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Created March 27, 2018 14:58
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pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import 'soltsice/contracts/BotManageable.sol';
import 'zeppelin-solidity/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol';
contract ERC20Basic {
function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint256);
contract VotingHub is BotManageable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint256 constant MASK32 = (2**32 - 1);
uint256 constant ADDRESS_OFFSET = 96;
uint256 private votingsCount;
struct TokenRate {
uint256 value;
uint256 decimals;
address token;
// We cannot iterate over a mapping, but given that we need to store only a single number (usually a byte)
// and the word size is 32 bytes, we have enough space to store previous voter address (20 bytes)
// and form a linked list to iterate all votes backward. Will need a single SSTORE (5k)
// This is a lyaout of uint256 storage for vote
// struct VoteLayout {
// address prevVoter;
// uint32 padding1;
// uint32 padding2;
// uint32 choice;
// }
struct VotingState {
uint256 minimumVotes;
address lastVoter;
uint32 choiceCount; // TODO check in CreateVoting
uint64 endSeconds;
// current vote by address, see VoteLayout above
mapping(address => uint256) addressVotes;
bytes32[] choices;
string description;
TokenRate[] public tokenRates;
mapping(uint256 => VotingState) private votingStates;
event TokenRateUpdate(address indexed token, uint256 rate);
event Vote(uint256 indexed voting, address voter, uint256 choice);
event NewVoting(uint256 indexed voting, string description);
function VotingHub
(address _wallet, address[] _tokens, uint256[] _rates, uint256[] _decimals)
// make sender a bot to avoid an additional step, this depends on implementation detail of BotManageable
botsStartEndTime[msg.sender] = uint128(now) << 64;
require(_tokens.length == _rates.length);
require(_tokens.length == _decimals.length);
// save initial token list
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) {
require(_tokens[i] != 0x0);
require(_rates[i] > 0);
ERC20Basic token = ERC20Basic(_tokens[i]);
tokenRates.push(TokenRate(_rates[i], _decimals[i], token));
TokenRateUpdate(token, _rates[i]);
function createVoting(
uint64 _endSeconds,
string _description,
bytes32[] _choices,
uint256 _minimumVotes
returns (uint256)
require (_endSeconds > now);
votingsCount += 1;
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[votingsCount];
votingState.endSeconds = _endSeconds;
votingState.description = _description;
votingState.minimumVotes = _minimumVotes;
votingState.choices = _choices;
// let's skip overflow check "by Ethereum construction"
votingState.choiceCount = uint32(_choices.length);
NewVoting(votingsCount, _description);
return votingsCount;
function vote(uint256 _voting, uint256 _choice)
returns (bool status)
require(_voting != 0x0);
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
require (now < votingState.endSeconds);
// choiceCount must be already checked to be a reasonable small number (or at least MASK32 - 1)
require(_choice < votingState.choiceCount);
uint256 vote = votingState.addressVotes[msg.sender];
// a new vote
if (vote == 0x0) {
// increment stored choice by 1 to be able to detect empty mapping field later
vote = (uint256(votingState.lastVoter) << ADDRESS_OFFSET) | ((_choice + 1) & MASK32);
votingState.lastVoter = msg.sender;
} else {
// clear last choice but keep previous voter unchanged
vote = (vote & ~MASK32) | ((_choice + 1) & MASK32);
votingState.addressVotes[msg.sender] = vote;
Vote(_voting, msg.sender, _choice);
return true;
function getVotingsCount()
returns (uint256)
return votingsCount;
function getLastVoter(uint256 _voting)
returns (address lastVoter)
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
return votingState.lastVoter;
function getDescription(uint256 _voting)
returns (string description)
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
return votingState.description;
function getEndSeconds(uint256 _voting)
returns (uint256 description)
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
return votingState.endSeconds;
function getRemainingSeconds(uint256 _voting)
returns (uint256 description)
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
return now > votingState.endSeconds ? now - votingState.endSeconds : 0;
function getVote(uint256 _voting, address _voter)
returns (uint256 choices)
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
uint256 vote = votingState.addressVotes[_voter];
return vote;
function getChoices(uint256 _voting)
returns (bytes32[] choices)
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
return votingState.choices;
function getMinimumVotes(uint256 _voting)
returns (uint256 minimumVotes)
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
return votingState.minimumVotes;
function getVotes(uint256 _voting)
returns (uint256[] votes, address lastVoter, uint256 remainingGas)
return getVotesFrom(_voting, getLastVoter(_voting));
// NB Avoid overloads for easier typed access via Soltsice, use a different name
function getVotesFrom(uint256 _voting, address _from)
returns (uint256[] votes, address lastVoter, uint256 remainingGas)
// NB votingCount starts from 1
require(_voting != 0x0);
require(_from != 0x0);
VotingState storage votingState = votingStates[_voting];
uint256[] memory totalVotes = new uint256[](votingState.choiceCount);
address voter = _from;
// placing in memory save c.50% gas
TokenRate[] memory tokenRatesMem = tokenRates;
uint256 tokenCount = tokenRatesMem.length;
uint256 vote = votingState.addressVotes[voter];
uint256 choice = vote & MASK32;
// TODO (review) if we cannot iterate at least once then output is meaningless
// duplicate condition, review
require(choice != 0 && msg.gas > 20000);
// the very first vote should have choice > 0 (but prevVoter is zero)
// remainig gas msut be enough for the next loop interation
while (choice != 0 && msg.gas > 20000) {
uint256 totalVote = 0;
// iterate over all tokens that participate in the voting
for (uint i = 0; i < tokenCount; i++) {
// This line costs c.7k per iteration
totalVote += (ERC20Basic(tokenRatesMem[i].token).balanceOf(voter)).mul(tokenRatesMem[i].value).div(10 ** tokenRatesMem[i].decimals);
totalVotes[choice - 1] = totalVotes[choice - 1].add(totalVote);
// go to previous voter
voter = address(vote >> ADDRESS_OFFSET);
// if prevVoter is zero then we have reached the first voter
if (voter == 0x0) {
// NB yes we could use break instead... and hope we know which loop we are exiting :)
choice = 0;
} else {
vote = votingState.addressVotes[voter];
choice = vote & MASK32;
return (totalVotes, voter, msg.gas);
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