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Last active December 15, 2015 10:28
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// copy from Janx Spirit
//connect to a MongoDB server
val mongo = MongoConnection("anduin")
//create/connect to a collection
val coll = mongo("casbah_examples")("movies")
//drop collection
//create some documents
val pf = MongoDBObject("title" -> "Pulp Fiction",
"director" -> "Quentin Tarantino",
"foo" -> "bar",
"actors" -> List("John Travolta", "Samuel L Jackson"),
"year" -> 1994)
val sw = MongoDBObject("title" -> "Star Wars",
"director" -> "George Lucas",
"cast" -> List("Harrison Ford", "Carrie Fisher"),
"year" -> 1977)
val fc = MongoDBObject("title" -> "Fight Club",
"director" -> "David Fincher",
"cast" -> List("Brad Pitt", "Edward Norton"),
"year" -> 1999)
//add some documents
coll += pf
coll += sw
coll += fc
val pfid = MongoDBObject("_id" -> pf.get("_id"))
//update a document
//increment a value (or set it if the value does not exist)
coll.update(pfid, $inc("likes" -> 1))
//set a value
coll.update(pfid, $set("year" -> 1994))
//remove a field
coll.update(pfid, $unset("foo"))
//add a value to an array - create it if need be
coll.update(pfid, $push("comebackKids" -> "John Travolta"))
//add a bunch of values to an array
coll.update(pfid, $pushAll("comebackKids" -> ("Bruce Willis", "Uma Thurman")))
//add to a set (only adds values that were not there already)
coll.update(pfid, $addToSet("actors") $each("John Travolta","Groucho Marx","Harpo Marx","Alyssa Milano","Bruce Willis","Uma Thurman", "Jim Carrey"))
//remove last element of an array - use -1 to remove the first element
coll.update(pfid, $pop("actors" -> 1))
//remove matching elements from a field
coll.update(pfid, $pull("actors" -> "Alyssa Milano"))
//remove more than one matching element from a field
coll.update(pfid, $pullAll("actors" -> ("Groucho Marx", "Harpo Marx")))
//rename a field
coll.update(pfid, $rename("actors" -> "cast"))
//query documents
//find one by an exact field match
coll.findOne(MongoDBObject("title" -> "Star Wars"))
//find by regex
coll.find(MongoDBObject("title" -> ".*F".r))
//leave out the ids
coll.find(MongoDBObject(),MongoDBObject("_id" -> 0))
//include only certain fields without ids
coll.find(MongoDBObject(), MongoDBObject("title" -> 1, "cast" -> 1, "_id" -> 0))
//find most recent
coll.find(MongoDBObject()).sort(MongoDBObject("year" -> -1)).limit(1)
coll.remove(MongoDBObject("title" -> "Fight Club"))
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