offsetof MVMThreadContext cur_dispatcher))
(const 0 ptr_sz) ptr_sz)
(macro: ^hllconfig ()
($hllconf (load (addr (cu) (&offsetof MVMCompUnit body.hll_config)) ptr_sz)))
(template: hllboxtype_i
(load (addr (^hllconfig) (&offsetof MVMHLLConfig int_box_type)) ptr_sz))
(template: curcode
(load (addr (frame) (&offsetof MVMFrame code_ref)) ptr_sz))
(template: getcode
(let: (($arr (load (addr (cu) (&offsetof MVMCompUnit body.coderefs)) ptr_sz)))
(load (idx $arr $1 ptr_sz) ptr_sz)))
(template: callercode
(let: (($caller (load (addr (frame) (&offsetof MVMFrame caller)) ptr_sz)))
(if (nz $caller)
(load (addr $caller (&offsetof MVMFrame code_ref)) ptr_sz)
(const 0 ptr_sz))))
(template: sp_fastcreate
(let: (($block
(call (^func &MVM_gc_allocate_zeroed)
(arglist 2 (carg (tc) ptr)
(carg $1 int))
(do 4
(store (addr $block (&offsetof MVMObject st)) (load (^spesh_slot $2) ptr_sz) ptr_sz)
(store (addr $block (&offsetof MVMObject header.size)) $1 2)
(store (addr $block (&offsetof MVMObject header.owner))
(load (addr (tc) (&offsetof MVMThreadContext thread_id)) 4) 4)
(macro: ^throw_adhoc (,msg)
(call (^func &MVM_exception_throw_adhoc)
(arglist 2 (carg (tc) ptr)
(carg (const ,msg ptr_sz) ptr))
(template: ifnonnull
(when (any 2
(nz $0) (ne $0 (vmnull)))
(branch (label $1)) ))
(template: ctxcode
(do 2
(when (any 2 (^is_type_obj $1)
(ne (load (addr (^repr $1) (&offsetof MVMREPROps ID)) (&SIZEOF_MEMBER MVMREPROps ID))
(^throw_adhoc (&MSG ctxcode needs an MVMContext)))
(load (addr (load (addr $1 (&offsetof MVMContext body.context)) ptr_sz)
(&offsetof MVMFrame code_ref)) ptr_sz)))
# These properly yield a flag, not a register value.
# I maybe want to add a flag-to-register op
#(template: isnull_s
# (nz $1))
#(template: eq_i
# (eq $1 $2))
#(template: not_i
# (zr $1)
(macro: ^body (,a) (addr ,a (&offsetof MVMObjectStooge data)))
# GET_REG(cur_op, 0).i64 = (MVMint64)REPR(obj)->elems(tc, STABLE(obj), obj, OBJECT_BODY(obj));
(template: elems
(let: (($func (load (addr (^repr $1) (&offsetof MVMREPROps elems)) ptr_sz)))
(call $func
(arglist 4
(carg (tc) ptr)
(carg (^stable $1) ptr)
(carg $1 ptr)
(carg (^body $1) ptr))
# REPR(obj)->pos_funcs.at_pos(tc, STABLE(obj), obj,
# OBJECT_BODY(obj), GET_REG(cur_op, 4).i64,
# &GET_REG(cur_op, 0), MVM_reg_obj);
(template: atpos_o!
# maybe have another operator for statement if-with-else
(let: (($addr (copy $0)))
(either (^is_type_obj $1)
(store $addr (vmnull) ptr_sz)
# else
(call (load (addr (^repr $1) (&offsetof MVMREPROps pos_funcs.at_pos)) ptr_sz)
(arglist 7
(carg (tc) ptr)
(carg (^stable $1) ptr)
(carg $1 ptr)
(carg (^body $1) ptr)
(carg $2 int)
# our write address
(carg $addr ptr)
(carg (const (&QUOTE MVM_reg_obj) int_sz) int))
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