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Created April 8, 2024 19:58
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Inventory System Plugin - Sample Implementations
// AddItem
FInventoryItemHandle UInventory::AddItem(const FInventoryItemSpecHandle& InSpecHandle, int32 StacksToAdd)
const FInventoryItemHandle NewHandle = FInventoryItemHandle::GenerateNewHandle(this);
bool bAddedItem = false;
FInventoryItem* Item = nullptr;
const TObjectPtr<const UInventoryItemDefinition> Def = InSpecHandle.GetData()->Def;
// If stackable, we try finding an existing item to stack it
if (Def->bIsStackable)
// A stackable item should have a max stack count of at least 1
if (Def->MaxStackCount <= 0)
// If you encounter this, you need to fix your item definition's max stack count. This will return an invalid handle.
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(Error, TEXT("Stackable item def (%s) should have a max stack count of at least 1."), *Def->GetName());
return FInventoryItemHandle();
Item = InventoryItems.FindItem(Def->Id);
// If item is found, add stack
if (Item)
// Force stacks to add to always be at least 1
StacksToAdd = FMath::Max(StacksToAdd, 1);
*Item += StacksToAdd;
return Item->Handle;
// If we haven't added item after checking stackable, then we need to create a new inventory item and try adding that
if (!bAddedItem)
FInventoryItem NewItem(NewHandle, *InSpecHandle.GetData());
bAddedItem = InventoryItems.AddItem(NewHandle, NewItem);
Item = InventoryItems.FindItem(NewHandle);
if (bAddedItem)
// We only care about modifying item properties if we are able to add item to inventory.
if (Item)
// Set actual first creation date
// The creation date should always be at this point in the execution. The date should not be modified anywhere else.
// Give the next instance id to this item
if (Def->bIsStackable)
// Force stacks to add to always be at least 1
StacksToAdd = FMath::Max(StacksToAdd, 1);
*Item += StacksToAdd;
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("Added inventory item: %s"), *Item->ToString());
// Broadcast inventory item addition
if (OnInventoryItemAddedDelegate.IsBound())
// Broadcast addition failure
if (OnInventoryItemAddFailedDelegate.IsBound())
return NewHandle;
// RemoveItem
bool UInventory::RemoveItem(const FInventoryItemHandle& InItemHandle, int32 StacksToRemove)
FInventoryItem* Item = GetInventoryItem(InItemHandle);
if (!Item)
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(Warning, TEXT("Attempting to remove an invalid item."));
return false;
if (!Item->Spec.Def->bIsRemovable)
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("Remove item failed (Item: %s): Item is not removable."), *Item->ToString());
return false;
if (Item->IsLocked())
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("Remove item failed (Item: %s): Item is locked."), *Item->ToString());
return false;
if (Item->Spec.Def->bIsStackable)
// Force stacks to remove to always be at least 1
StacksToRemove = FMath::Max(StacksToRemove, 1);
// Change stack count if we're not removing the inventory item entirely
if (StacksToRemove < Item->GetStackCount())
*Item -= StacksToRemove;
return true;
// Notify removal before we actually remove the item
if (Item->Events.OnItemRemoved.IsBound())
FInventoryItemRemovalInfo RemovalInfo;
RemovalInfo.StackCount = Item->GetStackCount();
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("Removing item entirely: %s"), *Item->ToString());
// Remove inventory item entirely
return InventoryItems.RemoveItem(InItemHandle);
// Wrapper functions for saving and loading inventory data
bool UInventorySystemSaveGame::Save(FString InSlotName, int32 InUserIndex)
PrepareGameSlotValues(InSlotName, InUserIndex);
return UGameplayStatics::SaveGameToSlot(this, InSlotName, InUserIndex);
void UInventorySystemSaveGame::SaveAsync(FString InSlotName, int32 InUserIndex, FAsyncSaveGameToSlotDelegate InSavedDelegate)
PrepareGameSlotValues(InSlotName, InUserIndex);
UGameplayStatics::AsyncSaveGameToSlot(this, InSlotName, InUserIndex, InSavedDelegate);
UInventorySystemSaveGame* UInventorySystemSaveGame::Load(bool& bCreatedNew, bool bCreateIfNotExist, FString InSlotName, int32 InUserIndex)
PrepareGameSlotValues(InSlotName, InUserIndex);
bCreatedNew = false;
USaveGame* SaveGame = UGameplayStatics::LoadGameFromSlot(InSlotName, InUserIndex);
if (!SaveGame)
if (bCreateIfNotExist)
SaveGame = UGameplayStatics::CreateSaveGameObject(StaticClass());
bCreatedNew = true;
return Cast<UInventorySystemSaveGame>(SaveGame);
void UInventorySystemSaveGame::LoadAsync(FString InSlotName, int32 InUserIndex, FAsyncLoadGameFromSlotDelegate InLoadedDelegate)
PrepareGameSlotValues(InSlotName, InUserIndex);
UGameplayStatics::AsyncLoadGameFromSlot(InSlotName, InUserIndex, InLoadedDelegate);
// Helps determine whether to use the save game slot name/user index set on the InventorySystemComponent
// or those set in the Developer Settings
void UInventorySystemSaveGame::PrepareGameSlotValues(FString& InSlotName, int32& InUserIndex)
// Return early if slot name is manually provided
if (InSlotName.Len() > 0) return;
// Slot name is not provided, so we try using slot values from developer settings
if (const auto& Settings = GetDefault<UInventorySystemDeveloperSettings>())
if (Settings->SlotName.Len() > 0)
InSlotName = Settings->SlotName;
InUserIndex = Settings->UserIndex;
// The plugin gives user the ability to add preset items to an inventory upon first-time loading.
// An example use-case could be an archive of all characters/items that can be unlocked in a game.
void UInventorySubsystem::RegisterComponent(UInventorySystemComponent* InComponent)
// omitted code...
// Load SaveGame for adding preset items
for (const auto& Inventory : InComponent->GetInventories())
// Add preset items to inventory
if (Inventory->ItemsPreset)
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(Verbose, TEXT("Attempting to add preset items for %s"), *Inventory->ToString());
for (const auto& ItemClass : Inventory->ItemsPreset->GetItemClasses())
FInventoryItemSpecHandle SpecHandle = InComponent->MakeOutgoingSpec(ItemClass->GetDefaultObject<UObject>());
// Check if item already exists. If so, we skip adding preset item.
const bool bItemExists = InComponent->GetCachedSaveGame()->SavedInventoryItems.ContainsByPredicate([SpecHandle](const FInventoryItemSaveData& Data)
return Data.Id == SpecHandle.GetData()->Def->Id;
if (bItemExists) continue;
FInventoryItemHandle ItemHandle = InComponent->AddItem(SpecHandle);
// Calling this BlueprintNativeEvent function allows UInventory blueprint to do any modifications to this added preset item
// Save added preset items
// Overloaded += operator (as well as ++, --, -=) for an inventory item handling stacks.
FInventoryItem& operator+=(int32 Amount)
const int32 PreviousStackCount = StackCount;
StackCount += Amount;
if (StackCount != PreviousStackCount)
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(VeryVerbose, TEXT("Added %d stack(s) to inventory item: %s"), StackCount - PreviousStackCount, *ToString());
if (Events.OnItemStackChanged.IsBound())
Events.OnItemStackChanged.Broadcast(Handle, StackCount, PreviousStackCount);
// Broadcast limit reached if adding amount surpasses max stack count
if (PreviousStackCount + Amount > Spec.Def->MaxStackCount)
INVENTORY_SYSTEM_LOG(VeryVerbose, TEXT("Inventory item reached max stack (%d): %s"), Spec.Def->MaxStackCount, *ToString());
if (Events.OnItemStackLimitReached.IsBound())
Events.OnItemStackLimitReached.Broadcast(Handle, StackCount);
return *this;
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