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Last active March 31, 2018 12:46
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Dependants list for 49305 issue
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from pymongo import MongoClient
deps = {}
connection = MongoClient()
database = connection.crates
collection = database.crates_data
with open("files.txt") as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
module_name = line.split("/")[-1]
count = collection.find({"deps": {"$elemMatch": {"name": module_name, "kind": "normal"}}}).count()
deps[module_name] = count
print(json.dumps(OrderedDict(sorted(deps.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:100]), indent=1))
# stdweb as dependency
> db.crates_data.distinct("name", {deps: {$elemMatch : {name: "stdweb", "kind": "normal"}}}, {"name": 1})
# http as dependency
> db.crates_data.distinct("name", {deps: {$elemMatch : {name: "http", "kind": "normal"}}}, {"name": 1})
# rand as dependency
> db.crates_data.distinct("name", {deps: {$elemMatch : {name: "rand", kind: "normal"}}}, {"name": 1})
# Generate files.txt with `find . -type f > files.txt`
import json
from pymongo import MongoClient
with open("files.txt") as files:
client = MongoClient()
db = client.crates # crates db
items = []
for path in files:
path = path.strip()
if path.endswith("txt") or path.endswith("json") or path.endswith("py"):
with open(path) as f:
# Last line for latest dependency
content = f.readlines()[-1].strip()
except Exception as e:
print("Bad file ", path)
collection = db.crates_data # crates_data as collection
"serde": 2081,
"libc": 1768,
"serde_derive": 1542,
"serde_json": 1488,
"log": 1431,
"clap": 1063,
"hyper": 1025,
"rand": 944,
"lazy_static": 892,
"regex": 753,
"byteorder": 738,
"futures": 705,
"winapi": 680,
"error-chain": 621,
"rustc-serialize": 620,
"url": 614,
"chrono": 578,
"time": 533,
"tokio-core": 446,
"bitflags": 406,
"mime": 390,
"clippy": 388,
"env_logger": 380,
"toml": 353,
"num": 346,
"yup-oauth2": 325,
"quote": 295,
"syn": 294,
"itertools": 261,
"nom": 260,
"failure": 257,
"reqwest": 256,
"num-traits": 235,
"uuid": 229,
"base64": 209,
"docopt": 191,
"tokio-io": 188,
"hyper-rustls": 175,
"quick-error": 174,
"rust-crypto": 174,
"bytes": 173,
"getopts": 163,
"strsim": 163,
"image": 163,
"yup-hyper-mock": 154,
"num_cpus": 151,
"nix": 147,
"openssl": 132,
"tempdir": 130,
"flate2": 127,
"iron": 127,
"ansi_term": 125,
"mio": 124,
"kernel32-sys": 121,
"rayon": 119,
"walkdir": 118,
"glob": 116,
"rusoto_core": 113,
"fnv": 108,
"term": 107,
"bincode": 105,
"slog": 103,
"xml-rs": 91,
"semver": 90,
"ring": 85,
"crossbeam": 81,
"native-tls": 81,
"glib-sys": 79,
"hex": 76,
"failure_derive": 72,
"nalgebra": 72,
"smallvec": 71,
"serde_macros": 71,
"curl": 71,
"csv": 71,
"serde_yaml": 70,
"git2": 70,
"protobuf": 69,
"sha2": 68,
"futures-cpupool": 68,
"hyper-tls": 67,
"cortex-m": 67,
"colored": 66,
"structopt": 66,
"hyper-native-tls": 62,
"gobject-sys": 62,
"yaml-rust": 62,
"enum_primitive": 60,
"parking_lot": 60,
"vcell": 59,
"cfg-if": 57,
"generic-array": 57,
"cgmath": 56,
"ndarray": 54,
"errno": 54,
"bare-metal": 54,
"encoding": 54,
"libimagerror": 53,
"memmap": 53,
"digest": 52
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