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Last active July 31, 2017 22:50
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I recently updated am still trying to update wcag-contrast from a very plain-vanilla ES5 module to an ES6 module using Flow. This is partially to test the theory that modern modules will be a better target for documentation: so wcag-contrast can be a target.

The module in question:

Previously the setup was

  • No build step
  • Tests with mocha and expect.js

My goals are:

  • A module that has ES6 export statements, so tools like Rollup can properly import portions of it
  • Flow types included with that module, so dependent modules can typecheck properly.

Seems like the module field just doesn't get much use: babel, for instance, only uses the main field for all of its sub-packages. Maybe it's just too much to ask? Just seems weird to only use import&export internally and never use the fields for cross-module imports.

Afterwards the target is:

  • index.js contains ES6+Flow code
    • index-es5.js - contains ES5 code, exposed via main field in package.json
    • index-es6.js - contains ES6 code, exposed by module field in package.json (see module field docs)

I could also try to go a step farther and bundle dependencies. That'd require using Rollup, Webpack, or Browserify. I'll go one step at a time, because this is already kind of tricky:

So, first off, I'll need

  "env": {
    "main": {
      "presets": ["flow"],
      "plugins": [
    "module": {
      "plugins": [

Which, well, is equivalent to this, because the Flow preset just includes one transformer.

  "env": {
    "main": {
      "plugins": [
    "module": {
      "plugins": [

I'm going to use jest for tests. It's what I use in documentation.js and has lots of momentum.

Unfortunately, jest tests kind of break with this, and the explanation is painful at best:

If you are using a more complicated Babel configuration, using Babel's env option, keep in mind that Jest will automatically define NODE_ENV as test. It will not use development section like Babel does by default when no NODE_ENV is set.

Hmm, so, ah - okay

The env key will be taken from process.env.BABEL_ENV, when this is not available then it uses process.env.NODE_ENV if even that is not available then it defaults to "development".

So BABEL_ENV defaults to NODE_ENV, and jest sets NODE_ENV to test. So, I'll add a test environment. Which will be the same as main. Kind of annoying, but not a dealbreaker.

  "env": {
    "test": {
      "plugins": [
    "main": {
      "plugins": [
    "module": {
      "plugins": [

Okay, so then tests run. Now, to build those entry points:

    "build": "npm run build-main && npm run build-module && npm run build-types",
    "build-main": "BABEL_ENV=main babel index.js > index-es5.js",
    "build-module": "BABEL_ENV=module babel index.js > index-es6.js",

And, Flow

    "build-types": "cp index.js index-es5.js.flow && cp index.js index-es6.js.flow",

It looks like Flow reads index-es5.js.flow only, not -es6.js.flow. I can't find any info on how Flow resolves entries in its configuration, maybe google-fu is just failing.

Current dev deps:

"babel-cli": "^6.24.1",
"babel-plugin-transform-es2015-modules-commonjs": "^6.24.1",
"babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types": "^6.22.0",
"flow-bin": "^0.51.1",
"jest": "^20.0.4"


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