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Last active October 28, 2020 16:32
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css nazca cat
background-image: url(nazca.png);
background-size: 1024px;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
<script src='curve.js'></script>
onload = () => {
const lineWidth = 16
parentSelector = '#a'
// stomach
addPath([{x:680,y:357},{x:640,y:375},{x:596,y:388},{x:546,y:405},{x:533,y:457},{x:571,y:480},{x:626,y:474},{x:674,y:448},{x:695,y:405},{x:704,y:371}], lineWidth, true)
// front leg
addPath([{x:737,y:401},{x:737,y:447},{x:715,y:498},{x:686,y:527},{x:678,y:563},{x:718,y:561},{x:752,y:522},{x:769,y:487}], lineWidth)
addPath([{x:826,y:441},{x:819,y:487},{x:787,y:537}], lineWidth)
// face
addPath([{x:792,y:123},{x:818,y:120},{x:848,y:78},{x:872,y:31},{x:897,y:40},{x:896,y:97},{x:897,y:159},{x:893,y:205},{x:908,y:251},{x:915,y:306},{x:899,y:351},{x:876,y:390},{x:825,y:407},{x:774,y:395},{x:731,y:366},{x:710,y:326},{x:689,y:290},{x:684,y:252},{x:697,y:204},{x:697,y:153},{x:697,y:90},{x:694,y:37},{x:722,y:24},{x:754,y:67}], lineWidth, true)
addPath([{x:761,y:313},{x:770,y:347},{x:806,y:352},{x:831,y:334},{x:828,y:304},{x:794,y:304}], lineWidth, true)
addPath([{x:762,y:201},{x:747,y:215},{x:747,y:243},{x:776,y:248},{x:793,y:234},{x:789,y:209}], lineWidth, true)
addPath([{x:850, y: 205}, {x:824,y:212},{x:820,y:237},{x:828,y:255},{x:860,y:256},{x:869,y:234},{x:863,y:215}], lineWidth, true)
// tail pattern
addPath([{x:83,y:454},{x:90,y:460},{x:122,y:444},{x:148,y:425},{x:176,y:415},{x:202,y:420},{x:201,y:434}], lineWidth*5/8)
addPath([{x:118,y:460},{x:110,y:480}], lineWidth*5/8)
addPath([{x:145,y:442},{x:140,y:461}], lineWidth*5/8)
addPath([{x:160,y:453},{x:164,y:432}], lineWidth*5/8)
addPath([{x:182,y:431},{x:180,y:445}], lineWidth*5/8)
// back leg
addPath([{x:398,y:470},{x:475,y:450},{x:494,y:390},{x:410,y:373},{x:378,y:420},{x:367,y:476},{x:353,y:585},{x:453,y:708},{x:523,y:634},{x:463,y:562}], lineWidth)
// tail leg
addPath([{x:275,y:529},{x:257,y:606},{x:294,y:685}], lineWidth)
addPath([{x:182,y:516},{x:145,y:566},{x:105,y:615}], lineWidth)
// tail
addPath([{x:273,y:344},{x:231,y:359},{x:163,y:377},{x:107,y:406},{x:50,y:452},{x:50,y:502},{x:82,y:506},{x:157,y:494},{x:213,y:503},{x:256,y:510}], lineWidth)
// back
addPath([{x:670,y:238},{x:622,y:230},{x:595,y:240},{x:570,y:274},{x:548,y:297},{x:498,y:295},{x:442,y:296},{x:394,y:294},{x:311,y:323}], lineWidth)
const arr = []
const p = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }
addLineCap(p, lineWidth)
const style = document.createElement('style')
function applyStyles() {
const baseStyles = `
i:before{content:'';position:absolute;box-sizing:border-box;border:0px solid red;transform-origin: center;}
const bgStyles = `
style.textContent = baseStyles + '\n' + curveStyles.join('\n') + '\n' + bgStyles
<div id='view'>
<div id='a'></div>
<div id='b'></div>
<div class='background' style='width:1024px;height:800px;position:absolute;top:800px;'></div>
const curveStyles = []
const curveBackgrounds = []
let curveColor = 'red'
function solve2(a, b, c, d, x, y) {
const det = a * d - b * c
return [(d * x - b * y) / det, (a * y - c * x) / det]
function normalizeRadian(th, from = -Math.PI) {
return th - Math.floor((th - from) / 2 / Math.PI) * 2 * Math.PI
function thetaDiff(t1, t2) {
return normalizeRadian(t2 - t1)
function splitCircle({ x, y, r, thStart, thEnd }) {
if (thStart > thEnd) [thStart, thEnd] = [thEnd, thStart]
const circles = []
while (thStart < thEnd) {
const t2 = Math.min(thEnd, (Math.floor(thStart / (Math.PI / 2)) + 1)* Math.PI / 2)
circles.push({ x, y, r, thStart, thEnd: t2 })
thStart = t2
return circles
function curveToArcs(p1, p2) {
const th = Math.atan2(p2.y - p1.y, p2.x - p1.x)
const cos1 = Math.cos(
const sin1 = Math.sin(
const cos2 = Math.cos(
const sin2 = Math.sin(
const length = Math.hypot(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y)
const s1 = Math.sin( - th)
const c1 = Math.cos( - th)
const s2 = Math.sin( - th)
const c2 = Math.cos( - th)
if (s1 * s2 < 0) {
// r1*s1+r2*(-s2)=length
// r1*(1-c1)=r2*(1-c2)
// a+b=length
// a*x=b*y
const a = s2 * (1 - c1)
const b = -s1 * (1 - c2)
const r1 = length * b / (a + b) / s1
const r2 = -length * a / (a + b) / s2
return [
x: p1.x + r1 * sin1,
y: p1.y - r1 * cos1,
r: Math.abs(r1),
r1 > 0 ? {
thStart: th + Math.PI / 2,
thEnd: th + Math.PI / 2 + normalizeRadian( - th)
} : {
thStart: - Math.PI / 2,
thEnd: - Math.PI / 2 + normalizeRadian(th -
x: p2.x + r2 * sin2,
y: p2.y - r2 * cos2,
r: Math.abs(r2),
r2 > 0 ? {
thStart: + Math.PI / 2,
thEnd: + Math.PI / 2 + normalizeRadian(th -
} : {
thStart: th - Math.PI / 2,
thEnd: th - Math.PI / 2 + normalizeRadian( - th)
// |(p1+v1*r1)-(p2-v2*r2)|=2*r
// a*r*r+b*r+c=0
const a = 4 - (cos1 + cos2) ** 2 - (sin1 + sin2) ** 2
const b = 2 * ((p2.x - p1.x) * (sin1 + sin2) - (p2.y - p1.y) * (cos1 + cos2))
const c = -(length ** 2)
const ra = b / a / 2
const rb = Math.sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) / a / 2
const r = Math.abs(a) < 1e-8 ? c / b : ra > 0 ? ra - rb : ra + rb
const circle1 = { x: p1.x - r * sin1, y: p1.y + r * cos1, r: Math.abs(r) }
const circle2 = { x: p2.x + r * sin2, y: p2.y - r * cos2, r: Math.abs(r) }
const th2 = Math.atan2(circle2.y - circle1.y, circle2.x - circle1.x)
return [
r > 0 ? {
thStart: - Math.PI / 2,
thEnd: - Math.PI / 2 + normalizeRadian(th2 - + Math.PI / 2, 0 * Math.PI),
} : {
thStart: + Math.PI / 2,
thEnd: + Math.PI / 2 + normalizeRadian(th2 - - Math.PI / 2, -1 * Math.PI),
r > 0 ? {
thStart: + Math.PI / 2,
thEnd: + Math.PI / 2 + normalizeRadian(th2 - + Math.PI / 2, 0 * Math.PI)
} : {
thStart: th2 - Math.PI,
thEnd: th2 - Math.PI + normalizeRadian( - th2 + Math.PI / 2, 0 * Math.PI)
function curveToSegments(p1, p2, recursive = true) {
const cos1 = Math.cos(
const sin1 = Math.sin(
const cos2 = Math.cos(
const sin2 = Math.sin(
const th = Math.atan2(p2.y - p1.y, p2.x - p1.x)
const length = Math.hypot(p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y)
const thDiff = normalizeRadian( -
if (Math.max(Math.abs(normalizeRadian( - th)), Math.abs(normalizeRadian( - th))) < 1e-5) {
return [[{ ...p1, length }], []]
let [la, lb] = solve2(cos1, cos2, sin1, sin2, p2.x - p1.x, p2.y - p1.y)
if (la < length / 8 || lb < length / 8 && recursive) {
const a = { x: p1.x + cos1 * length / 3, y: p1.y + sin1 * length / 3 }
const b = { x: p2.x - cos2 * length / 3, y: p2.y - sin2 * length / 3 }
const th2 = Math.atan2(b.y - a.y, b.x - a.x)
const center = { x: (a.x + b.x) / 2, y: (a.y + b.y) / 2, th: th2 }
const [ls1, cs1] = curveToSegments(p1, center, false)
const [ls2, cs2] = curveToSegments(center, p2, false)
return [[...ls1, ...ls2], [...cs1, ...cs2]]
if (la < 0 || lb < 0) return [[{ ...p1, length }], []]
const r = Math.min(la, lb) * Math.tan((Math.PI - Math.abs(thDiff)) / 2)
const base = la < lb ? p1 : p2
const dir = thDiff > 0 ? 1 : -1
const cx = base.x - r * dir * Math.sin(
const cy = base.y + r * dir * Math.cos(
let thStart = normalizeRadian( - dir * Math.PI / 2)
let thEnd = thStart + (la < lb ? 1 : -1) * thDiff
const line = { ...(la < lb ? p2 : p1), length: la - lb }
const circles = splitCircle({ x: cx, y: cy, r, thStart, thEnd })
return [[line], circles]
let parentSelector = null
function addCSSElement(base, before) {
const el = document.createElement('i')
const parent = document.querySelector(parentSelector || 'body')
const selector = `${parentSelector ? parentSelector + ' ' : ''}i:nth-child(${parent.querySelectorAll('i').length})`
function cssToString(css) {
const rules = []
for (const key in css) {
const value = ['left', 'top', 'width', 'height'].includes(key) ? round(css[key]) + 'px' : css[key]
rules.push(key.replace(/[A-Z]/, v => '-' + v.toLocaleLowerCase()) + ':' + value + ';')
return rules.join('')
function addLineCap({ x, y }, w) {
const lx = x - w / 2
const ly = y - w / 2
{ left: Math.floor(lx), top: Math.floor(ly), width: w + 1, height: w + 1 },
left: 0, top: 0, width: w, height: w,
borderRadius: '50%',
transform: `translate(${lx - Math.floor(lx)}px,${ly - Math.floor(ly)}px)`,
border: 'none',
background: curveColor
addCircleBackground(x - w / 2, y - w / 2, w, w, x, y, w / 2)
function round(v, n = 100) {
return Math.round(v * n) / n
function addArc({ x, y, r, thStart, thEnd }, w) {
const xs = []
const ys = []
;[thStart, thEnd].forEach(th => {
[-1, 1].forEach(wdir => {
xs.push(x + (r + wdir * w / 2) * Math.cos(th))
ys.push(y + (r + wdir * w / 2) * Math.sin(th))
const left = Math.floor(Math.min(...xs))
const top = Math.floor(Math.min(...ys))
const cx = x - left - r - w / 2
const cy = y - top - r - w / 2
const csize = 2 * r + w
const icx = Math.floor(cx)
const icy = Math.floor(cy)
const icsize = Math.floor(csize)
{ left, top, width: Math.ceil(Math.max(...xs) - left), height: Math.ceil(Math.max(...ys) - top) },
left: icx, top: icy, width: icsize, height: icsize,
transform: `translate(${round(cx - icx + (csize - icsize) / 2)}px,${round(cy - icy + (csize - icsize) / 2)}px)scale(${round(csize / icsize, 10000)})`,
borderWidth: `${w}px`,
borderRadius: '50%',
Math.max(...xs) - Math.min(...xs),
Math.max(...ys) - Math.min(...ys),
function addCircleBackground(x, y, w, h, cx, cy, r, lw) {
const d = 0.25
let color = `blue ${round(r - d)}px,transparent ${round(r + d)}px`
const ix = Math.floor(x)
const iy = Math.floor(y)
const iw = Math.ceil(x + w) - ix
const ih = Math.ceil(y + h) - iy
if (lw !== undefined){
const r1 = round(r - lw / 2)
const r2 = round(r + lw / 2)
color = `transparent ${round(r - lw / 2 - d)}px,blue ${round(r - lw / 2 + d)}px,blue ${round(r + lw / 2 - d)}px,transparent ${round(r + lw / 2 + d)}px`
curveBackgrounds.push(`radial-gradient(circle at ${round(cx-ix)}px ${round(cy-iy)}px,${color}) ${ix}px ${iy}px/${iw}px ${ih}px no-repeat`)
function addLineWithCap({ x, y, length, th }, w){
const cos = Math.cos(th)
const sin = Math.sin(th)
const xs = [x, x + length * cos]
const ys = [y, y + length * sin]
const left = Math.floor(Math.min(...xs) - w / 2)
const top = Math.floor(Math.min(...ys) - w / 2)
const center = { x: x + cos * length / 2, y: y + sin * length / 2 }
const width = Math.ceil(Math.abs(length) + w)
const lx = center.x - left - width / 2
const ly = center.y - top - w / 2
{ left, top, width: Math.ceil(Math.max(...xs) + w - left), height: Math.ceil(Math.max(...ys) + w - top) },
left: Math.floor(lx),
top: Math.floor(ly),
height: w,
borderRadius: `${w / 2}px`,
transform: `translate(${round(lx - Math.floor(lx))}px,${round(ly - Math.floor(ly))}px)rotate(${round(th * 180 / Math.PI, 1000)}deg)`,
background: curveColor,
border: 'none',
;[0, 1].forEach(i => {
const x = xs[i]
const y = ys[i]
addCircleBackground(x - w / 2, y - w / 2, w, w, x, y, w / 2)
addLineBackground(x, y, length, th, w)
function addLine({ x, y, length, th }, w, cap = false){
const xs = []
const ys = []
const cos = Math.cos(th)
const sin = Math.sin(th)
;[0, 1].forEach(t => {
[-1, 1].forEach(wdir => {
xs.push(x + t * length * cos + wdir * w / 2 * sin)
ys.push(y + t * length * sin - wdir * w / 2 * cos)
const left = Math.floor(Math.min(...xs))
const top = Math.floor(Math.min(...ys))
const center = { x: x + cos * length / 2, y: y + sin * length / 2 }
const width = Math.ceil(Math.abs(length) + w)
const lx = center.x - left - width / 2
const ly = center.y - top - w / 2
{ left, top, width: Math.ceil(Math.max(...xs) - left), height: Math.ceil(Math.max(...ys) - top) },
left: Math.floor(lx),
top: Math.floor(ly),
height: w,
transform: `translate(${round(lx - Math.floor(lx))}px,${round(ly - Math.floor(ly))}px)rotate(${round(th * 180 / Math.PI, 1000)}deg)`,
background: curveColor,
border: 'none',
addLineBackground(x, y, length, th, w)
function addLineBackground(x, y, length, th, w) {
const xs = []
const ys = []
const cos = Math.cos(th)
const sin = Math.sin(th)
;[0, 1].forEach(t => {
[-1, 1].forEach(wdir => {
xs.push(x + t * length * cos + wdir * w / 2 * sin)
ys.push(y + t * length * sin - wdir * w / 2 * cos)
const left = Math.floor(Math.min(...xs))
const top = Math.floor(Math.min(...ys))
const right = Math.ceil(Math.max(...xs))
const bottom = Math.ceil(Math.max(...ys))
const pxs = []
;[left, right].forEach(px => {
;[top, bottom].forEach(py => {
pxs.push((py - y) * cos - (px - x) * sin)
const min = Math.min(...pxs)
const stop1 = -w / 2 - min
const stop2 = w / 2 - min
const d = 0.25
const color = `transparent ${round(stop1 - d)}px,blue ${round(stop1 + d)}px,blue ${round(stop2 - d)}px,transparent ${round(stop2 + d)}px`
curveBackgrounds.push(`linear-gradient(${round((th * 180 / Math.PI))}deg,${color}) ${left}px ${top}px/${right - left}px ${bottom - top}px no-repeat`)
function addPath(points, w, closed = false) {
if (points.length === 2) {
const dx = points[1].x - points[0].x
const dy = points[1].y - points[0].y
addLineWithCap({ ...points[0], length: Math.hypot(dx, dy), th: Math.atan2(dy, dx) }, w)
const size = points.length
var params ={ x, y }) => ({ x, y, dx: 0, dy: 0 }))
for (let n = 0; n < 4; n++) {
for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {
let ia = (i - 1 + size) % size
let ib = (i + 1) % size
let k = 4
if (!closed) {
if (i === 0) { ia = i; k = 2 }
if (i === size - 1) { ib = i; k = 2 }
const cx = 3 * (params[ib].x - params[ia].x)
const cy = 3 * (params[ib].y - params[ia].y)
const pa = params[ia]
const pb = params[ib]
params[i].dx = (cx - pa.dx - pb.dx) / k
params[i].dy = (cy - pa.dy - pb.dy) / k
const pointsWithTheta ={ x, y, dx, dy }) => ({ x, y, th: Math.atan2(dy, dx) }))
for (let i = 0; i < size - (closed ? 0 : 1); i++) {
const a = pointsWithTheta[i]
const b = pointsWithTheta[(i + 1) % size]
const circles = curveToArcs(a, b)
circles.forEach(c => splitCircle(c).forEach(c => addArc(c, w)))
if (!closed) {
addLineCap(points[0], w)
addLineCap(points[points.length - 1], w)
transform-style: preserve-3d;
transform-style: flat;
/* background:radial-gradient(red,blue) 0px 0px/32px 32px; */
background: #aaa;
background: #ccc;
<script src='polygon.js'></script>
<div id='view' class='background'>
function round(v, n=100) {
return Math.round(v*n)/n
function solve2(a, b, c, d, x, y) {
const det = a * d - b * c
return [(d * x - b * y) / det, (a * y - c * x) / det]
function polygon(pa, pb, pc, selectors) {
const ab = { x: (pa.x + pb.x) / 2, y: (pa.y + pb.y) / 2, z: (pa.z + pb.z) / 2 + Math.random() }
const bc = { x: (pb.x + pc.x) / 2, y: (pb.y + pc.y) / 2, z: (pb.z + pc.z) / 2 + Math.random() }
const ca = { x: (pc.x + pa.x) / 2, y: (pc.y + pa.y) / 2, z: (pc.z + pa.z) / 2 + Math.random() }
square(pa, ab, ca, selectors[0])
square(pb, bc, ab, selectors[1])
square(pc, ca, bc, selectors[2])
// if ((pb.x - pa.x) * (pc.y - pa.y) - (pb.y - pa.y) * (pc.x - pa.x) < 0) {
// return polygon(pa, pc, pb, selector)
// }
// const xs = [pa.x, pb.x, pc.x]
// const ys = [pa.y, pb.y, pc.y]
// const left = Math.floor(Math.min(...xs))
// const right = Math.ceil(Math.max(...xs))
// const top = Math.floor(Math.min(...ys))
// const bottom = Math.ceil(Math.max(...ys))
function square(pa, pb, pc, selector) {
const size = 100
xf = { x: (pb.x - pa.x) / size, y: (pb.y - pa.y) / size }
yf = { x: (pc.x - pa.x) / size, y: (pc.y - pa.y) / size }
const [ax, ay] = solve2(pb.x - pa.x, pb.y - pa.y, pc.x - pa.x, pc.y - pa.y, pb.z - pa.z, pc.z - pa.z)
// matrix3d = [
// 1,0,0,0,
// 0,1,0,0,
// ax,ay,1,pa.z-ax*pa.x-ay*pa.y,
// 0,0,0,1
// ]
// matrix2d = [
// xf.x, yf.x, 0, pa.x,
// xf.y, yf.y, 0, pa.y,
// 0, 0, 1, 0,
// 0, 0, 0, 1,
// ]
const matrix = [
xf.x, xf.y, ax * xf.x + ay * xf.y, 0,
yf.x, yf.y, ax * yf.x + ay * yf.y, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
pa.x, pa.y, ax * pa.x + ay * pa.y + pa.z - ax * pa.x - ay * pa.y, 1
const styles = []
transform-origin:0 0;
transform:matrix3d(${ => round(v, 10000000000)).join(',')});
const patternEnabled = false
if (patternEnabled) {
// P = xf * x + yf * y + pa
// P - pa = [xf,yf] * p
// p = [xf,yf]**(-1) * (P - pa)
const det = xf.x * yf.y - xf.y * yf.x
// |yf.y/det, -yf.x/det| * |-pa.x|
// |-xf.y/det, xf.x/det| * |-pa.y|
const mat2 = [
yf.y / det, -xf.y / det,
-yf.x / det, xf.x / det,
(-pa.x * yf.y + pa.y * yf.x) / det, (xf.y * pa.x - xf.x * pa.y) / det
const pd = {
x: pb.x + pc.x - pa.x,
y: pb.y + pc.y - pa.y
width:${Math.ceil(Math.max(pa.x, pb.x, pc.x, pd.x))}px;
height:${Math.ceil(Math.max(pa.y, pb.y, pc.y, pd.y))}px;
transform:matrix(${ => round(v, 10000000000)).join(',')});
transform-origin:0 0;
const style = document.createElement('style')
// polygon(
// { x: 100, y: 120, z: 100 },
// { x: 400, y: 210, z: 100 },
// { x: 150, y: 520, z: 100 },
// ['#view>i:nth-child(1)','#view>i:nth-child(2)','#view>i:nth-child(3)']
// )
// polygon(
// { x: 150, y: 520, z: 100 },
// { x: 400, y: 210, z: 100 },
// { x: 500, y: 400, z: 100 },
// ['#view>i:nth-child(4)','#view>i:nth-child(5)','#view>i:nth-child(6)']
// )
// polygon(
// { x: 200, y: 200, z: 200 },
// { x: 400, y: 400, z: 100 },
// { x: 400, y: 200, z: 0 },
// ['#view>i:nth-child(7)','#view>i:nth-child(8)','#view>i:nth-child(9)']
// )
const outline = [
{ x: 650, y: 500, z: 0 },
{ x: 300, y: 500, z: 0 },
{ x: 0, y: 400, z: 0 },
{ x: 100, y: 200, z: 0 },
{ x: 320, y: 20, z: 0 },
{ x: 700, y: 0, z: 0 },
{ x: 800, y: 50, z: 0 },
{ x: 1000, y: 250, z: 0 },
{ x: 900, y: 450, z: 0 },
{ x: 665, y: 505, z: 0 }
const hratio = 3 / 5
const stairs = [
[{ x: 650, y: 500 }, { x: 670, y: 440 }],
[{ x: 690, y: 420 }, { x: 780, y: 390 }],
[{ x: 780, y: 390 }, { x: 710, y: 180 }]
].map(ps =>{ x, y }) => ({ x, y, z: (500 - y) * hratio })))
const stairs2 = =>{ x, y }) => {
const dx = ps[1].x - ps[0].x
const dy = ps[1].y - ps[0].y
const dr = Math.hypot(dx, dy) / Math.sqrt(250)
let lx = -Math.round(dy / dr)
let ly = +Math.round(dx / dr)
return {
x: x + lx,
y: y + ly,
z: (500 - y) * hratio
let selectorCount = 0
function nextSelector() {
return `#view>i:nth-child(${++selectorCount})`
function nextSelectors() {
return [nextSelector(), nextSelector(), nextSelector()]
const center = { x: 250, y: 250, z: 250 * hratio }
const cs = [stairs[2][1], stairs[1][1], stairs[1][0], stairs[0][1], ...outline.slice(0, 5)]
for (let i = 0; i < cs.length - 1; i++) {
polygon(cs[i], cs[i+1], center, nextSelectors())
const center2 = stairs[2][1]
const center3 = stairs2[2][1]
polygon(outline[4], center2, center, nextSelectors())
polygon(outline[4], outline[5], center2, nextSelectors())
polygon(outline[5], outline[6], center2, nextSelectors())
polygon(center3, outline[6], center2, nextSelectors())
polygon(center3, outline[6], outline[7], nextSelectors())
polygon(center3, outline[7], stairs2[2][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(outline[8], outline[7], stairs2[2][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(outline[8], stairs2[1][1], stairs2[2][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(outline[8], stairs2[1][1], stairs2[1][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(outline[8], stairs2[0][1], stairs2[1][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(outline[8], outline[9], stairs2[0][1], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs[0][0], stairs[0][1], stairs2[0][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs2[0][1], stairs[0][1], stairs2[0][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs[0][1], stairs2[0][1], stairs[1][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs[1][0], stairs2[0][1], stairs2[1][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs[1][0], stairs[1][1], stairs2[1][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs2[1][1], stairs[1][1], stairs2[1][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs2[1][1], stairs[1][1], stairs2[2][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs[2][0], stairs[2][1], stairs2[2][0], nextSelectors())
polygon(stairs2[2][1], stairs[2][1], stairs2[2][0], nextSelectors())
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// front leg
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addPath([{x:826,y:441},{x:819,y:487},{x:787,y:537}], lineWidth)
// stomach
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parentSelector = '#cat2'
// tail leg
addPath([{x:275,y:529},{x:257,y:606},{x:294,y:685}], lineWidth)
addPath([{x:182,y:516},{x:145,y:566},{x:105,y:615}], lineWidth)
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