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Created August 20, 2015 13:20
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[WordPress] Through a combination of the TinyMCE API and the HTML5 mark tag, here's how you can highlight text in the WordPress editor.
init: function( ed, url ) {
ed.addButton( 'highlight', {
title: 'Highlight Text',
cmd: 'highlight',
image: url + '/img/highlighter.png'
ed.addCommand( 'highlight', function() {
var markOpen = '<mark>',
markClose = '</mark>',
highlight = markOpen + ed.selection.getContent() + markClose;
markOpen + ed.selection.getContent() + markClose
ed.addCommand( 'highlight', function() {
var markOpen = '<mark>',
markClose = '</mark>',
highlight = markOpen + ed.selection.getContent() + markClose;
/* Determine if there is highlighted text.
* If so, remove it; otherwise, highlight it.
if ( -1 < ed.getContent().indexOf( highlight ) ) {
ed.getContent().replace( highlight, ed.selection.getContent() )
} else {
markOpen + ed.selection.getContent() + markClose
add_action( 'admin_init', 'acme_add_editor_style' );
* Adds a stylesheet to provide styling the for WordPress Editor
* @since 1.0.0
function acme_add_editor_style() {
add_editor_style( get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/editor-style.css' );
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