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Save tommcfarlin/5e9eea5dfa788cd1c52b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to check the file type of CSV files across *nix-based systems and Windows-based systems.
// Read the file from the $_FILES collection
$file = $_FILES['re_csv_file'];
// Check the type of the file to make sure it's a CSV (*nix-based systems, Windows-based systems)
if( 'text/csv' == $file['type'] || 'application/' == $file['type'] ) {
// Parse the CSV...
// Read the file from the $_FILES collection
$file = $_FILES['re_csv_file'];
// Check the type of the file to make sure it's a CSV
if( 'text/csv' == $file['type'] ) {
// Parse the CSV...
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