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Created January 22, 2018 15:34
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public function addMenuPage()
'Acme Menu',
'Acme Menu',
array($this, 'display'),
'Acme Menu',
'Acme Menu',
'Acme Menu',
array($this, 'display')
public function display()
include_once $this->pluginPath . 'views/acme-settings.php';
* Renders the settings page for the plugin.
<div class="wrap">
<h1 class="wp-heading-inline"><?php echo get_admin_page_title(); ?></h1>
<?php if ($this->showSuccessMessage()) { ?>
<?php include_once 'partials/settings-saved.php'; ?>
<div id="acme-settings-schedule">
<form id="acme-form" method="post" action="<?php echo esc_html(admin_url('admin-post.php')); ?>"">
<!-- This is where your settings go. -->
public function showSuccessMessage()
return (false !== get_option('acme_custom_setting'));
* Renders the success message if the option has been properly saved.
<div class="notice-success notice is-dismissible">
<p>Your settings have been successfully saved.</p>
<button type="button" class="notice-dismiss">
<span class="screen-reader-text">Dismiss this notice.</span>
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