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Created December 30, 2018 16:01
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Compare two correlation matrices in R
# From this thread on ResearchGate:
# Slightly modified by me
# A test if two correlation matrices are equal
# Correlation matries obtained from:
# Ryan, J. J., Paolo, A. M., Miller, D. A., & Morris, J. (1997).
# Exploratory factor analysis of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised in a sample of brain-damaged women.
# Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 12(7), 683-689.
# and
# Allen, D. N., Huegel, S. G., Seaton, B. E., Goldstein, G., Gurklis, J. A., & Van Kammen, D. P. (1998).
# Confirmatory factor analysis of the WAIS-R in patients with schizophrenia.
# Schizophrenia research, 34(1), 87-94.
# load R structural equation modeling package lavaan
library( lavaan )
# Varible names
# Replace with yours (separated by a space, no tabs )
varnames <- c("Inf", "DSp", "Voc", "Ari", "Com", "Sim", "PC", "PA", "BD", "OA", "Dsy")
# The number of variables (check)
( nvars <- length( varnames ) )
# The number of observations in each study
# Replace with yours
nobs1 <- 152
nobs2 <- 196
# The correlation matrices
# replace with yours
cormat1 <- matrix(c(1.00,.44,.80,.57,.71,.68,.42,.37,.32,.37,.35,
.35,.53,.36,.60,.41,.52,.65,.61,.70,.65,1.00), nvars, nvars, dimnames = list( varnames, varnames ) )
cormat2 <- matrix(c(1.00,.34,.72,.45,.52,.44,.42,.24,.37,.20,.32,
.32,.26,.23,.26,.19,.16,.21,.25,.36,.30,1.00), nvars, nvars, dimnames = list( varnames, varnames ) )
# To make things easy, the variable names are changed into x1 to xn
newvarnames <- paste( 'x',1:nvars, sep='' )
# Add the new variable names to the matrices
dimnames( cormat1 ) <- dimnames( cormat2 ) <- list( newvarnames, newvarnames )
# Here's the model
model <- paste( 'X', 1:nvars, ' =~ ', 'x', 1:nvars, ';', sep='' )
# Fit the model
fit <- sem( model, sample.cov = list( cormat1, cormat2 ), sample.nobs = c( nobs1, nobs2 ), group.equal = 'lv.covariances' )
# This is the outcome of the (Chi^2) test
lavTestLRT( fit )[ 2, 5:7 ]
fitMeasures(fit, c("tli","nnfi","rmsea","srmr"))
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