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Created July 18, 2020 23:16
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export const boardsPath = '/boards(.:format)'
export const boardPath = '/boards/:id(.:format)'
type Routes = {
[boardsPath]: {
GET: { params: { format: 'json' | 'html'; color?: string }; response: { a: string } }
POST: { params: { color: string; size: number }; response: { b: string } }
DELETE: { params: {}; response: { c: string } }
[boardPath]: {
GET: { params: { format?: 'json' | 'html', id: number }; response: { d: string } }
PATCH: { params: { format?: 'json' | 'html'; id: number; color?: string; size?: number }; response: { e: string } }
type Method = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE'
type ParamsOf<M extends keyof Routes[Path], Path extends keyof Routes> = Routes[Path][M] extends { params: infer Params } ? Params : never
type ResponseOf<M extends keyof Routes[Path], Path extends keyof Routes> = Routes[Path][M] extends { response: infer Response } ? Response : never
export function wrapApi(apifunc: (method: Method, path: string, params: {}) => Promise<any>) {
return async function<M extends Method & keyof Routes[Path], Path extends keyof Routes>(method: M, path: Path, params: ParamsOf<M, Path> | undefined) {
const [interpolatedPath, restParams] = interpolate(path, params || {})
return await apifunc(method, interpolatedPath, restParams) as ResponseOf<M, Path>
function interpolate(path: string, params: {}){
let segments: string[] = []
let names: string[] = []
const namesStack: string[][] = []
const segmentsStack: string[][] = []
path.match(/\(|\)|:[a-zA-Z_]+|[^:()]+/g).forEach(f => {
if (f === '(') {
segments = []
names = []
} else if (f === ')') {
const last = segments
const lastNames = names
segments = segmentsStack.pop()
names = namesStack.pop()
if (last && segments) {
} else if (segments) {
if (f[0] === ':') {
const key = f.substr(1)
if (!params[key]) {
if (segmentsStack.length === 0) throw `missing '${key}'`
segments = null
names = null
} else {
} else {
const restParams = { ...params }
names.forEach(key => delete restParams[key])
return [segments.join(''), restParams] as const
interpolate('/boards/:id(.:format)/x/(a:xxx/(b:yyy)):id/:id', {id: 3,format:'json',xxx:5,yyy:6})
interpolate('/boards/:id(.:format)', {id: 3})
const railsApi = wrapApi(async (method, path, params) => {
const res = await fetch(path, { method, /* body, headers */ })
return await res.json()
const data1 = railsApi('GET', boardsPath, { format: 'json', color: '3' })
const data2 = railsApi('POST', boardsPath, { color: '3', size: 1 })
const data3 = railsApi('GET', boardPath, { id: 1 })
const data4 = railsApi('PATCH', boardPath, { id: 1, color: '3' })
const data5 = railsApi('DELETE', boardsPath, {})
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