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#You should copy-paste or source this to/from your ~/.bash_profile (or whatever you're using)
if [ ! -d "$git_complete_dir" ]; then
mkdir "$git_complete_dir"
command pushd "$git_complete_dir" > /dev/null
now="$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"
if [ "$(tail -1 check.log)" != "$now" ]; then
echo "$now" >> check.log
echo "Checking for updates..."
var isFullscreen = false
var originaWidths
function toggleFullscreen() {
let outerContainer = document.querySelector('#dialogueChat').style
let innerContainer = document.querySelector('#lekaneBanner_chatContentsContainer').style
if (isFullscreen) {
outerContainer.width = originalWidths.outerContainer
innerContainer.width = originalWidths.innerContainer
} else {
let outerContainer = document.querySelector('#dialogueChat').style