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Created July 25, 2014 01:25
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C static strategy
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <string.h>
// We still need g()()()()("al") to pass initial compilation,
// so have it evaluate to either just "g" or "f". We then define
// these as constants so they serve as type placeholders. This way
// double x = g()()()("al") will appropriately complain.
const char * g;
const char * f;
#define g(X) f
#define f(X) g
// We'll define this after we're done with main.
const char * filename();
void exec(const char * cmd);
void compile(char * contents);
char * readContentsOfFile(const char * aPath);
void writeToFile(const char * aPath, const char * contents);
void stringLiteralify(char * string, int length);
// Pretty straight-forward
int main()
char * source = readContentsOfFile(filename());
writeToFile("/tmp/modified.c", source);
exec("gcc /tmp/modified.c -o /tmp/modified && /tmp/modified");
return 0;
// This will turn their main into main2, thus not ever actuall executing.
// At the same time, we take this opportunity to note the name of the file.
#define main() x(){ return 0; }; const char * filename() { return __FILE__; }; int main2()
// Find all occurrences of g[()()...()]("al") and conver them to string literals: "g[oo..o]al".
// Also, get rid of the goal.h include.
// You probably want a real-deal parser here, but whatcha gonna do.
void compile(char * string)
// Match g[()()...()]("al")
regex_t regex;
regcomp(&regex, "g(\\([[:space:]]*\\))*\\([[:space:]]*\"al[[:space:]]*\"[[:space:]]*\\)", REG_EXTENDED);
size_t nmatch = 1;
regmatch_t pmatch[1];
char * match_buffer = string;
while (0 == regexec(&regex, match_buffer, nmatch, pmatch, REG_EXTENDED))
stringLiteralify(match_buffer + pmatch[0].rm_so, pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so);
match_buffer += pmatch[0].rm_eo;
// Match #include [...] "goal.h"
regcomp(&regex, "[[:space:]]*#include[[:space:]]*\"goal.h\"", REG_EXTENDED & REG_NOTBOL & REG_NEWLINE);
match_buffer = string;
while (0 == regexec(&regex, match_buffer, nmatch, pmatch, REG_EXTENDED & REG_NOTBOL & REG_NEWLINE))
memset(match_buffer + pmatch[0].rm_so, ' ', pmatch[0].rm_eo - pmatch[0].rm_so);
match_buffer += pmatch[0].rm_eo;
// Precondition: string is of the form "g[()()...()]("al")"
// Postcondition: string will be of the form "g[oo...o]al", with whitespace for the extra characters.
void stringLiteralify(char * string, int length)
int count = -1;
for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index)
if (string[index] == '(')
const char * prefix = "\"g";
const char infix = 'o';
const char * postfix = "al\"";
const size_t prefixLength = strlen(prefix);
const size_t postfixLength = strlen(postfix);
const size_t whiteoutLength = length - prefixLength - count - postfixLength;
strncpy(string, prefix, prefixLength);
memset(string += prefixLength, infix, count);
strncpy(string += count, postfix, postfixLength);
memset(string + postfixLength, ' ', whiteoutLength);
// The ol' read-write
void writeToFile(const char * aPath, const char * contents)
FILE * file = fopen(aPath, "w");
if (file == NULL)
printf("Error opening file!\n");
fprintf(file, "%s", contents);
char * readContentsOfFile(const char * aPath)
char * buffer = 0;
long length;
FILE * f = fopen (aPath, "rb");
if (f)
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END);
length = ftell (f);
fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET);
buffer = malloc (length);
if (buffer)
fread (buffer, 1, length, f);
fclose (f);
return buffer;
void exec(const char * cmd)
FILE * pipe = popen(cmd, "r");
if (!pipe)
char buffer[128];
char * result = malloc(500);
char * writer = result;
while (!feof(pipe))
if (fgets(buffer, 128, pipe) != NULL)
printf("%s", buffer);
// To compile:
// gcc static.c -o static && ./static
#include "goal.h"
#include <stdio.h>
const char * call()
return g()()()()()("al");
int main()
const char * s = g("al");
const char * s2 = g()("al");
printf("%s\n", g( )()()()()()("al"));
printf("%s\n", s);
printf("%s\n", s2);
printf("%s\n", call());
return 0;
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