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Last active November 8, 2023 12:31
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StateInMerge - Extension for MutableStateFlow to safely merge flows into single StateFlow for view state
package com.example
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.*
* Merges the given flows into a new [MutableStateFlow] with the provided initial state,
* scope, and launch strategy.
* @param T The type of the state held by the [MutableStateFlow].
* @param scope The [CoroutineScope] in which the merging will occur.
* @param launched The launch strategy to use for merging flows.
* @param flows A variable number of flows to merge.
* @return A new [MutableStateFlow] containing the merged state.
fun <T> MutableStateFlow<T>.stateInMerge(
scope: CoroutineScope,
launched: Launched,
vararg flows: StateInMergeContext<T>.() -> Flow<*>,
): MutableStateFlow<T> = MutableStateFlowWithStateInMerge(
scope = scope,
state = this,
launched = launched,
lambdas = flows,
* Interface representing the context for merging states in [MutableStateFlow].
* @param T The type of the state held by the [MutableStateFlow].
interface StateInMergeContext<T> {
val state: MutableStateFlow<T>
fun <R> Flow<R>.onEachToState(mapper: (T, R) -> T): Flow<R>
* Sealed interface representing the different launch strategies for merging flows.
sealed interface Launched {
data object Eagerly : Launched
data class WhileSubscribed(val stopTimeoutMillis: Long = 0L) : Launched
data object Lazily : Launched
private class MutableStateFlowWithStateInMerge<T>(
private val scope: CoroutineScope,
launched: Launched,
private val state: MutableStateFlow<T>,
lambdas: Array<out StateInMergeContext<T>.() -> Flow<*>>,
) : MutableStateFlow<T> by state {
private val context: StateInMergeContext<T> = object : StateInMergeContext<T> {
override val state: MutableStateFlow<T>
get() = this@MutableStateFlowWithStateInMerge
override fun <R> Flow<R>.onEachToState(mapper: (T, R) -> T): Flow<R> =
onEach { value -> state.update { state -> mapper(state, value) } }
private val flows: List<Flow<*>> = lambdas
.map { produceFlow -> produceFlow(context) }
init {
when (launched) {
Launched.Eagerly -> launchAll()
Launched.Lazily -> scope.launch {
is Launched.WhileSubscribed -> {
var jobs: Array<Job> = emptyArray()
.map { it > 0 }
.flatMapLatest { subscribed ->
flow<Unit> {
when {
subscribed && jobs.isEmpty() -> jobs = launchAll()
subscribed -> launchInactive(jobs)
!subscribed && jobs.isNotEmpty() -> {
private suspend fun waitForFirstSubscriber() {
state.subscriptionCount.first { it > 0 }
private fun launchAll(): Array<Job> = flows
.map { flow -> flow.launchIn(scope) }
private fun launchInactive(jobs: Array<Job>) {
check(jobs.size == flows.size)
jobs.forEachIndexed { index, job ->
if (job.isCancelled) jobs[index] = flows[index].launchIn(scope)
private suspend fun Array<Job>.cancelActive() {
forEach { job -> if (job.isActive) job.cancelAndJoin() }
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