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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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DailyProgrammer Challenge #206h Solution (Recurrence Relations, part 2)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Char
-- AST structure for successors
data Successor = Literal Double
| Previous Int
| Binary (Double -> Double -> Double) Successor Successor
| Unary (Double -> Double) Successor
-- Already-known terms of a series (for example, the 1 1 at the start of the
-- Fibonacci sequence) are stored as Terms. A list of Terms is a Series
type Term = (Int, Double)
type Series = [Term]
-- Gets the i-th term of the given series, or Nothing if it's not yet known
getTerm :: Series -> Int -> Maybe Double
getTerm series i = lookup i series
-- Evaluates i-th term of the given series with the given successor - this
-- may need to know previous values in the series
evalSucc :: Series -> Int -> Successor -> Double
evalSucc series i (Previous j) = fromJust $ getTerm series (i - j)
evalSucc series i (Binary f l r) = (evalSucc series i l) `f` (evalSucc series i r)
evalSucc series i (Literal x) = x
-- Gets the required previous values of the given successor. The Fibonacci
-- successor would return [-1, -2] as it requires the (i-1)th and (i-2)th
-- terms in order to determine the i-th term
getReq :: Successor -> [Int]
getReq (Previous i) = [-i]
getReq (Binary _ l r) = getReq l `union` getReq r
getReq (Literal _) = []
-- Determines if the i-th term is defined, using only the already-known terms
-- in the given series
isDefinedAt :: Series -> [Int] -> Int -> Bool
isDefinedAt series req i = all (\j -> isJust $ getTerm series (i + j)) req
-- Gets all the term indices that can be defined with the information that we
-- know already; that is, already-known terms and the successor rule we have
getDefinedIndices :: Series -> [Int] -> [Int]
getDefinedIndices series req =
let order = -(minimum req)
knownIndices = map ((+)order . fst) series
in filter (isDefinedAt series req) knownIndices
-- Gets an infinite list of Terms representing the series defined with the
-- initial values given and the successor term
getSeries :: Series -> Successor -> Series
getSeries initial succ =
initial ++ (getSeriesR initial) where
req = getReq succ
-- Recursive function for getting the next terms in the series. Acc, the
-- accumulator, stores all terms in the series that are already known.
getSeriesR acc =
let newTerms = map (\i -> (i, evalSucc acc i succ))
$ dropWhile (\i -> isJust $ find ((==) i . fst) acc)
$ getDefinedIndices acc req
in if null newTerms
then []
else newTerms ++ (getSeriesR (acc ++ newTerms))
-- Parses a successor in postfix notation
parseSuccessor :: [Char] -> Either [Char] Successor
parseSuccessor s = parseSuccessorR s [] where
validOps = "+-*/^" `zip` [(+), (-), (*), (/), (\ b p -> exp $ p * (log b))]
validRealChars = "0123456789.eE+-"
parseSuccessorR [] [] = Left $ "Nothing on stack after parsing."
parseSuccessorR [] [succ] = Right succ
parseSuccessorR [] stk = Left $ (show $ length stk) ++ " too many things on stack after parsing."
parseSuccessorR (c:s) stk
| c == ' ' = parseSuccessorR s stk
| c == '(' = let (index, s') = break ((==) ')') s
in parseSuccessorR (tail s') $ (Previous $ read index):stk
| c `elem` (map fst validOps)
= case stk of
r:l:stk' -> parseSuccessorR s $ (Binary (fromJust $ lookup c validOps) l r):stk'
_ -> Left $ "Not enougn operands for " ++ [c] ++ "."
| isDigit c = let (value, s') = span (\ c' -> c' `elem` validRealChars) (c:s)
in parseSuccessorR s' $ (Literal $ read value):stk
| otherwise = Left $ "Unknown character " ++ [c] ++ "."
-- Parses a term from a line
parseTerm :: [Char] -> Term
parseTerm s = let (index, s') = break ((==) ':') s
value = tail s'
in (read index, read value)
-- Splits l on any occurrence of delims, ignoring empty sub-lists
-- (I can't work out how to get Data.List.Split so I'm rolling my own :S)
splitOneOf :: [Char] -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
splitOneOf delims l = splitOneOfR delims l [] [] where
adjoin cs parts = if null cs then parts else (reverse cs):parts
splitOneOfR delims [] cs parts = reverse $ adjoin cs parts
splitOneOfR delims (c:s) cs parts
| c `elem` delims = splitOneOfR delims s [] $ adjoin cs parts
| otherwise = splitOneOfR delims s (c:cs) parts
main = do content <- getContents
let (succInput:rest) = splitOneOf "\r\n" content
let (termsInput, count) = (init rest, read $ last rest)
(terms, succParsed) = (sortBy (\a b -> fst a `compare` fst b)
$ map parseTerm termsInput, parseSuccessor succInput)
case succParsed of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "In successor: " ++ err
Right succ -> putStrLn
$ intercalate "\n"
$ map (\ (i, x) -> (show i) ++ ": " ++ (show x))
$ takeWhile (\t -> fst t <= count)
$ getSeries terms succ
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