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Last active August 27, 2024 15:19
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Workaround for Unity's inability to keep an input field selected when you click a button
// Released under MIT License
using System.Reflection;
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
// Workaround for Unity's inability to keep an input field selected when you click a button.
// Call ReactivateInputField to immediately activate and restore caret position/selection.
// This class also tracks the state of the last selected input field in Update, allowing easier restoration of the input field when it becomes deselected.
// Common use cases are to:
// - restore it immediately when it becomes deselected (in the callback for inputField.onEndEdit)
// - restore it immediately once the user clicks a particular button
// - restore it once the user returns to a particular state in your app
public class InputFieldActivationRestorer : MonoSingleton<InputFieldActivationRestorer> {
// The current restorable settings
public RestorableInputFieldSettings lastSelectedInputFieldSettings;
public bool lastSelectedInputFieldIsCurrentlySelected => lastSelectedInputFieldSettings.isRestorable && EventSystem.current != null && EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == lastSelectedInputFieldSettings.restorableGameObject;
// This struct contains all the properties that can be restored
public struct RestorableInputFieldSettings {
public bool isRestorable => restorableInputField != null || restorableTMPInputField != null;
public GameObject restorableGameObject {
get {
if (restorableInputField != null) return restorableInputField.gameObject;
else if (restorableTMPInputField != null) return restorableTMPInputField.gameObject;
else return null;
public InputField restorableInputField;
public TMP_InputField restorableTMPInputField;
public int caretPosition;
public int selectionAnchorPosition;
public int selectionFocusPosition;
// Sets the input field to be restored automatically using whatever input field is currently selected
public static RestorableInputFieldSettings FromCurrentSelection() {
var selectedInputField = GetSelectedUGUIInputField();
if (selectedInputField != null) {
return new RestorableInputFieldSettings(selectedInputField);
var selectedTMPInputField = GetSelectedTMPInputField();
if(selectedTMPInputField != null) {
return new RestorableInputFieldSettings(selectedTMPInputField);
return default;
static TMP_InputField GetSelectedTMPInputField () {
if(EventSystem.current == null) return null;
var selectedGO = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject;
if (selectedGO == null) return null;
var inputField = selectedGO.GetComponentInParent<TMP_InputField>();
return inputField != null && inputField.isFocused ? inputField : null;
static InputField GetSelectedUGUIInputField () {
if(EventSystem.current == null) return null;
var selectedGO = EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject;
if (selectedGO == null) return null;
var inputField = selectedGO.GetComponentInParent<InputField>();
return inputField != null && inputField.isFocused ? inputField : null;
public RestorableInputFieldSettings(InputField inputField) {
restorableInputField = inputField;
restorableTMPInputField = null;
caretPosition = inputField.caretPosition;
selectionAnchorPosition = inputField.selectionAnchorPosition;
selectionFocusPosition = inputField.selectionFocusPosition;
public RestorableInputFieldSettings(TMP_InputField tmpInputField) {
restorableInputField = null;
restorableTMPInputField = tmpInputField;
caretPosition = tmpInputField.caretPosition;
selectionAnchorPosition = tmpInputField.selectionAnchorPosition;
selectionFocusPosition = tmpInputField.selectionFocusPosition;
public override bool Equals(object obj) {
if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType()) {
return false;
RestorableInputFieldSettings other = (RestorableInputFieldSettings)obj;
return (restorableInputField == other.restorableInputField &&
restorableTMPInputField == other.restorableTMPInputField &&
caretPosition == other.caretPosition &&
selectionAnchorPosition == other.selectionAnchorPosition &&
selectionFocusPosition == other.selectionFocusPosition);
public override int GetHashCode() {
unchecked {
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 23 + (restorableInputField != null ? restorableInputField.GetHashCode() : 0);
hash = hash * 23 + (restorableTMPInputField != null ? restorableTMPInputField.GetHashCode() : 0);
hash = hash * 23 + caretPosition.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + selectionAnchorPosition.GetHashCode();
hash = hash * 23 + selectionFocusPosition.GetHashCode();
return hash;
public void ReactivateLastSelectedInputField() {
// Selects the previously selected input field and restores the selection state.
public static void ReactivateInputField(RestorableInputFieldSettings restorableState) {
if (!restorableState.isRestorable) return;
// Copy the struct just in case something here causes it to be updated while we're restoring it
if (restorableState.restorableInputField != null) {
// This forces TMP to immediately set itself selectable again.
MethodInfo mInfoMethod = typeof(InputField).GetMethod("LateUpdate", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
mInfoMethod.Invoke(restorableState.restorableInputField, null);
else if (restorableState.restorableTMPInputField != null) {
// This forces TMP to immediately set itself selectable again.
MethodInfo mInfoMethod = typeof(TMP_InputField).GetMethod("LateUpdate", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
mInfoMethod.Invoke(restorableState.restorableTMPInputField, null);
if (restorableState.restorableInputField != null && EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == restorableState.restorableInputField.gameObject) {
restorableState.restorableInputField.caretPosition = restorableState.caretPosition;
restorableState.restorableInputField.selectionAnchorPosition = restorableState.selectionAnchorPosition;
restorableState.restorableInputField.selectionFocusPosition = restorableState.selectionFocusPosition;
else if (restorableState.restorableTMPInputField != null && EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == restorableState.restorableTMPInputField.gameObject) {
restorableState.restorableTMPInputField.caretPosition = restorableState.caretPosition;
restorableState.restorableTMPInputField.selectionAnchorPosition = restorableState.selectionAnchorPosition;
restorableState.restorableTMPInputField.selectionFocusPosition = restorableState.selectionFocusPosition;
void Update() {
if (EventSystem.current != null) {
var currentSelectionState = RestorableInputFieldSettings.FromCurrentSelection();
if (currentSelectionState.isRestorable) lastSelectedInputFieldSettings = currentSelectionState;
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tomkail commented Aug 27, 2024

MIT is fine by me. Edited the snippet!

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