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Tim Riffe timriffe

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timriffe / HenryPanmictic.R
Created October 7, 2011 12:37
A Function to Calculate Louis Henry's Panmictic Components for a Two-Sex Marriage Model
# matrix of marriage counts with female ages in columns and male ages in rows
MAR <- matrix(c(4145,24435,8140,1865,1655,54515,45010,15030,80,6735,20870,19530,5,920,5435,42470),ncol=4)
rownames(MAR) <- colnames(MAR) <- c("15-19","20-24","25-29","30-60")
# unmarried males and females at start of the year
unMARf <- c(254876,147705,61804,415497)
unMARm <- c(265755,199437,114251,429655)
PanmicticRates <- function(MAR,unMARf,unMARm){
# allocate P, array of stacked component counts
P <- array(0,dim=c(dim(MAR),min(dim(MAR))))
Pi <- Ri <- MAR
timriffe / McFarlandIterate.R
Created October 8, 2011 21:07
A function to calculate David McFarland's iterative marriage model (1972)
# McFarland Iterative adjustment:
McFarlandMarPredict <- function(M,uf,um,nf,nm,tol=1e-6) {
# stick marriage mat together with those remaining unmarried
Mmc <- rbind(cbind(M,um),c(uf,sum(uf,um)))
# rescale rows then columns until margins add up to new margins
for(i in 1:25){
Mmc[-nrow(Mmc),] <- Mmc[-nrow(Mmc),]*(nm/(rowSums(Mmc)[-nrow(Mmc)]))
Mmc[,-ncol(Mmc)] <- t(t(Mmc)[-ncol(Mmc),]*(nf/(colSums(Mmc)[-ncol(Mmc)])))
if (sum(abs(rowSums(Mmc[-nrow(Mmc),])-nm)+abs(colSums(Mmc[,-ncol(Mmc)])-nf)) < tol) {break}
timriffe / DownloadMITclassics.R
Created October 14, 2011 16:45
An R function to download the MIT classics text files and set up a local database
DownloadMITclassics <- function(dirpath){
MITwriters <- c("Confucius","Lao","Ferdowsi","Khayyam","Sadi","Tzu",
# make directory structure:
timriffe / SearchMITclassics.R
Created October 14, 2011 16:48
A function to search a local MIT classics database (as set up by the function SearchMITclassics.R) for words and phrases
SearchMITclassics <-
writers <- list.files(dirpath)
writers <- select.list(writers,title="Select Writers",multiple=TRUE,preselect=writers)
output <- list()
indicesalso <- c(1:linespm,-1:-linespm) # for grabbing nearby lines
for (i in 1:length(writers)){
writeri <- list()
worksi <- list.files(paste(dirpath,writers[i],sep="\\"))
if (length(writers)==1){
timriffe / Means.R
Created October 17, 2011 16:32
Several kinds of means in R
# in no particular order (I did Google searches for many of these and found nothing,
# so here's to mixing wikipedia and R!
# a caveat, most of these are designed to only take x as a vector with 2 values,
# *even though* there may be generalizations out there for more values in the vector
# also, only a couple of these accept weights,
# but they can all be properly weighted with very little tinkering
logorithmic.mean <- function(x){
timriffe / LotkaFunctions.R
Created November 3, 2011 15:08
A bunch of functions with Lotka-ish demography formulas
# Author: Tim Riffe
LotkaRanalytic <-
R0 <- Rmomentn(fx,Lx,x,0)
R1 <- Rmomentn(fx,Lx,x,1)
R2 <- Rmomentn(fx,Lx,x,2)
# alpha would have been: R1/R0
timriffe / Pancho1.R
Created November 21, 2011 21:54
Pancho Help with crazy iterating things
nfases <- 4 #nombre de intervals
npasosxint <- 5 #nombre de passes en cada interval
xmax <- 5 #mida matriu
ymax <- 5 #mida amtriu
Avfasenorm <- 1 #quantitat incrementada si no hi ha cap 20
Avfase <- c(1:4,0) # hacemos la vida mas facil
finalmat <-matrix(4,nrow=ymax,ncol=ymax) #matriz objetivo final, detodo 4
# how many trials and iterations:
timriffe / Abida1.R
Created November 22, 2011 18:13
Abida stats in R stuff
means <- c()
vars <- c()
for (i in 1:20){
tosses <- rbinom(n=2^i,size=1,prob=.5)
means[i] <- mean(tosses)
vars[i] <- var(tosses)
timriffe / commaaxes.R
Created November 28, 2011 10:35
hacky way and correct way to get comma axes
x <- seq(0,1,by=.01)
y <- runif(101)
# the hacky way:
timriffe / EqLexis.R
Created November 29, 2011 17:32
Proposal for adjusted lexis surface made up of equilateral Lexis triangles
# the function:
Rates must be an all-numeric MATRIX with 4 columns: "Age", "Year", "Cohort" and a 4th column, such as "ASFR",
col = a vector of colors produced by your favorite color ramp (there is a default inside the function). must be 1 shorter than the number of breaks
breaks = the cut points for determinig colors- must be 1 longer than the number of colors
... additional arguments to pass to plot()
function no works fine with pre-logged mortality data.
Legend (from fields package) now goes to right margin automatically, and you can pass on arguments to make it friendly for logged data. example to come soon. see ?fields:::image.plot for an idea of how to pass special arguments to the legend.