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Last active May 7, 2019 22:12
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ultra-tiny 1kB docker images

Ultra-tiny 1kB Docker Image

$ docker images |grep tiny-hello
tiny-hello                                    latest                21d5b79018bb        2 minutes ago       952B
FROM alpine:latest as builder
WORKDIR /build
RUN apk update && \
apk add nasm make binutils
COPY . ./
RUN make hello
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /build/hello .
CMD ["/hello"]
; Define variables in the data section
hello: db 'Hello world!',10
helloLen: equ $-hello
; Code goes in the text section
GLOBAL _start
mov eax,4 ; 'write' system call = 4
mov ebx,1 ; file descriptor 1 = STDOUT
mov ecx,hello ; string to write
mov edx,helloLen ; length of string to write
int 80h ; call the kernel
; Terminate program
mov eax,1 ; 'exit' system call
mov ebx,0 ; exit with error code 0
int 80h ; call the kernel
hello.o: hello.asm
nasm -f elf64 $< -o $@
hello: hello.o
ld $< -o $@
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