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Last active November 18, 2016 17:34
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Save timo/48c1a72154ca6e23f0957f5c2ee346b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my @data;
for "/tmp/all_data_sorted.txt".IO(:enc<latin-1>).lines {
my ($date, $commit, $size) = $_.split(",");
@data.push: ($date.Int, $commit, $size.Int);
for @data.sort(*.[0]) -> ($date, $commit, $size) {
state $prevsize //= $size;
if abs($size - $prevsize) > 300_000 {
my $kind = $size < $prevsize ?? "dip" !! "spike";
say "$kind of {abs $size - $prevsize} bytes ({ $size * 100 / $prevsize }%)";
say qq:x/ git show -s --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -\%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s \%Cgreen(%cr) \%Cblue<%an>%Creset' $commit /;
say "";
$prevsize = $size;
dip of 352321 bytes (96.6339701%)
7bda3db - Deprecate Socket.send in favor of Socket.print (1 year, 4 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
spike of 1553842 bytes (115.34525697%)
b527b31 - without is different from orelse (1 year, 3 months ago) <TimToady>
dip of 1516593 bytes (87.0249711%)
9f58110 - Handle out-of-bounds pos in index/rindex better (1 year, 3 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
spike of 1516593 bytes (114.90954692%)
14939e3 - Handle out-of-bounds pos in index/rindex better (1 year, 3 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
dip of 1712871 bytes (85.41715443%)
3043568 - Merge branch 'nom' into glr (1 year, 3 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
spike of 404448 bytes (103.97612094%)
33b9374 - add native int version of pow (1 year, 3 months ago) <Jimmy Zhuo>
dip of 398529 bytes (96.23189313%)
6a86a67 - Implement Array.ASSIGN-POS (1 year, 3 months ago) <Stefan Seifert>
spike of 346258 bytes (103.38271544%)
905eea0 - RT #123760 - add Str matchers for comb (1 year, 3 months ago) <Will "Coke" Coleda>
dip of 346278 bytes (96.72778528%)
5d3fe6a - Comment out IO-Socket-Async.t for the release (1 year, 3 months ago) <Moritz Lenz>
dip of 346278 bytes (96.72778404%)
47ddca1 - Add some more changelog entries (1 year, 3 months ago) <Moritz Lenz>
dip of 346262 bytes (96.72793153%)
28850d9 - Perl5Var $. maps to .ins method, not .line (1 year, 3 months ago) <Tim Smith>
spike of 346242 bytes (103.38256045%)
382b8e2 - Unsplit a ChangeLog entry (1 year, 3 months ago) <Geoffrey Broadwell>
dip of 317801 bytes (96.988779401%)
70f6519 - Merge pull request #517 from softmoth/patch-1 (1 year, 3 months ago) <Tobias Leich>
spike of 320320 bytes (103.130088336%)
bf1307e - Fix my $g = "a b"; <<c $g d>> not interpolating the sublist (1 year, 3 months ago) <Stefan Seifert>
dip of 345285 bytes (96.7372317%)
17a7747 - Add :createonly to sub copy() (1 year, 3 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
spike of 316394 bytes (103.090602174%)
348886d - make Any.elems==1 and Any.list==(Any) (1 year, 3 months ago) <Tobias Leich>
dip of 310050 bytes (97.0621886%)
97ae81f - Add X::IO::Move (1 year, 3 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
spike of 341843 bytes (103.3370966%)
24283ca - Add X::IO::Move (1 year, 3 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
dip of 345291 bytes (96.741424594%)
eb6de6d - Implement IO.move() and move() (1 year, 3 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
spike of 306568 bytes (102.9905899%)
51b313b - Make smartmatching Iterables against Lists use same semantics as Arrays (1 year, 3 months ago) <Stefan Seifert>
dip of 306578 bytes (97.09615523%)
5fb81ff - strict is now on by default, even for -e (1 year, 3 months ago) <Carl Masak>
spike of 345275 bytes (103.368182%)
6120b00 - strict is now on by default, even for -e (1 year, 3 months ago) <Carl Masak>
dip of 323501 bytes (96.940769991%)
fd1612f - Add many-processes-no-close-stdin.t to (1 year, 3 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
spike of 345283 bytes (103.36825711%)
4bac6cb - Add many-processes-no-close-stdin.t to (1 year, 3 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
dip of 345335 bytes (96.74063625%)
6a1879d - Eradicate special casing for camelia (1 year, 3 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
spike of 325643 bytes (103.177057261%)
71d4f4c - Avoid endless loop on flat(Array) (1 year, 3 months ago) <Stefan Seifert>
dip of 356955 bytes (96.6346684%)
cb9b821 - remove test of say() that does not work with .gist, laben++ (1 year, 3 months ago) <Tobias Leich>
spike of 356983 bytes (103.4828034%)
faeda44 - remove test of say() that does not work with .gist, laben++ (1 year, 3 months ago) <Tobias Leich>
dip of 356987 bytes (96.63437561%)
cf3b24c - Revert "remove test of say() that does not work with .gist, laben++" (1 year, 3 months ago) <Timo Paulssen>
spike of 358340 bytes (103.496043999%)
433e265 - Fix binding a List to a Signature not recognizing Pairs as named args (1 year, 3 months ago) <Stefan Seifert>
dip of 389271 bytes (96.34114155%)
0b1d15b - perl -e is strict (1 year, 3 months ago) <Kamil Kułaga>
spike of 381205 bytes (103.719119%)
f010b7b - move module loading code from CUR to CompUnit (1 year, 3 months ago) <Tobias Leich>
dip of 380438 bytes (96.4214548%)
fd8b378 - Add Thread.join as an alias for Thread.finish (1 year, 3 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
spike of 372103 bytes (103.63004864%)
c17cc42 - First pass at more through array slice assignment (1 year, 3 months ago) <skids>
dip of 375877 bytes (96.462842470%)
d8ef5ea - remove ref to tarball in non-release (1 year, 3 months ago) <Will "Coke" Coleda>
spike of 380489 bytes (103.7118524%)
269107e - silence warning when loading modules (1 year, 3 months ago) <Tobias Leich>
spike of 365594 bytes (103.522629945%)
467b791 - Make val() GLR ready as instructed: ShimmerFairy++ (1 year, 3 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
dip of 402402 bytes (96.254646649%)
18f5d25 - Add allomorphic.t to (1 year, 3 months ago) <ShimmerFairy>
spike of 365759 bytes (103.56815700%)
9c33529 - Merge branch 'nom' into glr (1 year, 3 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
spike of 2542180 bytes (123.626377252%)
25f8469 - add function composition operator (1 year, 2 months ago) <TimToady>
dip of 2134695 bytes (83.97791353%)
3b94378 - Introduce VM.precomp-dir (12 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
spike of 2136632 bytes (119.09679910%)
dd46c30 - Junction ops can be pure again (1 year, 2 months ago) <TimToady>
dip of 1995757 bytes (85.0329301%)
a06069b - Turn Bool into a proper enum (12 months ago) <Stefan Seifert>
spike of 1995741 bytes (117.60135742%)
ef814c3 - suppress use of . within metaops (1 year, 2 months ago) <TimToady>
dip of 2032293 bytes (84.80124283%)
5105894 - Fix SEQUENCE not expecting Bool ~~ Real to be true (12 months ago) <Stefan Seifert>
spike of 2029363 bytes (117.90231881%)
0ac5dbc - Remove one argument boilerplate for new +@args (1 year, 2 months ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
dip of 2502727 bytes (81.30157617%)
2997e4d - Fix thinko in add_variable. (1 year, 1 month ago) <jnthn>
dip of 415108 bytes (96.38715921%)
f59b910 - Bring back optimization of for $range loops (1 year, 1 month ago) <Timo Paulssen>
spike of 413928 bytes (103.737604503%)
a333147 - infix:<~> on Buf can use nqp::splice for better speed (1 year, 1 month ago) <Timo Paulssen>
spike of 302822 bytes (102.6811576%)
fd8c986 - Make permutations about 25% faster (1 year, 1 month ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
dip of 586442 bytes (94.952541885%)
273e895 - Bump NQP_REVISION for line reading improvements. (1 year, 1 month ago) <jnthn>
spike of 326536 bytes (102.93849794%)
13ea1a1 - Use pure-perl6 harness (7 months ago) <Leon Timmermans>
dip of 331595 bytes (97.1011585%)
4aa63f0 - Implement :v/k/kv/p also for Str.split(Regex:D) (1 year ago) <Elizabeth Mattijsen>
dip of 322889 bytes (97.147066950%)
a8231f1 - Start cleaning up Supply design/implementation. (12 months ago) <jnthn>
dip of 570224 bytes (95.07934503%)
697bbe8 - [release] bump NQP revision (6 months ago) <Rob Hoelz>
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