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Forked from aliforever/main.go
Created January 18, 2023 04:41
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telegram-bot-api pagination example
package main
import (
tgbotapi ""
var data = []string{"DummyData1", "DummyData2", "DummyData3", "DummyData4", "DummyData5", "DummyData6", "DummyData7", "DummyData8", "DummyData9", "DummyData10"}
var count = 2
var maxPages = len(data) / count
var chatId = int64(0) // <--- Place Chat Id Here
var bot *tgbotapi.BotAPI
func main() {
var token = "" // <-- Place Bot Token Here
var err error
bot, err = tgbotapi.NewBotAPI(token)
if err != nil {
SendDummyData(chatId, 0, 2, nil)
u := tgbotapi.NewUpdate(0)
u.Timeout = 60
updates, err := bot.GetUpdatesChan(u)
for update := range updates {
if update.CallbackQuery != nil {
func CallbackQueryHandler(query *tgbotapi.CallbackQuery) {
split := strings.Split(query.Data, ":")
if split[0] == "pager" {
HandleNavigationCallbackQuery(query.Message.MessageID, split[1:]...)
func HandleNavigationCallbackQuery(messageId int, data ...string) {
pagerType := data[0]
currentPage, _ := strconv.Atoi(data[1])
itemsPerPage, _ := strconv.Atoi(data[2])
if pagerType == "next" {
nextPage := currentPage + 1
if nextPage < maxPages {
SendDummyData(chatId, nextPage, itemsPerPage, &messageId)
if pagerType == "prev" {
previousPage := currentPage - 1
if previousPage >= 0 {
SendDummyData(chatId, previousPage, itemsPerPage, &messageId)
func DummyDataTextMarkup(currentPage, count int) (text string, markup tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardMarkup) {
text = strings.Join(data[currentPage*count:currentPage*count+count], "\n")
var rows []tgbotapi.InlineKeyboardButton
if currentPage > 0 {
rows = append(rows, tgbotapi.NewInlineKeyboardButtonData("Previous", fmt.Sprintf("pager:prev:%d:%d", currentPage, count)))
if currentPage < maxPages-1 {
rows = append(rows, tgbotapi.NewInlineKeyboardButtonData("Next", fmt.Sprintf("pager:next:%d:%d", currentPage, count)))
markup = tgbotapi.NewInlineKeyboardMarkup(rows)
func SendDummyData(chatId int64, currentPage, count int, messageId *int) {
text, keyboard := DummyDataTextMarkup(currentPage, count)
var cfg tgbotapi.Chattable
if messageId == nil {
msg := tgbotapi.NewMessage(81997375, text)
msg.ReplyMarkup = keyboard
cfg = msg
} else {
msg := tgbotapi.NewEditMessageText(chatId, *messageId, text)
msg.ReplyMarkup = &keyboard
cfg = msg
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