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Created November 6, 2024 18:00
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  • Save tom-clickhouse/f993107ffd3fb4756c4125594014f79c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tom-clickhouse/f993107ffd3fb4756c4125594014f79c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# ClickHouse connection details
CLICKHOUSE_HOST="localhost" # Replace with your ClickHouse host
CLICKHOUSE_PORT="9000" # Replace with your ClickHouse port if necessary
CLICKHOUSE_USER="default" # Replace with your ClickHouse username
CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD="your_password" # Replace with your ClickHouse password
DB_NAME="your_database_name" # Replace with your ClickHouse database
TABLE_NAME="your_table_name" # Replace with your ClickHouse table
# Directory containing .json.gz files
DIRECTORY="path/to/your/json_gz_files" # Replace with your directory path
# Loop through each .json.gz file in the directory
for file in "$DIRECTORY"/*.json.gz; do
if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
echo "Processing $file..."
# Unzip the file (will create a .json file)
gunzip -c "$file" > "${file%.gz}"
# Import the JSON file into ClickHouse
clickhouse-client --host="$CLICKHOUSE_HOST" --port="$CLICKHOUSE_PORT" \
--query="INSERT INTO $DB_NAME.$TABLE_NAME FORMAT JSONAsObject" < "${file%.gz}"
# Check if the import was successful
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Successfully imported ${file%.gz} into ClickHouse."
# Optionally, delete the unzipped .json file after import to save space
rm "${file%.gz}"
echo "Failed to import ${file%.gz}."
echo "No .json.gz files found in the directory."
echo "All files have been processed."
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