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Last active September 30, 2024 21:53
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Immich backups
# TrueNAS Immich K3S container commands
# Use at your own risk!
# I assume that you're running these commands in your home directory (containing a folder called
# 'immich-backups'), you have sudo access, the immich app is using the default TrueNAS namespace
# (aka ix-immich).
# Tamas Nagy 2024
# backs up the postgres database to the 'immich-backups' folder in your current directory
sudo k3s kubectl -n ix-immich exec -ti $(sudo k3s kubectl get pods -o=name --all-namespaces | cut -c 5- | grep immich-postgres) -- pg_dumpall --clean --if-exists --username=immich | gzip > immich-backups/immichdb-$(date +%y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S).tar.gz
# follow logs from the postgres container
sudo k3s kubectl -n ix-immich logs --follow $(sudo k3s kubectl get pods -o=name --all-namespaces | cut -c 5- | grep immich-postgres)
# follow logs from the main immich container
sudo k3s kubectl -n ix-immich logs -c immich --follow $(sudo k3s kubectl get pods -o=name --all-namespaces | cut -c 5- | grep -oP '^immich-[\w]+-[\w]+$')
# open a shell to the main immich container
sudo k3s kubectl -n ix-immich exec -ti -c immich $(sudo k3s kubectl get pods -o=name --all-namespaces | cut -c 5- | grep -oP '^immich-[\w]+-[\w]+$') -- sh
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