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Forked from SimonHaasnoot/Level.yml
Created April 7, 2016 12:54
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# wall tile
x: 0-11
y: 0
x: 0-11
y: 11
x: 0
y: 0-11
x: 11
y: 0-11
x: 1
y: 2
type: wall
# floor tile
x: 1-10
y: 1
x: 1-10
y: 2
x: 1-10
y: 3
x: 1-10
y: 4
x: 1-10
y: 5
x: 1-10
y: 6
x: 1-10
y: 7
x: 1-10
y: 8
x: 1-10
y: 9
x: 1-10
y: 10
x: 1
y: 1
type: floor
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