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Created August 17, 2019 12:00
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module PrettyPrint {- (
, idPrettyPrint
, showPrettyPrint
, strPrettyPrint
) -} where
import Control.Applicative(pure)
import Control.Category((.), id)
import Control.Lens(Rewrapped, Wrapped(Unwrapped, _Wrapped'), _Wrapped, iso, view)
import Data.Either(Either(Left, Right))
import Data.Eq
import Data.Functor.Contravariant(Contravariant(contramap))
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible(Divisible(divide, conquer), Decidable(lose, choose))
import Data.List
import Data.Semigroup((<>))
import Data.String(String)
import Data.Void(absurd)
import GHC.Show(Show(show))
-- contravariant functors over some value (e), e appears in negative/argument position
-- covariant functors over some value (e), e appears in positive/return position
newtype PrettyPrint e =
PrettyPrint (e -> String)
instance PrettyPrint e ~ t =>
Rewrapped (PrettyPrint e') t
instance Wrapped (PrettyPrint e) where
type Unwrapped (PrettyPrint e) =
-> String
_Wrapped' =
(\(PrettyPrint x) -> x)
instance Contravariant PrettyPrint where
contramap f (PrettyPrint x) =
PrettyPrint (x . f)
instance Divisible PrettyPrint where
divide k (PrettyPrint x) (PrettyPrint y) =
PrettyPrint (\a -> let (b, c) = k a in x b <> y c)
conquer =
PrettyPrint (pure "")
instance Decidable PrettyPrint where
lose k =
PrettyPrint (\a -> absurd (k a))
choose k (PrettyPrint x) (PrettyPrint y) =
PrettyPrint (\a ->
case k a of
Left b ->
x b
Right c ->
y c
idPrettyPrint ::
PrettyPrint String
idPrettyPrint =
PrettyPrint id
showPrettyPrint ::
Show a =>
PrettyPrint a
showPrettyPrint =
PrettyPrint show
strPrettyPrint ::
-> PrettyPrint a
strPrettyPrint =
PrettyPrint . pure
class PrettyPrint' a where
pprint :: a -> String
instance PrettyPrint' String where
pprint = id
data TwoStrings =
instance PrettyPrint' TwoStrings where
pprint (TwoStrings s1 s2) =
pprint s1 <> "abc" <> pprint s2
reverseP' :: PrettyPrint' a => a -> String
reverseP' a = reverse (pprint a)
reverseP :: PrettyPrint a -> a -> String
reverseP p a = reverse (view _Wrapped p a)
data X = X deriving (Eq, Show)
data Y = Y deriving (Eq, Show)
data XY =
deriving (Eq, Show)
xprint :: PrettyPrint X
xprint = PrettyPrint (\X -> "X")
yprint :: PrettyPrint Y
yprint = PrettyPrint (\Y -> "Y")
xyprint :: PrettyPrint XY
xyprint = divide (\(XY x y) -> (x, y)) xprint yprint
xyprint' :: PrettyPrint XY
xyprint' = divide (\(XY x y) -> (x, y)) xprint (divide (\Y -> ("hello", Y)) idPrettyPrint yprint)
class Default a where
def :: a
newtype Default' a = Default' a
def' :: Default a => a
def' = def
f :: Default a => a -> String
f :: Default' a -> a -> String
f :: a -> a -> String
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